Class of 2018 - Admissions Status

<p>Out of state applicant D was this morning able to register for housing. I am certain you could here the squeals in College Station all the way from North East Tennessee!!! Her application was completed on August 26th. She should be an Auto Admit.
Class Rank 7/296
GPA 4.0 unweighted
ACT 31(10th grade score, taking again this weekend)
Commended National Merit Scholar
28 hours Dual Enrollment at local University.</p>

<p>As of Today 4 Tabs Howdy and #3 on AIS</p>

<p>Based on last weeks activity, she hopes to have online notice by the end of this week.</p>

<p>Congratz on getting admitted!! :slight_smile: My application was processed one day after yours. I think I would probably hear from them soon… Pray…</p>


<p>WOO HOO!! Northeast Tennessee Girl is AGGIE Bound Class 2018</p>

<p>Moved to Step 5, and Acceptance Letter online at 1pm EST today!!!</p>

<p>With another Wednesday approaching, just want to wish everyone a big Aggie GOOD LUCK! A year ago, my son was where you are now, on pins and needles every Tuesday night as he waited for Wednesday to arrive and hopefully update the Howdy portal. (Actually, he checked it every day…but of course Wednesdays were the most suspenseful!) The waiting is sheer torture, I know, but hang in there…those extra tabs will be there soon!</p>

<p>Good luck to all aggies :)</p>

<p>Do any admitted engineering majors know if we can change our preference of major after getting in and before starting at a&m??</p>

<p>Still no official letter in the mail!</p>

<p>When are they gonna issue the next round of admission letters?</p>

<p>Got my letter in the mail today!</p>

<p>Application submitted 2 a.m. August 1st. Rec’d 4 tabs on Howdy Portal Sept. 11th. AIS updated indicating acceptance (Engineering) Sept. 12th. Received mailed acceptance letter today, September 18th.</p>

<p>Still no mail here! We are south of Houston, maybe tomorrow!</p>

<p>Son received his letter in the mail today. Applied August 18 as an academic admit.</p>

<p>My son has yet to receive his snail mail letter. I suspect it will come in the next day or two.</p>

<p>S received his letter in the mail today. DFW area. Accepted 9/12/2013. Gig’em.</p>

<p>Applied 8/9, found out online 9/12, got packet in mail today 9/19.
Business, automatic admit</p>

<p>I received my acceptance packet in the mail today!! Whoop!</p>

<p>Once the major you want to change to is full, you cannot change to it. So if you want engineering, declare it now. </p>

<p>I called admissions the other day and they said everything was still open. But engineering would close within a week or two. So, I quickly put a request to change to engineering. It was granted the next day. Technically, right now, I am an engineering major. </p>

<p>I am actually a very strong science and math student. I realize now that I switched to engineering sort of out of an obligation. I am good at math and science so everyone expects me to major in engineering. I don’t want to. I wanted linguistics and math. They do not have linguistics so I had planned to do international studies and applied math. There are actually linguistics courses in there and it will prepare me just fine for grad school in linguistics. </p>

<p>So in other words, I will likely go back and switch back to liberal arts. But I know that in another week or two, switching to engineering will not be possible. So I am going to leave it alone until I am really sure. I have been told by TAMU that International studies never fills up so I am safe to wait.</p>

<p>I am applying next week for A&M Petroleum Engg</p>

<p>My class rank is within 19% and my ACT score is 31 (Math: 35, Science: 33, English 27/28).
I have taken multiple AP courses (AP Calculus, AP Physics, AP Biology etc.) and am an AP scholar.
I do a lot of volunteer work as EC.</p>

<p>What are my chances of getting it? I am getting worried because the Petroleum engineering might be getting full before they can look at my application. </p>

<p>Usually till what time do they have slots available in Petroleum engineering. Any information to calm down my nerves is welcome and thanks in advance.</p>

<p>A&M changed their procedure and does not admit students directly into their desired discipline. You get admitted into general engineering and after the first year apply to get into your choice of engineering. It is new for next year so no one really knows how it will work yet.</p>

<p>If you get your app in now you should be able to get engineering. Your scores make you an academic admit.</p>

<p>Thanks kldat1, it is a bit strange since a friend of mine got accepted to Petroleum Engg. at TAMU last week and few of the posts here also say that they got admitted in Petroleum Engg. So, I am still confused about whether the student are getting admitted to their desired discipline or not. Also, I am a Texas resident thus, I agree, I should probably be an auto admit.</p>