Chancellor's Scholarship??

<p>One more thing: do you think I will be disqualified for writing over the limit? I have like 650 ish words and the limit is 600. I’m freaking out because I want everything to be perfect and I really like my essay but it’s over the limit…</p>

<p>I called and talked to Dominic who has something to do with the Chancellor’s scholarship and asked that very question with the same numbers! He “highly recommended” that the word limit be followed as stated. As a result, we worked hard at shaving away 50 words from D2s essay. Try using contractions, hyphenated words if appropriate, etc.</p>

I just called and got ahold of the Chancellor’s office again to confirm about the essays. This person said that the scholarship is separate from the admissions application and that the student should send in 3 copies of each LOR, an official transcript and a copy of SAT/ACT scores. She said that they could probably get the grades and scores from the admissions, but that they really were separate and should be resent for the scholarship.</p>

<p>For the transcript & test scores i have copies so i think i’ll be fine for that…</p>

<p>I’m really concerned about my essay though. Right now im over by 33 words and it’s just so hard to cut! My counselors just say “oh leave in the extra words” but if the scholarship committee “highly recommend” that we not exceed 600 words then i don’t want to be disqualified just because I went over a little bit. This is driving me insane!!!</p>

<p>17 more words left to cut… just 17!! HOpefully contractions will count as 1 word</p>

<p>i did it… exactly 600 words :slight_smile: took me like a whole day and a half but i finally did it</p>

<p>Congrats jenny! I’m sure it’s still as strong and now you don’t have to worry about going over the limit. With such a competitive scholarship, you don’t want to give them any reason to drop yours out without really considering it.</p>

<p>D2 has just about everything ready to be xeroxed and mailed. She has to pick up her transcript on Monday and hopefully her last LOR too. The woman said it was going to be her priority last week, but I’ll feel better when everything’s on it’s way.</p>

<p>It’s going to be a long 2 months of waiting!</p>

<p>I think that even if people were over like 10ish words, the committee wouldn’t really care or notice.
It feels really good and bad once the application leaves your hands. I was really anxious, but now it’s out of my hands. Now I just have to worry about the next scholarships… </p>

<p>Hopefully those 2 months will go by quickly! Thanks for all your help entomom and good luck (again)</p>

<p>Anyone know when they begin notifying the recipients? I believe I read somewhere that in past years the notification phone calls began during the first week of March. Did anyone ask that question during communications with those involved with the scholarship? My son applied and we are anxiously awaiting the outcome.</p>

<p>2 years ago they started notifying the 1st week of april. The deadline was the same.</p>

<p>So maybe they will do the same this year. If anybody gets a call from the Chancellor’s office about the scholarship, please let us know!! Thanks!</p>

<p>Hi all, just joining the tread so I find out when they start notifying people <em>fingers crossed</em>. I applied for the scholarship last minute, realizing it was my only hope of being able to afford U Wisconsin (I hear their need-based aid sucks). LOL my essay was probably about 700 words and I just figured it’s not like we’re turning them in online, so are they really going to COUNT the words?..In any case, I hope that didn’t ruin my application.</p>

<p>Some good news though, about a week after February 1 (when I postmarked everything) they called me to tell me about a missing recommendation so at least they didn’t trash the application immediately =D Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Last year the first call for someone on CC was on 3/9:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>And on 3/4 in 2009:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>Last year someone from CC got a call on 3/9, that’s today!
So nervous! Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>We don’t get that many calls on our land line, so every time it rings I get nervous. But it just turns out to be one of those recorded messages about mortgage loans or something of that sort :(.</p>

<p>Best of luck to all CC Chancellor’s applicants!</p>

<p>I know exactly what you mean. When the landline rings, my heart skips a beat. I wonder if they have started making this year’s calls yet?</p>

<p>I spoke to the Chancellor’s office today and was told that the applications are still with the committee. They hope to notify all applicants either way by the first full week of April at the latest. He said it may even be the last week of March. He also said they are notifying applicants with a letter. More waiting (with fingers crossed of course!)</p>

<p>Thanks for finding that out goosey! That means that D2 won’t really know if UWisc is going to be a realistic possibility when we visit next week, maybe it’s better that way.</p>

<p>Hang in there everybody!</p>

<p>How’s everyone doing with the waiting?</p>

<p>Ah, not well! I’m extremely anxious about it, a lot of decisions ride on their reply and whether I get it or not. Best of luck, everyone! :)</p>

<p>Hi all,
As the mother of two Chancellor recipients, I can speak from exprerience. Notifications are dones by phone, usally in the evening. as long as you have not received a letter or rejection, you are still in the running. My daughter received her call earlier this week. Four uears ago, her brother, currently a senior at Madison, received his call around the second week of March, before Springbreak for sure. The earlier you get the call, the higher you are on their list. You might get the call as late as the 3rd week of April. If any Chancellor recipients turn down the offer, they offer it to the next person on the list. Chancellor award ~ 40 - 50 scholarship each year depend on the funding. Make sure you answer any “out of area” call showed up on your caller ID. I almost did not answer my phone the other night.</p>

<p>BTW, the offer is for full tuition, IS or OOS, plus $800/yr for books. There are other scholarships, department of engineering, LEED, etc, that my son was told to apply to after he received the Chancellor. In all he got aorund $5000/yr on top of full tuition.</p>