Chancellors and Powers-Knapp Scholarship

@Avoidingdebt thanks so much! I’m from Mn so technically out of state but not really. And I received the Frawley Fund Award, but nothing about LEED

@JustPeriodical I got a denial email a yesterday:( Wasn’t expecting to get the scholarship because my stats are relatively average

@Narnian02 so sorry to hear that! But having closure is good…hopefully you can still attend UW

@Avoidingdebt Thanks, and yes I agree knowing is better than being in limbo. I still plan on attending. With all the COVID-19 delays and closures I’ll be more than happy to pay in full if things are normal for us to start Fall on time<3

@Narnian02 I agree! I just checked and nothing has changed…no denials and no offer. I hope I’d it’s a denial it comes quickly to move on!

I still have not heard back yet… Anyone else in the same situation?

@collegekid444 - no word- nothing. In the hub it just says the cycle for the scholarship is not complete. I hope answers come out this week. It looks like people have been denied already, but then there’s a wave that have nothing. They seem to give out acceptances in Friday’s-

I find it odd that I still have not been notified. I sent an email asking and have yet to receive a response. Any updates on your end?

yeah it is odd. I emailed too, asking if they are delaying results because of covid-19. Plus I heard they are furloughing workers, so makes things up in the air. They replied asking for a name to give a status, but they didn’t reply after Friday. They sent out some rejection emails to some applicants. I just wish they would send out a denial if it will be a denial, instead of dragging people on.

Received the denial email, and it cane from Jeannette P., the administrative coordinator. I didn’t notice it came in April 7th. Oh well on to the next thing.

I’m applying for the Mercile J Lee scholars program for this fall, the 2021-2022 school year. For all those who managed to be accepted into the program, I have some questions that I’d greatly appreciate some help with.

First, what did you write your essay about?
Second, what do your stats look like?

Thanks you so much!

Reaching out to class of 2025 folks to see if anyone got accepted, deferred, or denied. Also would appreciate anyone not intending to accept the scholarship to decline it so others can have a chance. Peace!

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Hey there! I received the chancellor’s scholarship in the first round of scholarship decisions.

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My daughter was awarded the Powers-Knapp last night! She committed this morning!

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Hello all, my daughter received notice of admissions and this scholarship late January. After weeks of careful thought and consideration my daughter has turned down this incredible scholarship today and will be attending another institution. It was an incredibly difficult decision for her and we hope that this creates an opportunity for this scholarship to be passed on to the next person on the wait list. Best of luck to you all.

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