Class of 2018 - Admissions Status

<p>Dealing with a very stressed out daughter. Any feedback would be appreciated. As I understand it, she would be auto-admit except for SAT. </p>

<p>Class Rank: School doesn’t rank: Listed as “1st quarter” in AIS</p>

<p>Extracurriculars are outstanding: Class President, NHS/SHS Officer, Varsity Athlete, Cheer Captain. 100+ Volunteer Hours. </p>

<p>GPA: 3.9 (Mostly AP/Honors coursework)</p>

<p>SAT: 580 CR, 470 Math, 620 Writing </p>

<p>Interested in Mays</p>

<p>Any thoughts here would be appreciated!</p>

<p>I do know that when admitting students A&M does not take GPA into consideration because schools have many different systems when calculating it, so academically they look at sat/act and rank. However, your daughter has very good EC’s and community service and I think if she has outstanding essays she definitely has a chance at being offered blinn team. Other than engineering, A&M’s business school is one of the hardest to get into.</p>

<p>What will happen if your school doesn’t rank. My school has High school profiles but it doesn’t weight gpa so people with easy classes have higher gpa than me. Do you guys know how A and M will calculate rank then?</p>

<p>Does anyone know when will we hear back from financial offices over scholarships???</p>

<p>I’m not sure if I’m missing anything?
How do I check?
I’ve logged in to Howdy portal and checked the financial portal but that’s about it.</p>

<p>Thanks and Gig’em</p>

<p>My friend was a review admit who was just accepted yesterday. He had a 1190 math +reading and was ranked 13/82 (top 16%).</p>

<p>I was also admitted yesterday, but I was an automatic admit for my October 26 ACT scores.</p>

<p>^Do you know what she plans to major in?</p>

<p>Does that mean theyre accepting review admits but going by class rank?</p>

<p>My daughter is in review status. She is in the top quarter of her class (138/636). Her GPA is 3.6. She has taken the SAT/ACTs twice now. On her first go at the SAT, she scored 1080 (540-M, 540-R).</p>

<p>She just received her latest SAT score, 1210 (590-M, 620-R). She applied October 23rd. We are hoping for an answer soon. She is very disheartened about her score. Does she have a chance at admission and will we have to wait until March or April to know? Any thoughts would be appreciated. I hate seeing her so upset.</p>

<p>My friend and I are majoring in engineering. I don’t know how they’re accepting, but I know two review students who have already gotten in</p>

<p>They’re already giving decisions for review admits?</p>

<p>I submitted my application on Nov 20. My SAT scores were sent Nov 19 and my transcripts were mailed on the 21st (should get there before thanksgiving I hope!)
I haven’t received any email from A&M though :frowning: How long does it take to get some sort of confirmation that they have received my app? And when do you think I would get notified of my admission? </p>

<p>EDIT: I am an automatic admit (Top 13%, 1480/1600)</p>

<p>I submitted my application on November 15 and my first choice major is Psych and second Biology, I’m hoping to minor in Neuroscience. Could I get in as a psych major? Also as an Academic Admit? My school doesn’t rank but I would be top 25%. </p>

<p>GPA: 3.7 (unweighted)</p>

<p>ACT: 31
ACT Math: 30
ACT English: 34
ACT Writing: 10 </p>

<p>Extracurriculars: (Track & Field Hockey captain, special olympics volunteer, club council member, 2 honor societies)</p>

<p>I’m having a REALLY bad glitch on the AIS stuff. I submitted my application on Nov. 17, and received my UIN# on the 20th. The AIS said all my stuff was processed the 19th except for my transcript, which was processed the 22th(Sent out the 14th and received the 18th). Everything was processed really quickly compared to others. </p>

<p>My stats:</p>

GPA: 6.45/7
SAT: 1690 (500CR 590M 550W)
ACT: 26 (28M 26S 25R 23W)
I’ve taken both the ACT and SAT once.
Class Rank: top ~6% (42/689)</p>

<p>So it gets weird from here. On the AIS, step 4 was added underneath my step 3, but step 3 is still highlighted and says “[YOU ARE HERE].” However, sometimes when I scroll down different steps become highlighted… so I don’t know if I am on step 3 or 4… </p>

<p>So what do you guys think about the whole AIS problem?</p>

<p>Applied August 1 - Mechanical Engr 1st choice, Petro Engr 2nd choice.
6.4 GPA weighted, Top 12%, 600CR/680MATH/590WRITING
All honors core classes, 3 AP classes
Eagle Scout, NHS, lots of service hours, employed
Worried that I will not have a chance of getting in?? Anyone admitted by review yet other than the 2 previously mentioned? I heard they send out the admission letters in waves. Wondering when the next big wave might happen.</p>

<p>How do you guys have 6.0s and 6.4s on your GPA? That is quite fascinating…</p>

<p>Because my school district handles/weighs GPA weirdly… </p>

<p>Non-honors classes:
6 points for an A
5 for a B
4 for a C
3 for a D
0 for an F</p>

<p>Honors classes/AP:
7 points for an A
6 for a B
5 for a C
4 for a D
0 for an F</p>

<p>Earn more points for honor level classes. An ‘A’ in an honors class earns you 7 points as to where an ‘A’ in a regular class will only earn you 6 points. Same as LLKTS27 ^</p>

<p>LLKTS27 Try waiting a few days, and if your glitch isn’t fixed, call them. I had a glitch on mine too. None of my SAT scores were showing up even though I sent them in weeks before, and the problem was fixed after a few days.</p>

<p>Emailed them earlier today. Glitch is fixed! I got accepted today! </p>

<p>@GOTTABEANAGGIE Call them! Or at least email them. I thought A&M was a rolling admissions kind of school, and you applied so early too. A few people I know applied way later than you did (beginning of November) selected mechanical engineering, and have gotten in, but they were auto admits. Anyways, it doesn’t hurt to ask. Maybe you’re missing something? Have you checked to see if you have 4 tabs in Howdy yet?</p>

<p>I talked with an admissions counselor and the earliest that review admits will receive a decision is after December 1st, and at the latest mid March.</p>