Chancellor's, Dean's, Faculty, TCU and Founder's Scholarship Stats?

@MusTeachMom My son is working on his portfolio submission for a Nordan scholarship as well. We are local and my son has always said that he wanted to leave Texas for college, so I was surprised when he chose to add TCU to his application list. And as he has started eliminating schools, TCU remains on the list. I’d love it if that is his choice in the end. Will keep you posted. Hope your D’s audition goes well!

Thought this might be helpful for those of you waiting and wondering…DS’s admission counselor emailed him today with this response regarding Chancellor’s Scholarships and Honors program:

Our Chancellor’s Scholarship finalist process has already concluded. With more applications than ever before, this was the most challenging time we’ve ever had in selecting those finalists. However, you should be proud that your Dean’s Scholarship was awarded to only 8% of our accepted students.

We are currently in the process of making our Honors College invitations. Those should begin going out towards the end of February.

My daughter’s admission counselor said that Honors invites would be sent “by the end of January.” We were told that just a few days ago. If it is now “end of February” that’s a big change and VERY late in the process (in my opinion).

Same - we were told the end of January as well (about 10 days ago). I wonder if the counselor just typed February by mistake.

@KWimbs and @bookworm68 No mistake, I’m afraid. We met our counselor when we were on campus last weekend, and she confirmed that the process was taking longer this year for some reason and that it would definitely be February before the Honors College invites went out.

My DD received her Honors College invite today in the mail. We are just a couple hours outside the Metroplex.

@sammyanntx Thanks for sharing that news, and congratulations to your daughter! I am glad that the information the counselors were giving was clearly wrong. They did say that there would be two batches of invites…the first for early action candidates and another for regular decision. Maybe we will all have an answer to our question soon! Can you tell us if your daughter’s portal changed?

@sammyanntx - Was your DD a Chancellor’s invite possibly? Trying to determine if maybe that is why your DD received it so early?

From what I’ve heard, Chancellor’s invites got their Honors program invites in their Chancellor’s packets.

My son received his Honors invite in the mail today. We live in the Metroplex. He received a Deans scholarship. I’m not sure about his portal changing- not seeing any indication but not sure where to look either.

DS just got his Honors acceptance in the mail today. We are in the Austin area. He is a Dean’s scholar as well and did not get invited to Chancellors. The portal does not show honors anywhere.

Thanks for the update, everyone, and congratulations @S18D20mom and @OriginalSmother! We will hope for some good news in the coming days. We are out of state so it generally takes several extra days for things from the university to arrive here.

Congrats to all and thank you so much for posting and keeping us all up to date. I hope we see many more posts in the next few days.

We didn’t have to wait long after all! Our invitation for Honors College came in the mail today as well!

My D received the Honors college Invitation today. She also received Dean’s but no Chancellors invite. We are in a suburb of Austin.

My daughter received her Honors College invite yesterday in the mail. She received the Dean’s but no Chancellors here either. The portal doesn’t show anything for the Honors College.

Wondering if anyone has received an Honors invite from the Houston area? We lost mail for 2 days from the freeze and it took the Dean’s scholarship 10 days to get to our house from the postmark date. So totally not excited these go out via snail mail. If anyone in the Houston area gets an invite - please post. Congrats to all who have received good news.

So has anyone been notified by TCU that they are a Chancellor’s finalist? The interview weekend is just a couple weeks away. I am so surprised that there hasn’t been more postings about Chancellor’s.

@momoftres If you look back earlier in the thread, a couple of students posted about receiving a Chancellor’s invite. The invitations came out several weeks ago. It sounds like it was an unusually strong group of applicants this year!

@MusTeachMom - I only see two people who received Chancellor’s and that was before Christmas. My son applied RD last year and received his invite in mid-January. I was just curious because I expected to see more invites here on CC.