Class of 2019 - Admission Status

<p>My graduate and undergraduate Engineering degrees are both from the Civil Department. Love it, great program, great prof’s, great facilities, outstanding education (IMHO). I actually TA’ed Strength of Materials and Construction Materials labs while in grad school there in 90-92. My Senior Daughter did the Civil Engineering weeklong “camp” at A&M this past summer, stayed on campus in the Dorms, excellent experience. . . . </p>

<p>my son just got accepted this week!!</p>

<p>He was a review admit & his stats are:</p>

<p>rank - top 18th%
SAT - math 720 cr 590
applied on 10/18, accepted on 12/16
college of science, major applied mathematical sciences
tons of EC’s & leadership, NHS, AP scholar
did not expect to hear before Feb/March so we are thrilled!
also, his AIS updated first before Howdy. It updated sometime between 4-6pm on a Tuesday
good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>drmom, congrats, gotta’ feel good. What a happy Holidays you will have. I’ve relegated myself to Feb/Mar like you said - sadly and miserably so I may add . . . . But Happy for you! :smiley: </p>

<p>@peachytexan‌ i already got in, i am just under engineering review</p>

<p>@peachytexan‌ i applied in early october, but im not auto</p>

<p>@peachytexan‌ , the top 10% rank admission is a Texas law not an A&M rule. The academic admit is an A&M policy which uses both rank & scores. Personally I think the combo method is better (scores & rank), but I didn’t vote in TX on the law (I’m OOS) and was pretty pleased that TAMU offered the academic admit route to OOS students like mine.</p>

<p>I just saw that AIS will be closed December 23-January 5…does that mean no one will get decisions about anything (admissions or honors) during that time?</p>

<p>Yup… see the second sentence. Take a couple weeks off and enjoy your vacation! </p>

<p>“Texas A&M will be closed for the holidays beginning Tuesday, December 23 at noon and will reopen Monday, January 5. AIS will not be updated during this time.”</p>

I go to a very competitive and difficult school (63rd in the nation by Newsweek if I’m not mistaken) and I was wondering about my chances of getting in as a review admit.
Rank: 480/1525
GPA: 3.85/4.5
SAT: 590 CR and 640 Math
ACT: 29 Comp, 32 Reading, 26 English, 28 Math, 28 Science
Honors and AP student
I was in band for all 4 years in the top band with MANY honors and leadership such as 1st chair and All-Area
NHS member for 3 years after being inducted freshmen year
HOSA Member for 1 year
HOPE Student for 2 years helping special ed children in the classroom
Job Experience for 2 years now
My first choice major is Chemistry, BS
They received all of my stuff November 14th and I’ve been waiting for AIS ever since.</p>

<p>AGmomx2… I wasn’t talking about the 10% rule. I was only referring to the class rank issue and that a kiddo with a high GPA and a high SAT from a competitive high school could have a low class rank. At my son’s high school… 1/2 the graduating class literally has a 4.0, so even the “smart” kiddos can be in the 50-60% rank. (Conversely, at another high school, a 3.0 student with a low SAT can be in the top 10%.) Not a big deal, but that’s the point I was making. Glad there’s some sort of holistic review, but that means that many highly-qualified students have to wait until Jan/Feb and are penalized for attending super competitive high schools. My husband and I are both Aggies (89/94), so my son has been looking forward to it too. Now, he is seriously thinking of accepting full scholarships to two other terrific SEC schools. But congrats to those who found out before the break!!! All these kids are incredible (-:</p>

<p>Just curious, does anyone know if engineering is completely full at A&M CS? I applied really late, and also it seems that my transcript, while it was received before the deadline, has not changed to complete on my application. I was just wondering if anyone knew.</p>

<p>ClassicalCollege, the same exact thing happened to me. I checked everyday until the 7th of December and still saw my transcript was not complete. I made a call and they tried telling me to apply for spring semester. Although I had called admissions multiple times and was reassured it would be okay in the past, I was later told I would not be considered for admission. I went to my counselor and he called somebody at the University and discussed the issue. After some debate, I was told my transcript was not official, because it did not have a signature. My counselor repeatedly told the woman on the phone that I was told everything was fine and that it was his fault it was not signed. It took some discussion, but we finally got my transcript okayed and considered as on time. I recommend doing this as soon as the offices open. Do not panic, because with some discussion, they will hopefully okay your transcript and complete your application. Best of luck!</p>

@midwestaggie - thanks for taking the time to reply. I just checked my application and it seems they managed to process my transcript so my application is now complete and in review. I thought they weren’t going to update it over break, but I guess they did?

@prototypeplayer‌ We have very similar stats. My class rank is a little better than yours but we have very similar SAT scores and extra curriculars. I applied for Engineering so I should hear back by January 15th for the College of Engineering, I also applied in October.

I do have a question for you, how did your school do NHS during your freshman year? My High School doesn’t let us have the opportunity for NHS until junior year.

One more thing, TAMU doesnt pay attention to how good your school was unless they dont rank and then they will assign you a rank. So going to a really good high school is just the same as going to a small school as far as admissions.

@peachytexan I totally agree with your post! Just curious which two SEC schools is your son looking at and would that be Full Tuition or Full Ride? Also could you share his stats? GPA, ACT, SAT?

My application was completed on November 4th and when I checked the AIS on November 6th, I was “officially accepted”. I was surprised by how quickly I found out the admission decision because my peers and others who had applied way earlier than I had still have not found out. I am an automatic acceptance admit and didn’t have crazy good SAT or ACT scores, however, my class rank and GPA were pretty good. Also, my major is a bit competitive. I am grateful it was such a quick admission decision but friends with very similar stats (even better, actually) who applied back in early October still haven’t heard anything. Their applications are complete. Does anyone know why they haven’t heard anything? I hope to see many of you this fall! :slight_smile:
Gig 'em!

@BlakeGrhymes‌ we had to do extended work in order to be inducted at the end of freshmen year. Actual membership isn’t until sophomore year for me. Overall, how would you evaluate our chances?

@texastaggart What is your major?

@prototypeplayer It’s hard to say. We have the same SAT score however my class rank is much higher than yours. I believe yours in around the 31% and mines at 16%. I applied for engineering, I dont believe I will be offered full admission for engineering, however I am confident in getting normal admission. I would also be content with the blinn engineering option to pursue my first choice in degree. I think you’ll be offered some time of admission(blinn, PSA, gateway).

MOMOF5TX… my son has about a 3.8, scored a 1510 CR & M (780 Math), Eagle Scout, Engineering student of the year award at school, BUT is top 40% with a 3.8!!! He doesn’t stress, or get himself wrapped up about too much… he’s pretty chill, and does his thing (-:

He has Presidential and Honors College at Auburn and Alabama. At Alabama it is full tuition for 4 years, plus a $2500 stipend per year. At Auburn it is 2/3 Tuition for 4 years, plus a $1000 stipend. Due to his SAT score, he has been invited to interview at both campuses for additional scholarship money. BUT he can’t get general admission to A&M! Lol He’s a great kid, and he will be successful wherever, so it’s all good.

As a side note, we live in Georgia, but it was more appealing to go out of state with scholarships. He had zero interest in Ga Tech, which is a terrific school, due to the inner-city location. He is very laid back.

Hope this helps.