Class of 2018 - Admissions Status

<p>Ugh, the wait is killing me. Hopefully we find out soon… I’m going down there in about a week for a football game and it’d be so cool to know my admissions decision before I went down there…</p>

<p>Just now joining. my application was submitted at 1am on august 1. Havent heard anything, step 3, only 2 tabs. Does anybody know when past applicants were accepted?</p>

<p>Hey AGgirl18, according to past year posts, this week should be the week the admssion decisions are made for the auto admits. I am an auto admit and I have 2 tabs and on step 3</p>

<p>Do you know if you are an auto-admit?</p>

<p>IT"S WEDNESDAY!! Let’s see how the admission goes… Good Luck to EVERYONE!!!</p>

<p>4-tabs on the Howdy portal, but still on step 3.</p>

<p>Step 3 with 2 tabs…the situation does not seem to be so good to me</p>

<p>I checked this morning and I have 4 tabs in Howdy!! Still on step 3 but so happy to see 4 Tabs.</p>

<p>It really drives me crazy!! By right I should be an international auto admit but I see neither 4 tabs nor step 4… Did I miss out anything in the application process? The AIS says I have gotten all required credentials for admission submitted… I am top quarter student with SAT Math+CR over 1400…I cant spot anything missing but… excuse guys for being so emotional… But I am really getting desperate!</p>

<p>Is it because int’l receive results later than the local students? Any int’l out there who have the situation like mine?? Thx…</p>

<p>Finally 4 tabs on Howdy, (but not on step 4 yet)!!! Hopefully they’ve mailed the letters already though because what I really want to know is if I got into engineering! Fingers are going to be crossed for the next few days…</p>

<p>Aggiewannabe122 - You will be fine. Their was someone who posted a couple of days ago that they had 4 tabs and I was so anxious and nervous. Be patient…It is coming. With a SAT score over 1400 and in the top 25% I cant imagine that you wouldn’t be accepted.</p>

<p>catcat34, where do you find 4 tabs on Howdy? Thanks</p>

<p>Hey summerrain, the two extra tabs are right beside the two tabs we all have, the home and applicant, near the top left hand corner of your howdy portal page</p>

<p>Aggiewannabe122 …my S is top qtr and has SAT 1460…he just got his tabs this morning. We were nervous, too. It will happen for you soon. Be cool. Smile. :)</p>

<p>Thanks for your encouragement! Right now I still have only two but the waiting is made really fun by watching the yellow strip jumping up and down from step 1 to step 4 on my AIS…I think a bored admission officer is doing this lol</p>

<p>Aggiewannabe122 I am not an auto admit. Wondering what my expected timeline for that is. Should I even be checking and worrying in September?</p>

<p>Aggiewannabe122, do you mean other two tabs are “my record” and “my finances”? Thank you.</p>

<p>Yeah…I am pretty sure one of the tabs is my finance, I am not sure about the other coz I am still waiting on it too…You can check back to the previous pages though to see what they are</p>

<p>AGGirl18, I cannot really answer your question but I am sure the auto admits will hear back from the admissions committee in sept…not sure about the non-autos…guess should be later than sept coz i remember someone in this forum said once he heard back from them many months after the submission of documents…hope this helps</p>