Chancellors and Powers-Knapp Scholarship

@orm2022 I received the same email and I honestly did not appreciate how poorly it was written. As applicants, we try our best when it comes to putting together a very complete and thought out application/essay, but the way the EA admissions were delayed and then followed by how poorly this letter was written, it leaves a lot of questions about UW. It is extremely disappointing to find out how randomly all these dates are being changed. If I read between the lines, this deferral just means what the ultimate decision will be. It really sounds more like a typical deferral letter ā€œbetter have other plansā€. I am aware that getting these scholarships is basically no different than winning the lottery and I never expected to get received it, but I also never expected to see the lack of professionalism. Mind-boggling to say the least. Oh wellā€¦ Glad to have a few excellent options.

I am very appalled by the letter as well. The way this was communicated was in very poor taste and quite unprofessional. It basically comes down to being rejected within a deferral. Why would anyone wait until the end of April? Ridiculous! I am not sure what is going on at UWM, but this whole admissions process has a lot to be desired.

I donā€™t think Madison cares. They have so many applicants.

I received the same letter and I will have to agree. This might explain the lack of Diversity and Inclusion at Madison. Maybe they do not care, but the way this letter was written, it should scare the hell of this administration that their University is being represented in such a disrespectful way. In all honesty, it is not so much about being deferred for the scholarship, but more about how it was communicated. The overall tone and the lack of a congratulatory remark. The lack of mention of the applicantā€™s name. The ā€œonce againā€ sentence when nothing has been mentioned prior to it. The statement of Early Decision when there is no Early Decision at UWM. I can go on and on. It is obvious that whoever wrote that letter did not feel the need to read it. I am just happy to find out this early that I will not be getting this scholarship. Moving on! Good luck to all of you.

UWM refers to University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

University of Wisconsin-Madison is ā€˜UWā€™.

Does anybody know when the decisions of the Chancellorā€™s scholarship come out?

I sent an email today to inquire about potential delays or if notifications will even come out to kids who didnā€™t the scholarship. According to the website, we should be hearing before March is over.

I heard the same - by the end of the month. So today I suppose. What Iā€™m still not clear on however is if denials will be sent out as well - meaning do we hear either way? I would hope so. They also have said to keep checking the Wish portal but I donā€™t know where a decision would be listed there?

Daughter offered chancellor scholarship and admission during uw-madison EA round but declined both yesterday. Will be attending another university. Hopefully this help another studentā€¦

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how is the committee getting our stats? on the application only supplemental questions and extracurriculars are asked of us. Do they reference our applications from the admissions process? Also, I havenā€™t got any notification yet on my portal. did anyone get anything yet?

Has anyone gotten the scholarship for regular decision yet?

@efrenrguerr i havent gotten anything but hereā€™s the response from the chancellorā€™s email.
" Please watch for an offer, waitlist or denial email to come via the WISH Portal.
Decisions are coming out in the next few weeks.

Jeannette Pollnow"

So we will be notified if we get it or not. It just looks like weā€™re gonna be dragged into April.

Did you receive that today? I received something similar yesterday. I would assume it means we are waitlisted because I was also told that decisions went out on 3/30.

@lisacano7227 I got that on the 31st and i sent the email the day before. I also heard the same thing about the wave of ā€œyesā€ notifications going out that day but, I think we should be notified if weā€™ve been put on waitlist or denied. She didnā€™t say that we should assume we didnā€™t get it based on the lack of notification. I think they will notify but itā€™ll just drag hella long because now their hours are cut in half. They used to be in the office from 11am to 4pm but now its only till 2pm so this could also cause some delay.

Wanted to share an update. I was offered the Powers-Knapp scholarship on Friday April 3rd, and I applied early decision for the scholarship. I got an email of deferral in February I think saying that decisions should be out by end of April. Donā€™t lose hope. I did and never expected this. Good luck to everybody! Hopefully Iā€™ll meet you all next year! And if youā€™re wondering, the email came from the Wisconsin scholarship hub with the subject ā€œ You Have Been Selected for the Powers-Knapp Scholarship Award!ā€. Keep an eye out!

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@gabibp congrats!! Do you know if anyone has gotten a rejection email or waitlist notification?

@gabibp congratulations- so nice to see some one who was initially deferred finally receive it!! Are you comfortable sharing your intended major and stats?

@JustPeriodical so far I have not heard anything about that yet. My guess is that those will only happen once all slots have been filled, so late April early May. Hopefully, it comes before May 1st, because I know this scholarship can be a big deciding factor. That is just a guess, so donā€™t take my word for it.

@Avoidingdebt sure!
I am accepted into the college of engineering in the department of industrial engineering. I am Latina so that was my ā€œcategoryā€ I guess. I was also a National Hispanic Scholar with the PSAT junior year.
ACT: 35 (two 34s and two 35s on subjects)
APs: AP Physics 1 (4), AP Spanish Lang (5), AP Calc AB (4, 5 subscore), AP Calc BC (4), AP Lang (3), AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, AP Stats, and AP Studio Arts (all TBD) (can you tell I like STEM?)
4.0 unweighted GPA, soccer and track team captain, Deca officer, Student Council exec board, National Honor Society, and a lot of volunteering.

I hope that helped!

Wow @gabibp I am surprised you didnā€™t get it during the first round. Congrats and very well deserved. Did you by any chance also get offered LEED scholars in the school of engineering? Are you in or out of state?