Class of 2018 (Class of 2014) Regular Decision Results

<p>My son didn’t know to look until I read this thread. He was accepted, but his letter says he will hear about scholarships in late March? Where did you see your scholarship @survivorfan? </p>


<p>It was right on the letter</p>

<p>My sons Scholarship # were on the letter also, $24K.
But no email for Singer Invite yet. </p>

<p>@survivorfan and @dadfor2014 – can you post stats? Would be helpful for those of us EA admits still waiting to hear about merit scholarships.</p>


<p>SAT: 2310 (730 CR, 800 M, 780 W)
GPA: 3.52 UW, 4.46 W, always taking most rigorous course load available
SATII: 790 Spanish, 750 Math II
Class Rank- We don’t rank, but around the 90th percentile
School: In the top 25 in the nation by average SAT</p>

<p>Sons Stats are following; applied RD.</p>

<p>GPA 4.0 UW, 4.89 Weighted
ACT 34
SAT Subject MATH II:790
Rank 1/589
13APs, 8 APs Exams already taken mostly 5s, 4s
Strong Teacher Recommendations Few ECs
visited campus in summer.
No invite for Singer in April.</p>

<p>Thanks guys. That’s very helpful. I guess that you were notified of admission early in the RD cycle because, with such stellar stats, it didn’t take a whole lot of deliberation!</p>

<p>Awww, DS was rejected. Very disappointed. ACT 29, GPA 3.4; v, competitive public school; international work expereince; Good essays; visited campus. Imagine teacher recs were good but who knows. 300+ service hours; 4 year varsity. 2APs I Honors. </p>

<p>Oh well. He does have other acceptances -but isn’t in love with any. </p>

<p>He applied mid December. </p>


<p>32 ACT, 3.7 GPA, 4.16 Weighted GPA.</p>

<p>All honors/4 APs, Editor of school newspaper, President of Spanish Club, member of NHS. Fluent in French. Several writing awards. </p>

<p>Cross country team all four years, marching band three years. Very good recs, good essay. I visited campus and was wait-listed for a local interview. I do not know what happened.</p>


<p>SAT: 2050
SAT IIs: Spanish with listening: 800, US History 620
ACT: 30
GPA: 3.66 uw/5.01 w
Rank: 16/425
Other stats: 6 AP classes currently, total of 13 AP classes by end of year (since 10th grade). AP Scholar with distinction</p>

<p>Major: Undecided
Essays: Meh. I give it a 6/10
Teacher Recs: One was meh, the other was good
Counselor Rec: Meh
Volunteering: Pretty good. 300+ hours at various locations
Extracurriculars: Pretty good. They include:
Writing club for 2 yrs; got selected to submit poem for county contest, didn’t win; got published on school newspaper
-Spanish Honor Society (11th-12th grade): Really successful year for fundraising this year, especially with Walk for Autism.
-National Honor Society: (11th-12th) Major activities include Pennies for Pasta and Trick or Treat for Unicef, in which both I was heavily inolved with. Aside from regular community work, I’m in Brain Brawl, an academic competition only for NHS members. Went to county semifinals
-National History Bowl: Got handpicked for this; my school’s A team qualified for Nationals
-Symphonic band for 2 years- in 10th gr went to adv. band b/c of playing ability</p>

<p>Hook (if any): Hispanic, dad went to UM Law school and is an adjunct there right now</p>

<p>Location/Person: South FL
State or Country: Florida
School Type: Umm, I guess it counts as public.
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Female</p>

<p>how are people finding out?</p>

<p>@bexclarerose I didn’t know they were sending decisions. I thought it would be several weeks more until it happened, but I saw the package in the mail with the word congratulations on it</p>

<p>has anyone who was deferred heard news? nothing on cane link :confused: are all decisions released and mailed at the same time?</p>

<p>My daughter was deferred from EA and still hasn’t heard anything either.</p>

<p>Acceptance came in the mail yesterday on my birthday :)</p>

<p>SAT: 2000
GPA: 5.0 w; 3.89 uw
Class Ranking: 5/431
APs: 11
-President of NHS
-Editor for Literary Magazine
-Newspaper Staff Writer
-4 years JROTC
-1 year varsity tennis</p>

<p>Got accepted to the School of Communication for General Motion Pictures Program. Good luck everyone still waiting to hear. I live like an hour away from UM so maybe that’s why it came so quick. </p>

<p>Accepted!! </p>

<p>SAT: 1830
GPA: 4.77 w; 4.0 unw
Class Ranking: School doesn’t rank
APs: 7
-Involved in many clubs and honor societies
-Good leadership roles </p>

<p>Got accepted to the Computer Science program. Good luck to everyone else!</p>

<p>anyone know when people who get deferred ea are finding out? and has anyone who recently got in found out online?</p>


<p>We were also deferred from EA and still waiting! </p>

<p>I got my acceptance in the mail yesterday! The letter with it said that scholarships weren’t yet decided, but that they’d be announced at the end of the month. </p>