Class of 2019 - Admission Status

@midusn2019 and @magathar congratulations on getting into engineering! Just wondering if it is into General engineering with you doing at least a semester then applying into your major of choice (for both of you PETE)?

got into aerospace engineering. 2090 SAT (1450 Composite), 4.45/5.0 GPA, 790 Math Level 2. and plenty of other ec’s
Good luck to everyone!

@md21403‌ Thank you! I’m not entirely sure myself. To my understanding, A&M is putting all freshman engineering students in General Engineering. Then they will go to their specific field sophomore year? If anyone can clear up the confusion that would be great!!

This year all students when into general engineering. Students will apply to their desired major during the second semester. From what I understand there is no “auto” admit to a major. Since this is a new process there are still some unknowns. The application process is around the end of February or early March from what my son has been told. It may include an interview.

@md21403‌ yup, that’s it. It shows up as Gen Engineering (Petroleum)

Admitted - Engineering (International Applicant)

SAT - 2090 (790M, 620CR, 680W)
GPA - 3.8UW
Lots of ECs and Community Service.

  • Happy with the admission but will attend UMich Ann Arbor :) Congrats to everyone !

Admitted- Engineering Academy
1510 Math and Reading (2150 total)
3.8 U, multiple APs
Top 35% of class (competitive high school)
Eagle Scout
Tons of Volunteer
Completed all 3 essays
Applied Dec 1


Hey everyone. Apparently the final wave of admissions decisions are coming out Feb 9th-13th…according to the AggieBound twitter page.

Good luck and godspeed

I am a Pakistani national.
I didnt get admission into engineering at TAMU but did get it in General University. I am pleased to get admission into TAMU itself but ofcourse my main aim in life is to become a petroleum engineer

I have a score of 2070 in my SATs:
CR: 720
VR: 650
MATH: 700

SAT 2:
Math: 800

4/4 subjects A’s in AS-level
5 A*'s and 5 A’s/10 subjects in IGCSE(O-level equivalent)

My extra-cirriculars are as follows:
Head Boy
Member of Yearbook Society for 5 years
Head Organizer for city level school sporting event
Head of Media And Publications team for city level school drama event
Member of Media and Publications Team for 2 years in such events
Member of Urdu Drama Society for 3 years always get a role whenever drama
2 week internship at Center for Advanced Research in Engineering
2 week internship at local NGO
2 week WWF eco-internship
Participated in 1 school-level and 2 university-level MUNs
Participated in 1 Math Competition in the 10th grade
Part of reserve basketball team throughout highschool

My essays weren’t amazing but I don’t think they were very bad…

Could anyone tell me where I should improve to get admission as my aim is to study abroad at TAMU and I would love to do whatever possible to do so.

any reject or accept people from liberal art ?

My daughter was given full acceptance to TAMU yesterday. We are all thrilled! I just want to give a couple thoughts on my experience with reading through these message boards over the last few months. First, just because someones stats seem better than yours/your child’s, try NOT to compare them. You don’t know what their essays were like or what their extracurricular stats, etc. were. Just don’t give up or get discouraged. I got really down and then had to stop reading the boards for awhile. Second, anything you read here is conjecture, hearsay and/or opinion. For me, I found that the TexAgs forum was a much better avenue for getting reliable information since it is moderated by a TAMU admissions counselor (Jon Buchanan).

My daughter had a decent portfolio going in but I admit, I was worried since most people posted about their top 25% or higher school rank. We would have been fully OK with a Blinn Team offer and she was prepared to go to Blinn on her own and transfer in later, even though she was accepted to TAMUG (in Sept) and a few other major universities within a few weeks of applying. She has had her heart set on TAMU since she was 7 years old and after her first official visit 2 years ago, she said she didn’t need to even visit anywhere else because she knew TAMU was it. She is going to major in Wildlife and Fisheries.

Her stats:
SAT Composite: 1250
CR: 560
MATH: 690

Class Rank: 33%
GPA: 3.76

FFA - 4 years included raising animals all 4 years and major competitions; went to Area for Quiz Team LDEs

Numerous volunteer hours.

She will have completed 15+ college credits by the time she graduates high school.

All 3 essays which she just wrote from the heart - only her dad and I proofread them for grammar/editorial purposes
She attended TAMU Vet Enrichment Camp in summer of 2014
She attended TAMU Vet Open house in spring of 2014
She attended 2 official campus tours
Two letters of recommendation from her AG teachers

Good luck to the rest of the applicants! At least the wait is almost over. A friend of mine’s daughter didn’t find out until May but that was 4 years ago, so they must have streamlined the process somewhere down the line.

@jewelty2003‌ , Congratulations to your daughter! I’m sure your post is very helpful to many who are in the review category - detailing the ‘other 50%’ of her admission decision data. I agree, the admissions info. on Texags is a great source - it only started a couple of years ago with an admissions rep posting. This site also has a TAMU rep that posts from the honors program, just not as frequently. Regarding your friend, 4 years ago the deadline for applications was mid- January, and you could use the first semester of senior year re-rank and another later ACT/SAT date thus the longer process. So everything was at least 6 weeks later, and there were more review candidates admitted as a % of the freshman class due to fewer automatic admits. Things have changed tremendously in the past few years here, glad your daughter will be able to live out her dream of being an Aggie!

Was accepted to Allied Health, super excited! SAT 1860, ACT 30

D was offered PSA today - no direct admissions. Bummer. None of those schools look that great, maybe Corpus or the TAMUG route.

At this point it’s more likely going Baylor or Tech Honors now for pre-Physicians Assistant.

Are all decisions being posted on portal first? Or, has anyone receiving notice by mail first? I wonder if it is all disappointing news at this point.

123vca - I was told by Jon an admissions officer that they were trying to get all the decisions out in the next 2-3 weeks so I wouldn’t completely give up hope, but I also did hear that there are very few spots still open (less than 100).

I am kinda bummed out at this point as well. I have a 27 ACT which isn’t great, but its well within average for TAMU and I also have a 3.81 UW and 4.3 W GPA. I’ve already been accepted to the University of Houston with an academic scholarship as well as St. John’s University with a pretty large scholarship. TAMU is my first choice though, so I am hoping for a positive response soon.

Question for the “experts” on this forum, My basic stats are above, but long story short I qualify for in state tuition for TAMU but I have attended high school in Florida. Here I have been able to duel enroll at the University of West Florida and by the end of this semester I will have received over 60 credit hours of college work. My college GPA is a 3.56, and I even made the dean’s list this fall. I have two questions, first off, does the fact I have more credit hours then most transfers put me at a disadvantage? I mean, in reality I know that the majority of them will not go towards my degree, nearly all are general studies and I am a science major. My second question is should I then apply as a transfer? I have been told that I can apply as both, but I wanted to apply as a freshman so that I can possibly get more financial aid. I am just pondering what I should do at this point. I know I can do well at TAMU and I thought my records have supported that. Am I looking at this the wrong way?

Thanks CooperMathWorks!
When were you told within the next few weeks? I am understanding that all acceptance
decisions would be sent this week. I was told yesterday there was less than 50 full admission letters going out, a handful of Gateway, and however many Blinn Team offers.