
<p>That makes sense.</p>

<p>Last year, some students came off the reserve list at the end of May.</p>

<p>Thanks mom</p>

<p>Did those kids come from other schools? Like they already committed to say Florida, UNC, etc… and UA offered them a spot in May, or did they try to pull more in-house (kids that were coming to Bama anyway)?</p>

<p>I’m guessing the latter, but not sure.</p>

<p>My middle son was offered a spot in cbh July 2008. He is a NMF, visited campus for the first time March 2008, went to second from last Bama Bound. Bama has been a wonderful fit for my son and my youngest will join him in the fall.<br>
My cbh student applied to 11 schools and visited Bama at my request. He thought he wanted a smaller school. Within one week after his March visit, Bama moved from the bottom of his list to the top. I made sure he applied in time for scholarship deadlines. I’m guessing the Dean of the Honors College was very impressed with my son and his desired field of study because my son was told to apply to CBH after the deadline. He earned a spot that was previously accepted by a student that decided to attend a different school.<br>
I believe the selection committee has a tough job. There are so many highly qualified, highly motivated and well deserving candidates for cbh. My incoming Freshman is in the reserve pool. It would be a wonderful and a great opportunity for him to be selected for cbh but I’m confident those selected for cbh are going to do well.</p>

<p>Sometimes, students come off the reserve list in April or May. Other students, however, learn of an open space just before classes start in August.</p>

<p>There is no “set time” as to when kids get asked off the list…it really depends on when Bama finds out that there are openings. Sometimes CBH finds out in April that some kids won’t be coming to Bama, sometimes CBH finds out in May, and sometimes during the summer.</p>

<p>Sometimes a student will come off a waitlist at an ivy in late spring/early summer, and then tell CBH that they won’t be coming to Bama.</p>

<p>So, there’s no set date for coming off the CBH waitlist. Much depends on when the selected CBH students let Bama know of their final plans.</p>

<p>Just for the flip side, I know my daughter wore causal clothes because she’s really much more comfortable in them. I remember that she was so impressed after finalist weekend that she decided she wanted to go to UA even if she wasn’t selected for CBHP. She realized the wonderful caliber of the students she’d have classes with and was both humbled and excited at the prospect.</p>

<p>^And was she selected for CBHP, ccforlife?
I know in my son’s case, he wasn’t planning at all to take any formal-ish clothes. They said “jeans casual,” and he was going to abide by that. He actually liked that and thought it was quite common-sense of them – to get to know the kids in their “natural state” :slight_smile: the way they’d be and come across in day to day life at Bama. It was a plus for him!</p>

<p>Just for the flip side, I know my daughter wore causal clothes because she’s really much more comfortable in them.</p>

<p>I don’t know how casual your D’s clothes were, but I think girls can get away with a more casual look because their clothes are usually cute. :)</p>

<p>And, typically, there are less girls chosen as finalists, so (I think) they have a better chance for final selection (JMO). I think that there are about 15/16 female finalists out of about 50…</p>

<p>I really think that for boys business attire is better for the interview. Casual jeans attire is fine for the reception and dinner for Sunday (get to know you in your natural state time). :)</p>

<p>When my DS was applying for a competitive scholarship at Belmont Abbey College here in NC, they insisted on coat and tie. I bought him some nice new clothes for the occasion, but it was hard to keep them crisp and professional-looking over the two super-intense days of the interview weekend.</p>

<p>His was one of the last interviews on the second day. By the time his turn came, he had toured the campus, eaten two meals, hung out with his student host, wandered hin and yon, etc. Even though he was nicely dressed, he looked a bit frazzled and worse for wear. (He was fairly sweaty, too, from traipsing all over the place.)</p>

<p>Frankly, I found BAC’s sartorial demands a bit unreasonable, especially for kids who were traveling from a distance. I would have been thrilled if they’d allowed “jeans casual.” </p>

<p>A more relaxed dress code doesn’t mean the kid can’t dress more formally if he chooses, but it’s really nice (and reassuring / relaxing) to know that he doesn’t have to dress to the nines. I think DS would certainly have rather dispensed with the tie! (What guy wouldn’t?) He would still have looked perfectly fine in the dress shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes.</p>

<p>Most workplaces nowadays require only “business casual.” Perhaps this laxity signals the imminent demise of Civilization As We Know It. Perhaps there should be a return to dressing for dinner and the whole nine yards. But, for an intense interview weekend where the school is running the poor kid ragged, I don’t think the sky will fall in if he wears a polo shirt and khakis. Just my 2 cents’ worth. :D</p>

<p>I just think that because the competition is tougher for males for final selection that proper dress can be a nudge for the interview (only). But, if someone doesn’t want that nudge or doesn’t think he needs it, then… :slight_smile: I just wouldn’t want to be wondering later if it would have made a difference if I wasn’t selected.</p>

<p>The interviews are held in the morning…so no time to really get messed up. Those who will be returning home that day from a distance are usually interviewed first. Do let Mrs. B know if you have an early afternoon flight home or similar issues.</p>

<p>D is finishing up packing and then it’s off to bed early. With a 3:00 am wakeup call to get ready and then get to the airport for the flight to Birmingham, it’s going to be a short night! Good luck again to all the CC students/parents heading down to the CBHP interviews.</p>

<p>Yes—good luck to all! :)</p>

<p>Just put son on the plane. It’s exciting. I hope he has a great time! I hope they all do! :)</p>

<p>Mine is en route as well. They should have great weather today!</p>

<p>^Yeah. And T-storms tomorrow!</p>

<p>Stopped on the way to the airport at 4:30 this AM. Going 71 in a 55 zone and got a warning!! Hope D’s luck holds throughout the CBHP weekend!</p>

<p>Holy Cow POP!! I hope you didn’t use up ALL your luck LOL! It was an early morning for us too, and mornings aren’t really D’s thing (OK, she hates them with a passion!) BUT she was pretty pleasant. I hope they don’t get worn out.
I hope your son and all the finalists have a great weekend!</p>

<p>Nicollec: Actually it’s my daughter that’s attending this weekend. Haven’t heard anything since her plane landed. According to the tentative schedule, looks like they should be on the bus tour currently. D has not previously visited campus so she was really looking forward to it. Based upon her e-mail from Mrs. Batson, there are only 12 CBHHP candidates flying in today. That seems like a low number if they usually invite 55-60 students?</p>


<p>I’m sure some were already there for the Fellows interviews. Also, many of them probably chose to drive. Some will also likely have conflicts and have to make arrangements to interview at another time.</p>

<p>I’ll bet they’re having a good time.</p>