Class of 2019 Decisions

Is this the first year where students who applied to SOM were offered Harpur? Have heard transferring into SOM is not that easy. May cause more students than usual getting called off the waitlist. Honestly, don’t know if this year’s admission process is different than the past but we have found it to be horrible. Perhaps Binghamton’s yield numbers will suffer if the admission games people believe were played actually were. Turned us off to the school and daughter is going elsewhere.

My oldest son went to Binghamton and tried to transfer from Harpur to SOM twice without success. He was told that he would need a 3.8 to even have a chance. To my knowledge, when he applied - he was Class of 2012 – there weren’t any offers to Harpur if you didn’t get accepted to SOM. Otherwise, he would have taken his chances applying to SOM from the start.

My youngest son wanted to follow in his brother’s footsteps but we are guessing that he will get a rejection since his status changed to Decision Made without any other comments.

I did hear that last year some students were told that if they went to Broom County Community College for two years and had a GPA of 3.0 (I think) that they would be guaranteed a transfer to Binghamton. However, that means living off campus for two years – not something that I would consider for a Freshman.

After visiting Albany last week, he is not sure which he will pick if he got accepted to both - already has been accepted to Albany. Clearly, Binghamton is losing popularity with the students being subjected to this process.

For those going to Binghamton, be prepared for weather similar to Seattle – the dreary days FAR outnumber the sunny ones.

Word of warning to next year’s HS seniors – be prepared because it is unlikely that this process will improve by next year.

Do not fear! Don’t forget, nearly 80% of those getting an offer from Binghamton choose to go someplace else. That leaves a lot of room for you. To enroll 2633 students, they admit 12,134. Approximately 9, 501 studetns turn Binghamton down. The likelihood of your getting an offer is higher than Binghamton’s chance that you will accept their offer. So don’t get too anxious. As I recall Binghamton was one of the schools on a list of colleges still trying to fill seats-in May. I doubt they publicize that very widely since making it appear more selective probably makes it more attractive to applicants.

About the switch to SOM, I’m guessing that Binghamton wants to fill its seats with the strongest students possible. If the rejected SOM applicants are stronger than those for Harpur, I imagine they will try to attract them to Binghamton. But it those students want a business degree it’s hard to understand why they’d accept an offer. Seems like they’d be more likely to go someplace else. That leaves more room for you.

Seems like Binghamton may be struggling to keep its prestige and thus the admission games…

I am not sure that it is all due to games. The school is seriously understaffed. It is true that RP is probably over-staffed. After all, Binghamton is on the cusp of becoming the premier university of the southern tier.

Regarding the Broome County thing - the kids that are offered that live on Binghamtons campus the whole time - just like other binghamton students - apparently there’s a shuttle that takes them to Broome and back

Broome? What? Why are they doing that? If that is your offer, do you have other options?

When my son applied to the SOM, he was told that if he was rejected from SOM, his application would automatically kick to liberal arts. Not that it appears to have helped, but this was not a new policy or one that was not known to everyone who asked.

Binghamton Advantage students live at Binghamton, can eat at Binghamton, and participate in all Binghamton student life activities. They take all of their classes at Broome, which is 5 miles away. They can take a shuttle or drive. If they have a 3.2 at the end of their freshman year, or a 3.0 at the end of sophomore year, they automatically are accepted at Binghamton.

Google bingHamton advantage - you need to be invited - it’s not an option that the student can ask for.

So students applied to Broome Community College and are being given an invitation to live at Binghamton and continue there once they finish their 2 year degree?

No, students apply to Binghamton and are not admitted to Bing but are offered a spot in Broome Community College. They can live on Binghamton campus. Basically, they’re treated as potential transfer students and Binghamton gets to use them to fill housing.

@lostaccount No, this is offered to students who apply to Bing but can’t get accepted. They basically offer for you to live at bing but take classes at the community college before transferring to Bing if they do well

Would anyone accept that if they had any other possibilities? Seems that the school is suggesting the student isn’t strong enough and then it is sending the student to a community college with less rigor than Binghamton. Then after two years of less rigor they would be pitched into Binghamton’s higher level classes. Seems like a formula for a poor outcome. Shocking. Is that so they look they have more graduates wtihout haivng ot use their resources for many of the graduates. I’d try to talk my advisees out of taking such an offer. It’s like being a second class citizen. You live with people allowed to take Binghamton classes but you are religated to classes at community college. What?

If I were to have my child attend community college, I don’t think I’d foot the housing bill at Bing to do so.

@nymom64 Exactly. It doesn’t make much sense because you can theoretically transfer from anywhere. You aren’t guaranteed admission through the program either. It just seems like a strategy for filling spots.

And wouldn’t your kid have applied to community college. What an insult!

My son was accepted to the business schools at Albany, Drexel and Baruch, and to the liberal arts school at UMass, but with an invitation to do an intro seminar with a business school professor first semester. And I’d encourage him to consider Binghamton Advantage. If Binghamton is your first choice, and you’re pretty sure you can pull a 3.2 at Broome, it’s worth the shot. Nothing insults me if its in my kid’s best interest.
