
<p>Some of the CBHP finalists may have flown in late Saturday. As for having a good time, I do know that the place where they are dining is outstanding. My son has been there a few times.</p>

<p>Loring, my D did not apply for the Fellows. I suppose that there are quite a few cross-applicants that would have come in earlier. Also probably quite a number that decided to drive in.</p>

<p>Momreads, my D loves to eat so sounds like she’ll enjoy the Cypress Inn Loft!</p>

<p>Have you all visited campus? Thoughts?</p>

<p>I have not visited campus. This is my son’s first visit to campus. From all the reviews it sounds like someplace he’d really enjoy. I guess we’ll hear when he gets home tomorrow evening. He was in the first van riding with Mrs. Batson.</p>

Is your D Alex? My D was on the last leg of her flight with an Alex, and was actually going to try and meet her. </p>

<p>My D didn’t apply for Fellows either, sounded like a great program, but not what she was interested in. I think UA gets a lot of candidates from TX and GA and that would be a pretty easy drive (compared to Chicago or Kansas at least;))</p>

<p>My D texted and asked for her ssn so at least I know she is there safely and found the van and one of the Batson’s.</p>

<p>We toured in November, lovely campus, and there was a Quiditch (SP?) tournament going on which D thought was pretty cool.</p>

<p>^^Also, in regards to the “only 12” flying in: There were probably some parents flying in with their kids, too. If so, I imagine they rented cars and drove from the airport themselves. The 12 were probably just the “solo” kids who didn’t have the option to drive.</p>

<p>I did get a very quick text from my son: “I like it! It’s NICE!” Awww.</p>

<p>Haven’t heard from D yet but I’m sure that she’s having a great time. No my D is not Alex. Nicollec, I’ll PM some specifics to you. I’m curious to get updates from all you parents as your kids update you later tonight!</p>

<p>Everyone, my wife, son and I flew in last night from Chicago and my daughter is a finalist. I can confirm that the “12” were only those kids that were coming solo. Mrs and Mr Batson were picking everyone up in 2 groups. We actually toured the Honors Dorms today with many of you kids … those that were in the early group from the airport … don’t worry, everyone was very well behaved. :slight_smile: Those that arrived early seemed to be bonding well, since they all were checked in early and were given permission to roam campus together and explore. I know because we were in the Starbucks at the Ferguson center when the “group” walked in. My D saw us and proceeded to convince the group to sit someplace further from the “old farts” (my words not hers.) :slight_smile: The weather was good today and they all seemed to be having a really good time.</p>

<p>MidwestPop … I think we may have met your D … are you guys from Wheaton? We’re from Vernon Hills. The girls met during introductions at the Honors Dorms when they indicated they were from “Chicago.”</p>

<p>Early reviews are positive from son, probably because we don’t let him get out enough…;-)</p>

<p>Glad to hear that your sons and daughters are having a good time. Fill us in with more details and the best of luck to them all!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Dad2ILD: no we’re not from Illinois but my tall blond D was probably in that group as she flew in early this AM and had hoped to do a residence hall tour before the official activities began. Hope to hear something fom her yet tonight!</p>

<p>^^^ OK, so then yes, I know who she is now. She asked some good questions. :slight_smile: And my D and her were chatting. She was having a good time.</p>

<p>D called around 10:00 last night and was very excited. Not sure if she got much sleep as she was doubled up with a current CBHP student and probably asked her questions all night! Had a great day and was glad that she met some other CBHP candidates on the way back from the airport. Sounds like they formed their own little club and got to know each other really well during the day. D’s was impressed with the campus, the staff and the CBHP program. She has her interview at 9:00 this morning. If the interview goes well and if she’s offered a spot in the program, it looks like she may have made her college selection!</p>

<p>Dad2ILD: When my daughter called I asked her how Starbucks was! She was totally confused about how I could possibly know they went to a Coffee Shop!</p>

<p>LOL, this is all so cool. I can practically feel the kids’ excitement.</p>

<p>MidwestPop: Hate to dampen your enthusiasm, but your daughter and the others will not be offered a spot before they leave the campus. It will be a couple of weeks.</p>

<p>momreads, I don’t think midwestpop was necessarily implying that the announcement would come right after the interview…I think he was positing the two conditions for his D’s college choice without implying that the two conditions would both occur within the same morning…if that makes any sense. That’s how I read his statement, anyway.</p>

<p>Great to hear that the visits are going well. We stopped into Nott to show DS2 the Honors College facilities and the Fellows people were there… the enthusiasm was palpable!
I’m glad the CBHP students will get to see campus today and get a better idea of what a “normal” day looks like. As I said earlier, the campus was pretty empty this weekend. Beautiful and sunny, but very quiet.</p>

<p>My son had a similar reaction as MidwestPop’s daughter. We’ll see how the next couple of weeks unfold. Regardless, it sounds like this has been a fun/educational experience for son.</p>

<p>Yes, I understand that it will be a couple weeks before decisions are reached. However they have certainly done a great job of instilling much excitement in my D about possibly attending school there. Looking forward to hearing all about it when she gets home tonight.</p>