
<p>We didn’t get a reply either. I then sent a CC of flight itinerary from the airline. I am wondering if DD will be responsible for turning in the flight receipt, and getting the reimbursement? </p>

<p>I think a lot of us parents, (and our children LOL!) are very type A (maybe that’s one reason they are so successful?) Not hearing back is NOT conducive to sanity;) I am trying to learn to just relax and roll with the punches but I think learning to “roll tide” will be MUCH easier!!</p>

<p>^^^^ if you are unsure that your response was received, you can call:</p>

<p>The Computer-Based Honors Program</p>

<p>Program Manager: Mrs. Jane Batson
272 Nott Hall
<a href=“mailto:jbatson@ua.edu”>jbatson@ua.edu</a></p>

<p>Probably, anyone who answers can check the list.</p>

<p>You will need to fill out a form and submit the airline receipt as well. It is good to know that CBH is once again picking up the tab for the flights.</p>

<p>Good Luck to those who are interviewing!</p>

<p>No confirmation email to us either. I will have my daughter call later. Thanks for providing the phone number. DD is looking forward to the CBHP visit. </p>

<p>Did the email say “jeans casual”? What does that mean? Dark wash jeans? DD has dressier pants and skirts. But I think that is business casual. Anyone have any ideas on the proper dress for this event?</p>

<p>D sent her info in and did not get a response. She later sent in a question and was answered within an hour so I think everyone is ok. But better safe than sorry!</p>

<p>Oh my gosh… Being named a CBHP finalist has TOTALLY changed my college decision-making… I was almost completely set on another SEC school, but now I’m going to have to reconsider and do a lot of thinking. I can’t wait to meet all the other finalists and spend a couple of days in T-town! :)</p>

<p>Got an email from Mrs Batson today, what a LOVELY person! I am so excited for my D and so jealous I am not going! Hope all of you that are headed to T-TOWN this weekend have a WONDERFUL time!! Good luck, and ROLL TIDE!! (I am sure my daughter it rolling her eyes that I just typed that!!)</p>

<p>Good Luck to all the finalists going down this weekend!
Enjoy your time on campus…Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>I wish that I could attend with my D also but we’re putting her on a plane alone early Sunday morning… Have a great time everyone. It’s an honor just to be invited. If D likes the campus as much as I think she will, we may be making a Spring Break trip back to campus in a couple of weeks for an extended visit.</p>

<p>Best wishes to all of you heading to Tuscaloosa. I’m envious of my son as well. I suspect that after he spends some time on the campus we’ll be looking to put deposits down…Enjoy the weekend finalists!</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Can anybody refresh my memory? … How many kids are selected as CBHP finalists (to attend the “weekend”) and how many are ultimately accepted (roughly). </p>


<p>Not a finalist (in the reserve the pool), but I think I saw on here that they try to invite 55-60 people to interview. </p>

<p>Not sure about the “accepted” part though, mom2k will have to chime in on that. I know that they want 40 kids to enroll, but I am not sure what their yield is like. </p>

<p>When do finalists find out if they have been selected for CBH? And I’m guessing they get until 5/1 to decide whether or not to accept?</p>

<p>CBH would like a class of 40 students, but sometimes, students decide the program is not for them or they get into their dream school. Its decisions should go out within two or three weeks after the finalists weekend, with students needing to make a commitment in mid-April. Should the slots still not be filled, students can be pulled from the reserved list.</p>

<p>Can’t wait to meet some of y’all (or your kids, if they are the ones coming down for finalist weekend)!!</p>

<p>So, about that “jeans casual” business… are we literally supposed to wear jeans both days?</p>

<p>A student last year told me that despite those words, a good number had suits for the interview…and casual clothes for Sunday night/dinner/reception.</p>

<p>My son wore a suit for his interview a few years ago.</p>

<p>If my son was going this year, he’d bring a suit for the interview.</p>

<p>That’s funny. I used to be, and still am, so uptight about son being properly dressed for interviews, inductions, etc, and I cannot for the life of me remember what he wore last year. I remember him wearing khakis and a nice polo on the night they walked over to the CBH lab for a get together, but I do not remember what he wore for the interview during the day. I don’t think it was a suit, though, because I don’t remember him being in a suit at the airport, where I met up with him. I could be wrong, though. I think I called Mrs. Batson for advice. In fact, I’m pretty sure I did. She’s a great lady and will be happy to help you.</p>

<p>I think if you ask Mrs. B. she will say that casual clothes are fine, but I would still go with a suit…or slacks, shirt, tie…and maybe a sport coat…for the interview.</p>

<p>CBH has to eliminate about 20-25% of the finalists, so I would say that professional dress can make a visual difference…and provide a subtle nudge.</p>

<p>Does anyone know when we would find out whether we were selected [from the reserve pool]? And how would that work, would we still have an interview with someone?</p>



<p>I’m wondering the same thing, but I’m guessing we will find out mid/late-April, since people who are selected have until the middle of April to accept or not. (I think, I am not exactly sure)</p>