
<p>Dad2ILD: I was one of those in the solo group. Had some good times before anything actually started. And then, of course, we all were at the Birmingham airport for a few hours together.</p>

<p>SimpleLife- Sorry for the delay. Yes, she was selected. Like your son, she didn’t try to overthink what they meant by causal.</p>

<p>My D spoke very highly of the trip, and how nice everyone was (prospective and current students.) She mentioned how fun it was to be with so many people who had so much in common. I am sure that is a fairly rare occurrence for a lot of these kids.</p>

<p>Great Weekend … from my D’s lips: 100% UA if CBHP good news arrives (and very likely either way, actually). She met so many amazing people. For us, another wonderful chance to visit and the first time for my wife (and son). We had a chance to meet ShamrockDad, and that was GREAT! The weather was WARM, and it was really cool to see campus during a normal school day on Monday, as that REALLY gives you an impression of what campus is like. Ms. Batson put together a flawless timeline (at least for my D) and as far as I could tell everyone had a great time. I guess we’re one step closer to Roll Tide!</p>

<p>We just got back this afternoon (we stayed over Monday night). Very nice to meet Dad2ILD and family. Super nice folks and got to talk to nicollec. Now all we have to do is wait!!!</p>

<p>All right Shamrockdad, glad that you had a great trip! Now if you have time, fill us in on all the details…your impressions etc. We are very interested to hear what you liked or even what you did not like. Did you meet any of the current CBH students? Did the students go to all the events without parents?
Interested in comparing from last year and to see if anything has changed.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I felt that the entire two days was very well planned. From arriving at the airport until we left, D knew what she was doing and who it was with. I flew with her only because she asked me to (she hates flying) and my goal was to relax in the hotel for most of the trip (which I did and it was great!!). </p>

<p>Having been to campus twice before, D knew some current CBHP students and one of them was checking students in. She said she immediately felt at ease when she was recognized. She also said she spoke to Momread’s son a couple of times (D said again that he is a really nice guy and a wealth of knowledge). She called me when the first evening was over to say how great everything was. She said at dinner, they had the students at tables by major. </p>

<p>I had preplanned to meet up with Dad2ILD and we were able to meet and ease our parental minds that this place was OK to have our D’s attend in the fall!! Could not have asked to meet any nicer people. I also had to pleasure to meet nicollec via phone to fill her in with what I knew of what was going on. It is funny, after talking with each of them, I swear we are all related!!!</p>

<p>The next day, the kids were up and out early. D was excited to get to meet Dr Caldwell again (along with a group of Bio majors) along with attending various CBHP presentations. Her interview was in the afternoon and she felt it went really well. </p>

<p>It seemed (to me anyway) that most of the young ladies dressed to impress. Most of the guys went the jeans route. D said she saw a few young men dressed up but most were casual. It seemed to be about a 30-20ish split among young men/young women attending. D said she wished they had more time to just hang out with the other kids and get to know them better. The only time she really had to get to know someone was with her roommate at the hotel. </p>

<p>Overall, I was impressed. We had attended an open house at another university where D had already been accepted to the Honors Program and it was nothing compared to what UA presented. I think it is very safe to say D will be saying ‘ROLL TIDE’ this fall.</p>

<p>Most of the guys went the jeans route.</p>

<p>As the mom of two boys, somehow I’m not surprised, LOL!</p>

<p>Thanks ShamrockDad for the very detailed report. I am very happy to hear that your daughter felt that the interview went well. Wonder if my son met her at the reception?</p>

<p>**It seemed to be about a 30-20ish split **</p>

<p>close… :slight_smile: Son counted 34 boys names and 17 girls names. (one “either sex” name was determined to be a girl’s name)</p>

<p>Just my opinion, but I’m guessing that nearly all (or all) of the girls will get selected.</p>

<p>Mom, I hope that you’re right about most of the girls getting selected! If that happens, I think that D’s mind will be made up. She had a great time on the visit and got to room with a current CBHP student which she ways was great. UA was her first college acceptance but then dropped down the list as the other acceptances rolled in. I think that it will again be at the top if she’s selected as a CBHP student. UA really knows how to recruit these top kids: great scholarships, wonderful dorms, caring staff and an honors program that really can’t be beat! Best of luck to everyone during the next couple of weeks. (What are we going to do with our free time once this selection process is complete?!?!)</p>

<p>Midwestpop: spare time…stay on this forum, it is very active.</p>

<p>MidwestPop: Start selecting the colors for your daughter’s room? That will help pass the time.</p>

<p>Ha! Thanks for the help! D is our last one at home so we’re certainly going to have a transition this Fall!</p>

<p>LOL … my wife, S & D all tease me about when I’m going to be “caught” on CC, which like my “crackberry” (actually I have an iPhone, but you get the point) I cannot seem to keep from logging in to see what’s going on at every spare moment. Like now. Had a wonderful time meeting ShamrockDad and it was a blast to “feed” MidwestPop a bit of intel with which he could surprise his D with. As for some of the comments above, my D agrees that they all wish they would have a a little bit more “free” time to get to know some of the other kids. Although, for those few that arrived early they had a couple hours to explore together before they had to be back for programming. Meeting the current students like Annie, AJ, Zach and others was invaluable as well. The count of “51 on the list” was confirmed by the current CBHers, but not certain if that was just a list of people that had responded for the weekend vs. others that may or may not have interviewed at different times, etc. so there could be others lurking in the wings. All I can say is that we are SO happy to have the pressure OFF … other offers may or may not come in (probably will obviously) but it will take a LOT to get her to pick anyone else over UA. Let’s just hope that m2ck is correct that all the girls get in, because if so we’ll be VERY happy in IL. Now we’re trying to see which Bama Bound to choose … See MidwestPop, there still are some decisions and planning left to be done! :-)</p>

<p>Dad2ILD: Ha, you are right! I just printed off the Bama Bound schedule!!</p>



<p>This is where my son is. Unfortunately, he didn’t feel as though his interview went all that well. It hasn’t stopped him from purchasing a few 'Bama items from the campus store…</p>

<p>Guess I need to print out the 'Bama Bound dates and start planning as well.</p>

<p>I think D is headed there anyway. We already booked Bama Bound for May 31st!</p>


<p>Make sure you’ve got a hotel booked for yourself…or you can arrange to stay in a dorm.</p>

<p>Already done!</p>