Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2020

All of the classes you took should be on the Cal State Apply portion of the application, where you entered your classes and grades… When I went to the transfer center at my CC, they walked me through the supplemental, and if I remember correctly the point was to put required classes in to CP’s categories. I didn’t put in all of my electives, for instance.

I also just wanna say that as we get closer to finding out, it’s normal for our anxiety to spike. I am also worrying about every little detail right now myself, so you’re not alone. Hang in there and good luck. At least we know we won’t have to wait THAT much longer ;-(

Well put! We will all get through this together:)

Any updates ?

Maybe 5 pm tonight?

It’s 5 and I still haven’t gotten anything

Same nothing, I’m constantly stressed cause of this

My heart was beating so fast because I was counting down the second to 5?

welp, if not today then its highly likely it will be next week. We get to suffer through the weekend :smile:

Hi all, non-traditional student here. I’m a local and have 2 daughters at Cal Poly, and applied for transfer myself for Fall 2020. I’ve got a background in nursing and am pursuing a bachelors in Sociology. I got accepted into Chico State (they have a distance learning program for Sociology) but like all of you, I’ve been stalking my Cal Poly portal for days to no avail. I assume that they notify transfer students after potential freshman? I’m not sure. Anyway, good luck to all of us!

Nothing here either. At this point I’m just at peace with whatever happens. I’m going to try not to think about it too much this weekend (which probably just means refreshing the portal every 30 minutes rather than every 10 minutes ;-)) Hang in there everyone. This is definitely not easy, but the fact that we care so much shows that we are very serious about our education, which will reflect in our grades and applications. My major required a portfolio submission, so I’m just trying to take comfort in the thought that I made it past the academic application part or I wouldn’t have been invited to submit the portfolio. Take care all!

Hi everyone! This is my first time posting on here but I have been refreshing this page all day. I’m a transfer student (Cal Poly SLO is my #1 choice for transfer), but I just wanted to wish everyone good luck! We got this.

Last year they started releasing decisions a week later after freshman decisions started. So they started Tuesday this week, so there was never really a chance of transfer decisions being released this week

Last year freshman found out on Monday and transfers on that Friday:)

I have been watching dorm tours/move-in vlogs since the beginning of the year just to get a feel of what dorm life going to be like. My anxiety hadn’t kicked in till now because we are basically halfway through the semester. I didn’t think too much of Cal Poly when applying, but now it’s definitely my top choice after seeing dorm tours, finding out that this CSU is one of the least commuter schools (social life is somewhat important to me), and it’s closer than Long Beach and SDSU. I also applied to UCs but their decisions aren’t out till a month later. Good luck to everyone!

@scpietro feel that too, the whole supplemental app was wonky.

Should decisions be coming out next week even if they haven’t sent all freshman decisions yet?


Fingers crossed that it comes out at 5!

Hope we all find out sooner than later. Good luck, everyone! :smile: