Chancellor's Scholarship??

<p>I don’t think the information they gave goosey22 is correct. From my experience, all recipients are notified by phone, follwed by a package in the mail. You only get a letter if you got rejected. The phone call is kind of a last minute interview, it lasted ~ 30 min. It seems to me that only one person make the calls, MERCILE J LEE, she’s the assistant vice chancellor. She talked to my daughter for a long time before she came out and said that my daughter got it. From the way the lady was talking, at first my daughter thought she was being rejected.</p>

<p>^^^Thanks so much for the information, I know from threads that that’s how it’s been run the past couple of years. I thought maybe they’d made a change this year, but it appears not. Thanks for letting us all know what to expect!</p>

<p>Thanks for that info, mbuchanon. And congrats to your daughter! So Mercile Lee is back in her position? In January when I was having trouble reaching her, I was told she was no longer there. I spoke with someone, (maybe Dominic?) who said there were some changes in that dept since she was out. Last week, when I spoke to Phong he said the apps were still with the selection committee. Wonder why he would say that? Unless maybe they were done and then your daughter got the call which would make her REALLY high on the list. I had a feeling maybe he was just saying everyone would get notified by letter to have you expect that…then if you got a call you’d feel be surprised! He did say all recipients would be notified either way be the end of the first week of April. Wonder if that will hold true. I mentioned what I had read about previous years and he saud things were a bit different this year. hmmmmm. Well…now I guess I am a bit disheartened…haven’t heard anything so my son might not be getting it. We are out of state so the only way he can attend is if he gets this.</p>

<p>Again…congrats to your daughter!!! What an accomplishment!!! Two Chancellor Scholars…you should be very proud!!!</p>

<p>Just double checked with my daughter, it was Mercile Lee who called. It was pretty late in the evening around 7:30 pm CT.</p>

<p>When you say that the phone call is a last-minute interview, does that mean one might not get the scholarship even though they get the call? I just assumed that if they call you and say they are offering you the scholarship, then you will get it…</p>

<p>We’re in the same boat goosey, OOS so D2 needs the Chancellor’s or at least the P-K (IS tuition if that’s still correct information??) to make UW a reasonable option. We just visited this week and she really liked it too, we even braved the rain and snow of a late season storm. She thought having the lake and the arboretum were a nice complement to State street and the Capitol. We had a great tour and some of their wonderful Babcock Hall ice cream.</p>

<p>Congratulations to your D mbuchanan and good luck to everyone who is still waiting!</p>

My statement about the call being a last minute interview is just my gut feeling based on the questions Mercile Lee asked my daughter. I think they just want to use the phone conversion to check out the recipient and that Mercile Lee has the discretion to “pull the plug” if it does not go well. I know that she would only talk directly to the student and not the parents.</p>

<p>My daughter has missed two calls from Mercile Lee. In reading these posts, she was curious as to whether one needed to accept the scholarship on the spot after the phone call, or does one accept it after receiving the package in the mail?</p>

<p>You do not have to accept the offer on the phone. The deadline is still May1st. But if you decide not to accept, the sooner you let them know the better, so they can pass it on to the next candidate on the list.</p>

<p>Thanks. She is waiting to hear from one more college, but this would probably be her best offer if she gets it. Hopefully they will call back again soon. The message said they would call Sunday or Monday. She is worried she will miss the call due to other commitments on those days.</p>

<p>Is she the only kid on earth without a cell phone?</p>

<p>Of course she has a cell phone. She has musical commitments both on Sunday and Monday in which she must have her cell phone off for two to three hour periods.</p>

<p>Still no call… Starting to get a bit worried! I’m OOS too, so this scholarship’s playing a huge part in whether or not I get to go. It’d be amazing, as Wisconsin’s one of the only places in the U.S. that offers my degree program so I’m crossing my fingers here. Hope everyone hears back soon!</p>

<p>^I just assumed that they wouldn’t be calling on the weekend and plan to start worrying again on Monday ;).</p>

<p>I got a call from Mercile on Friday at around 8pm! The call popped up as an unknown number, so if you get an unknown call at night, be sure to pick up! She calls later because she knows that students are involved with after school activities or work. </p>

<p>Word of advice though, make sure you’re in a comfortable spot when talking to her. Phone calls can last for 30 minutes. :slight_smile: She goes through the requirements to remain a scholar, and the different things we should be expecting in the future. She’ll also ask a few things about you.</p>

<p>I’m ecstatic! Anybody else hear back?</p>

<p>Congratulations Badgergirl! My son applied and my heart stops whenever the phone rings in the evening. Still hoping for a call!!</p>


<p>I’m now hoping I don’t get the call in the next few days (if I get one at all) because I have laryngitis and talking is not in the cards for me unless Mercile has super hearing!</p>

<p>Congratulations BadgerGirl, way to go!</p>

<p>Starting to get worried : (</p>

<p>Thank you! </p>

<p>And goosey22, I hope your son gets the award! Keep in mind that Mercile is the only one making the phone calls, and she as about 50 (i think?) to get through. On top of that, she’s also offering PK awards! :slight_smile: So hopefully the phone calls are just getting out slowly.</p>

<p>I currently know of one other person who has received the reward. They got a phone call last Monday, I believe.</p>

<p>Best of luck to all of you, waiting anxiously!</p>