Chancellor Scholarship Notification

Received the Dean’s scholarship yesterday in North Texas. About to have to make some tough decisions. Anyone know if Dean’s scholarships = honors invitation?

Received the Dean’s scholarship which is very generous ($80k for 4 years), but I have much better offers elsewhere so I will probably decline. I’d rather use the limited funds my parents saved for my education for grad school. Good luck to the future Frogs.

I was hoping for the Dean’s or even the faculty, but now that I have spoken with my principal about some things regarding my GPA. I doubt that I received it. But still hoping for the best. :-bd @Jackiemoon2

Best of luck! @ftrev041

krystamarie3, Dean’s scholarship does not equal honors invitation. If you don’t hear soon you should write to your admissions counselor as they have some pull for honors invites.

Got the deans! In SoCal!

@Krystamarie3 do you mind sharing your stats? I’m trying to see if I even qualify for any scholarships from TCU. Thank you in advance.

@ftrev041 Check out this page on the TCU website. It has a breakdown of averages for the merit scholarships – with the caveat that falling within a range does NOT guarantee a scholarship.

I have no idea why I got the Dean’s Scholarship. I’m homeschooled, 4.0 GPA, 31 ACT, two pretty good essays, great resume, and 300+ volunteer hours. I think it was all of my “fluff” stuff that got me the scholarship rather than my scores. @ftrev041

@terriw I did email my admissions counselor a couple days ago. He said that he didn’t have an exact timeline, and that my scores were competitive for honors but no guarantees. He also said that if I don’t get an offer, there are ways to get into the honors program as a freshman and that if I was interested in that to contact him.

Received the Dean’s scholarship and have been invited to Chancellor’s Scholars Weekend.