Class of 2019 Decisions

we should all know by april first right?! =(

@nyc121 that’s what they’ve been saying! Hopefully it doesn’t change

Congratulations to everyone who received admission to Binghamton University!!! I’m so happy for you guys. :+)

Today, I received an email from Binghamton stating that I wasn’t admitted to the Harpur College of Arts and Sciences but I was admitted to the College of Community and Public Affairs as a major in Human Development. I’m grateful Binghamton gave me a second opportunity to redeem myself lol. Besides, this opportunity sounds equally amazing.

Really? You applied for one college and they put you into another? My son applied EA back in October, as deferred to regular admission for Watson. Still haven’t heard a thing.

There is a high chance that they will offer you admission to Harpur if you have been deferred from SOM, for example.

Is it better to be deferred or waitlisted?

My friend’s sister was deferred and waitlisted and was eventually accepted @emilymcg

@emilymcg‌ It’s not that one is necessarily better than the other–they’re very different. Deferral is when someone applies early action or early decision, and their application is not accepted or rejected, but rather gets placed in the regular decision pool. Waitlisted is when someone’s regular decision application almost made the cut, but didn’t, and so they are put on the wait list. What happens with that is if not enough of the accepted applicants decide to enroll in the college, the college will choose some people from the wait list to now accept to fill up the spaces.

@lavalamp97 ohh, thank you! Does that mean they accept regular decision people (or deferred) before waitlisted people?

I emailed my admissions counselor and he said those who were deferred usually hear back towards the end of March as they put most of the deferred applications in the bottom of their pile!

emilymcg, maybe an example would help. If the college had a date for all decisions (e.g., April 1), at that point all applicants would be accepted, denied, or waitlisted. The waitlist group could come from either the RD group or the deferred group. Waitlist folks (either RD or deferred) get in last and typically late, with little clarity on whether one would get in because it is dependent on how many admits accept. If enough of the admits accepted, nobody on the waitlist would get in, if few of the admits accepted many of the waitlist could get in. Waitlisted number being accepted varies from year to year.

I was deferred and my status changed to accepted a day or so before I got an email. Everyone who applied to difficult schools (SOM, Decker, or Watson) keep in mind that you may be getting considered for Harpur or Communications if they didn’t accept you into the school of your choice. However, they have 33k applicants, so I wouldn’t worry just yet…

Daughter was deferred from ED. Contacted admission counselor to state that Binghamton was her first choice, received pretty much a canned answer stating she’d hear by late March. In the meantime she has been accepted to another top SUNY into their honors college with scholarship and visited an out of state school where she received a very generous scholarship, fell in love with the OOS school and is done with Binghamton.

@kjp1616‌ The admission counselor that I emailed gave me a generic response (deferred applicants are treated the same as regular decision, blah blah). I can’t believe the person you emailed told you straight up that we are put in the bottom of the pile! That explains why so many deferred students last year were only offered to the Binghamton Advantage Program near the end of March. Had I known that applying early put me in a disadvantage…

@nymom64 I am in the same situation with my son. Deferred SOM, admission to SIX out of state, equally competitive schools, and a scholarship to one that makes it less expensive than Bing. The way they handled admissions this year, particularly SOM, leaves a lot to be desired. This is not sour grapes speaking. My other two kids graduated from the SUNY system as did I. This sons grades, course load and SATs far surpassed my other two. The process makes no sense. I am happy for those that applied RD and have been admitted, but the deferred process at this school is FLAWED. BTW, Bings decision at this point is of no real concern. He will be going OOS.

@nymom64‌ and @cbpmom I echo both of your comments. My daughter received good merit aid scholarships to equally competitive business schools that are OOS state flagships --with more resources, better facilities, and higher US News World Report rankings than Binghamton’s SOM. She actually liked the campus better at those schools. It will cost a bit more but that may be the path we go. Had Binghamton not deferred her, we never would have gotten to this point. Binghamton portal still says “Decision made” and “Deferred for Regular Consideration”.

I agree @nymom64 and @cbpmom . Totally flawed system. My son applied for Watson and has been accepted with great scholarship money to 8 other schools. Bing was his first choice but at this point he feels like he is only going to be accepted if they are desperate. It is a terrible that they are making these kids wait till April 1 for a decision. Thank god, he went and looked at UB and loved it. And they gave him money! Looks like he will be a Bull not a Bearcat!

if the kids are just applying to the som for generic business i’d blow off binghamton. if they are committed to the accounting program, they’re making a mistake by not waiting. binghamton places more accounting students in big four and other lesser audit firms than any other school in the northeast, including fordam and the big ccny and pace accounting mills. it’s got the best price/performance of any school in the country . the greater question is whether or not they want to be a big 4 zombie for three years and what kind of human they’ll be on the other side

@nymom64, @cbpmom & @rgr717 I smiled reading your responses. I have stated several times to friends/family that schools that take their time with their decisions turns many prospective students off. My son also got into many other schools and just committed to Florida State University this past weekend. To be honest, Binghampton was never really on his radar. My husband and I wanted him to apply to at least one Suny for Engineering. He only had 3 choices, Stonybrook (too close), Buffalo (too cold lol) or Binghampton (which he really didn’t like when he visited) Good Luck to everyone waiting!!!

I was deferred to regular decision in January, and still have not heard anything regarding my admissions decision.

4.0 Weighted GPA
1860 SAT
7th of 121
5 APS (One virtual, since our school only offers 4)
3 college classes (dual-enrollment)
NHS, Honors Program
10 seasons of Varsity Athletics, as well as club sports
2 Jobs during the school year
Good recommendations and a well-written descriptive essay, though its only themes were of nostalgia and family values.
I was accepted to SUNY Geneseo yesterday, and was slightly surprised. Based on that admissions decision, I almost assume now Binghamton will accept me, considering that they have a higher acceptance rate than Geneseo. From what I am hearing I may be wrong, since it sounds like most deferred applicants are not so lucky the second time around either.