I’m eagerly awaiting this too, I’m on the wait list for CS. I started a thread on the Cal Poly subreddit if you would like to be on the lookout over there as well.
I wish the President would have talked about Housing plans. It’s difficult to look for an apartment without knowing if we’re gonna be on campus or not.
I agree! What does “some in person classes” mean? “In person instruction will only occur with some virtual learning”. So no matter what all classes will be hybrid at a minimum, no full in person only classes it sounds like.
I am assuming that STEM majors will have priority for on campus classes. But how can they have limited on campus classes? Dorms open or closed? When will they announce at least the tentative plans? People are reluctant to sign leases, understandably. Still wondering if CSU decisions will be made systemwide or each campus individually.
So basically the President of Cal Poly said funding will be severely limited for the next 2 to 3 years, a hiring freeze has been put into effect, instructors quitting or “retiring” are not going to be replaced, several administrators have been fired (re-branded as retiring), all building projects for new structures have stopped, & their “Learn by Doing” projects are going to be severely limited & overhauled.
We work hard all this time for the rare chance of trying to get here & this is our arrival package!
I completely agree. Education is no longer going to be the same as it was before all of this. And we are still expected to pay full price for half the resources. It is hard hoping for the best when things are not looking great
The option is there, we should be able to take the fall quarter off.
Complaining sucks but I really don’t want online upper division courses. If I can maneuver out if this, I will.
I can’t tell if that link applies to New Admits tho.
It seems like the Leave of Absence is for students already attending Cal Poly and they want to take a quarter or two off.
Q: Does Cal Poly offer Deferment for Transfer New Admits?
Cal Poly’s response:
“Cal Poly does not currently offer deferment of terms to newly accepted students.
If you decide not to attend Cal Poly for Fall Term 2020, you will have to re apply for Fall Term 2021.”
Yes - It’s not the way I had planned but getting into Cal Poly is rare (my major’s acceptance rate this year is 8%) and I don’t want to give up the opportunity just because the beginning didn’t go as planned.
We’re gonna be there a minimum of 2 years (maybe more) & that 2-year timeline doesn’t even start until September which is 4 months away. So a year & 4 months from now we might not even remember coronavirus cuz there’s a vaccine by then or quicker/less invasive treatment if we do get it. A lot can happen in a year & 4 months & I’d hate to be sitting next year kicking myself that I didn’t go to Cal Poly as I’m seeing Cal Poly fully open & flourishing & this thing being a distant memory for everyone. The beginning quarter of our journey may just be a blip on the radar screen if you look at the totality of the timeline.
I just heard the chancellor say that tuition will not be lowered for virtual classes in fall, which is surprising to me since they lowered them for summer. Coming from a community college, the $10k/year is a tough pill to swallow even for the in-person experience, I just don’t know that I’m willing to spend my savings for college on online classes. My major is heavily dependent on studio and lab time, equipment, and in-person demonstrations. That doesn’t exist online.
I’m with NonTraditional in that I want to remain positive and focus on how rare acceptance is, that Covid-19 will be in our rear-view mirror at some point, and that I don’t want to pass up the opportunity of a lifetime. I’ve just had a really difficult time switching to online coursework for the last semester at my CC. Even though I’m a very technical person, I really don’t like online classes at all and I couldn’t imagine having to pay $800 for one. Rant over.
After acceptance, have you been able to do anything with course plans to get prepared for Fall quarter? Have you spoken to a Cal Poly academic counselor, etc?
Flow charts are only for Freshman so they don’t help. We are in the same major & I have no idea what I should be taking for Fall & I feel August 27th SLO Day is too late to begin preparing.