Chancellors and Powers-Knapp Scholarship

I called this morning and was told decisions will be uploaded by 4:30pm CST today for early action applicants. Good luck to all!

@lisacano7227 wow, was not expecting that. Thanks for letting us know. Good luck everyone! Let us know if you get it :slight_smile: and happy holidays

Iā€™m wondering why some students were notified with the acceptance letter and the rest have to wait until 4:30?
Is it maybe a bad sign? I hope Iā€™m working!

Has anyone heard anything? Iā€™ve checked everywhere I could think of, but nothing. Assuming that means I didnā€™t get it.

No word yet here eitherā€¦ maybe it will update at 8pm EST like the decisions?

My daughter got word she got this scholarship a a couple of days ago - we are out of state (NYC).

Congrats. Daughter got this too / we are out of state (NY)

Anyone hear anything? No email other than the standard financial aid notification, and no changes on portal. I wish I wasnā€™t told notifications were being sent yesterday. I do know we should hear either way, not just a ā€œyesā€ā€¦

I sent an email asking if they would email/notify students that were not selected for the Mercile Lee scholarships (chancellor/Knapp), since I read here several people were offered it in the admission letter. They responded via email and said ā€œdecisions will be sent out following the new year.ā€ I know not everyone accepts the award, and this they move on to the next. In other years they have notified at all times through April. This year their post said they would notify regular applicants by March.

At any rate, even if it is a denial, I hope they let students know because the living in limbo sucks.

I was under the impression that you have to accept when my daughter was offered the scholarship but when she log into her financial aid portal on 12/21, the scholarship was automatically accepted. On the bottom of the financial aid portal stated that all scholarships are ā€œautomatically accepted.ā€ My guess is that students that will not enroll at Madison after May 1, the university will released the scholarship to the next person.

Why bother saying early action applicants will hear by the end of the year when thatā€™s clearly not the case? Very frustrating.

@lisacano7227 hang in there. You were accepted into the university and thatā€™s half the battle. If you donā€™t get a denial in January it is safe to say you are still on the running. Thereā€™s different ways of notifying students. From reading info on previous years, some received phone calls, some emails, and apparently some by decision letters. I agree itā€™s very very disappointing because it leads people to assume a lot. In the mean time, keep applying to scholarships through WISH and outside scholarships. Also, if you look at the WISH portal under the scholarship, the little ! Says the cycle has not closed!

Do you live in Wisconsin?

yes yes we are in Wisconsin. Are you @carmendelatorre ?

Any news for anyone? Iā€™m still confused as to whether we will receive notification either way, i.e. if it is a no, will we still hear? If not, this could drag on foreverā€¦

@lisacano7227 if Iā€™m not mistaken, based on past years, eventually we should get an email if we donā€™t get it. Of course, it is a bit different this year since they didnā€™t do calls and rather put it in decision letters, but maybe they will for regular decision applicants? Either way, it seems that denial emails wonā€™t come until late May, early June. I suggest to not worry about it now and apply to other scholarships, we will find out eventually.

I called to get an update on the scholarship. The person on the phone was very helpful. She said award notifications were sent out on Monday. They did not send out any rejection emails, only congratulations email. If your child did not receive an email, this means they were put into the second pool which has a deadline of Feb 1. The second pool notification will be sent out at the end of March like it stated online: ā€œRegular Decision timeline with an application deadline of February 1 and award notification by the end of March.ā€

Daughter received the congratulation letter on Monday and was ā€œencouragedā€ by the Scholarship to accept the award by March 1. Good luck to those that are still waitingā€¦

Congratulations @Luvbadgers

Received email saying Iā€™m deferred to the Regular Decision for the scholarship. Regular Decision wonā€™t come out until end of April. This is not what they wrote on their website.