Class of 2018 - Admissions Status

<p>So the coveted 4 tabs appeared in Howdy today. Legend has it that it’s a precursor to receiving steps 4/5 on AIS. Any truth to this? How long was the gap between receiving the 3/4 tabs on Howdy and notification on AIS? </p>

<p>Thanks! :)</p>

<p>I’m not entirely sure how long the gap between gaining those 2 extra tabs and receiving an actual decision is, but from what I’ve seen it’s a really good sign at being accepted, that’s all based off of other posts I’ve read though.</p>

<p>Congrats DadLife! When did your student apply? We’re in review status and still waiting…on pins & needles. My daughter’s application was processed Oct. 23rd.</p>

<p>I have had 4 tabs since a week after submitting my application. The 4th tab appeared when my application was considered complete. Application processed 8/12th. Still in review.</p>


<p>TAMUAdmissions, </p>

<p>Just wondering if review admits have begun receiving notification yet? My daughter has been logging in daily to check her status. She is very anxious to hear!
Thanks! Hoping to be an Aggie Mom x 2!!!</p>

posted 9:21a, 12/03/13</p>

<p>86AggieMom --</p>

<p>Yes, but only about 500 have been sent out so far. The bulk will be sent out December through February.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if there is a certain way admission decisions are sent out? For example are fully admitted students sent their decisions in December, and then Blinn Team a little later, followed by applicants who do not receive any form of admission?</p>

<p>Are there a certain number of spots in engineering designated for auto admits and another number of spots designated for review candidates? Would that mean that a person being admitted by review could potentially get admitted over an auto admit if they submitted their application much earlier than the auto admit person if auto admit spots are full?</p>


<p>Auto-admits typically hear on a rolling basis throughout the fall, and most review admits, whether accepted or rejected for admission, hear back in February or March. I don’t know if there’s a certain pattern within that last round of notifications; as far as I’ve heard, review acceptances, rejections, and Blinn Team offers come around the same time.</p>

<p>TigerMom95 What department is your daughter applying for? Curious if any of those 500 admits by review are for engineering. Good luck to your daughter.</p>


<p>Thanks! She applied to Communications.</p>



<p>Yes that could happen according to what we were told during our visit. We were told over and over to apply early especially if you want engineering. My son applied in early August.</p>

<p>So what is my chance to tamu for engineering? (I was an auto admit, I turned my app in 21st Nov)</p>

<p>tigermom: </p>

<p>Kind of an odd situation for us, as she applied in early September, but the school didn’t include her class rank (which would make her an auto-admit). We got the corrected transcript sent 3rd week of November. Not sure how helpful that is to others!</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Has any other review admit been accepted? Please share!!</p>

<p>Okay so has any review been accepted? I am in the top 12% of my class, 1970 on SAT, 28 on ACT, play sports, NHS, many other clubs, and I have a lot of leadership position. I have not been accepted yet, but last week and this week a bunch of people from my school who have way lower rank/gpa/and test scores than I do got accepted. I just thought it was weird. Like these people are in the bottom of the 1st quarter or the top of the 2nd and they got in, but I haven’t…I am so anxious and I am worried I won’t get the dorm or major I want. (BTW I am applying for Business)</p>

<p>Any help/comments would be appreciated!</p>

<p>Smashley a lot depends on the major they chose</p>

<p>any college of science (physics major) applicants for fall of 2014 out there?</p>

<p>Just spoke with a representative. Was told that 85% of the engineering department is full. They have started looking at review applicants. At this point, all automatic admissions and review candidates are on the same level.</p>

<p>If my school doesn’t rank can I still get the auto admit with the 1300 two part sat</p>

<p>@GOTTABEANAGGIE Does that mean that the remaining 15% will just fill up for anyone now as they review them or what?</p>