Class of 2019 - Admission Status

<p>What does it mean if I have automatic acceptance, but they are not sure about my major yet?</p>

<p>Some Review candidates for Engineering have gotten full admission into Engineering recently, while others have gotten admission to TAMU but are under Engineering Review. Any insight into the distinction ? Are 15% of the Engineering spots still available or are they getting filled up with the recent review offers ?</p>

<p>Because it has helped me know more of what’s going on by people sharing information, wanted to share my son’s stats. He was accepted yesterday into Mays as a holistic review candidate.
GPA 4.01 (school does not rank, placed in top quarter)
ACT 29
Lots of leadership
3 essays
applied mid August.
Good luck to all! </p>

<p>what exactly is engineering review? i am confused. i listed both my first and second choice in engineering. my first choice says engineering review, and second one says mechanical engineering. i got accepted yesterday</p>

<p>@vs1997 That probably means you are admitted to TAMU but not for Engineering yet - you are under Engineering Review for potential admission in the remaining 15% of Engineering holistic review seats. Please check their Admission Letter under View My Letters in AIX - it explains it in detail.</p>

<p>Very confusing & misleading as it says in bold that you are admitted. They only change your first choice to Eng Review leaving the other unchanged.</p>

<p>This is what my son’s Howdy (4 tabs) & AIX says (changed yesterday) & based on TAMU admissions office remarks in another Aggie forum.</p>

<p>So what happens if I get accepted into A&M but not to the college of engineering? Do I finish freshman year as undeclared?</p>

<p>@mhyu11 You will be asked to select a different major.</p>

<p>@BlakeGrhymes‌ If I do that wouldn’t I be behind for engineering if I transfer into COE sophomore year?</p>

<p>@mhyu11 Most of the first year curriculum is the same. You have your maths, literature and sciences. </p>

<p>@mhyu11 What I’ve read here and on other forums is that you change your major to Physics and sign up for all the normal freshman engineering classes - classes like Calculus 1 and 2, Physics 1 and 2, etc. so you don’t “fall” behind for your sophomore year . . . . </p>

<p>I applied November 30th to engineering, but I’m still waiting for A&M to process my transcript. Maybe they just have a ton of applications to work through, but does it usually take this long to process my transcript/class rank? I uploaded my transcript, but it was ‘official.’</p>

<p>@nofate mine shows received but like you doesn’t show processed. When I emailed them Dec 2nd they were swamped and still only updating Nov 20 info!!</p>

<p>I know they have their reasons, but A&M could be making a mistake placing class rank so highly on the list. For example, VS1997 with a 2090 and a 4.45 waiting until December for an answer (not sure how late he applied) because he attends an extremely competitive school. My son is in a similar situation with a 2150 (1510 CR&M)… but thankfully we are out of state and he has been accepted with scholarship to 2 other great engineering programs. Tough decisions for the admissions team for sure, but I think they are losing some top-level students this way. Congrats to those admitted so far.</p>

<p>@peachytexan Class rank and GPA show the students work ethic much more than it shows their knowledge. Students that apply early knowing that the school has rolling admissions shows that they have a great initiative than students who wait until the last week to apply. Potential is a more valuable asset to have.</p>

<p>Am I correct that letters of recommendation had to be in by the 12/1 deadline as well or can one still be submitted?</p>

<p>@rach98n they extended the date to 12/5 but if it wasn’t in by then it won’t count.</p>

<p>I reached out to someone from TAMU who I got to review my file just to see my odds, he told me 50/50 which is what I expected with my class rank. It’s always nice to hear at least something haha</p>

<p>Treytxag - However, they won’t be taking Engineering 111 and 112 during the freshman year so, I believe, they would be behind. But, the majority of engineering students take more than four years to graduate.</p>

<p>NetTarrantMom - you may very well be right. It did take me 5 years to finish my undergraduate Engineering degree at A&M, but I was working 2 jobs to pay for my tuition while attending A&M Main Campus full time. Back then, the bill to attend A&M was even more affordable so I was able to swing it without taking on debt.</p>

<p>I really think that getting in to TAMU in an “analagous” major to Engineering, taking as many of the first year Engineering curricula that you can and / or are allowed to enroll in is a strong and viable path to transfering into the COE and getting the much coveted Engineering Degree from TAMU.</p>

<p>Of course coming from someone with two TAMU Engineering degrees, I’m probably not too “objective” . . . :wink: </p>

<p>treytexag – Absolutely agree about the value of transferring in and getting the COE degree, even if it will take a little longer. My older daughter is a senior ME engineering student and my younger freshman is a general engineering major but should be a civil engineering major after this semester and both love A&M! So, we are not objective either :slight_smile: </p>