Class of 2019 Decisions

If you were offered a spot in the advantage program would you be able to make an enrollment deposit immediately too?

@kjp1616‌ The deposit would go to Broome, not Binghamton, so no.

I have “decision made” and I can’t pay…does that mean i’m rejected?

I still think the thing where if you can pay your deposit, then you’re accepted, is a myth. I couldn’t pay my deposit, but the next day I found out I was accepted.

Two daughters waiting. A transfer and high school senior. The wait will be over soon I guess…still application complete and ready for review.

My son’s changed to decision made but we can’t pay the deposit as of now. Hmmm…At this point, I don’t know if he would go there. So far no email either. Will they email us a decision or do we have to wait for a letter?

I just went on to check admissions status and was not able to log on for my high school senior. Was hoping a change. after 15 minutes was able to log on, no change. Need to walk away from all electronic devices.

Nobody panic! I just talked to admissions and they said that most statuses have been changed to decision made, but not necessarily because they reached a decision. They have apparently put most of them to that in order to sort through the rest of the submissions they have, and that we will all find out soon enough by April 1st. Mine says decision made and she was able to tell me that no further decision has been made since my deferral

Mine changed to decision made last night also

My son’s status also changed from “deferred to reg decision” to “decision made” since yesterday. But there was something else that was also new on his page. On the top, he now has a new tab labeled “Financial Aid” next to “My Information”. I pressed the tab and it says “no award information is available for you at this time”. Anybody else got that as well?

We have, “You have unsatisfied student requirements for this aid year. Based on your academic transcript, the status of your academic progress is Not Yet Evaluated as of Fall 2015.”

Unsatisfied Requirements
Requirement Status As of Date Fund Term
You have not been admitted or readmitted to Binghamton Univ.
Office use only until after May 1
Our records show that you have not successfully applied or that any decision was made about your admission application to Binghamton University.

That can’t be good.

When I first saw it, I got excited. The reasoning being, why would they set up a financial aid page for you if you haven’t been admitted.

Clicking a few more thing, under Academic Progress, it says “Not Yet Evaluated Fall 2015” Does anyone have anything else?

We have had the financial aid tab for a week or so but no change on application status…

@scaffold33 we have the same thing.

@Robgal74 thanks.

I have the financial tab too but it says that a decision have not been made or I have not been admitted

Just checked. Under fa tab “student requirement” section it literally says I have not been admitted or have not applied so that’s confirmation enough for me, lol.

I understand your pessimism, but still, why would they set up a financial aid tab for you if they’re going to reject you?
I’m assuming that not everyone got this and I could be totally wrong on this, maybe they just do this for everyone who filed a FAFSA form.

What a joke!

“I just talked to admissions and they said that most statuses have been changed to decision made, but not necessarily because they reached a decision. They have apparently put most of them to that in order to sort through the rest of the submissions they have, and that we will all find out soon enough by April 1st. Mine says decision made and she was able to tell me that no further decision has been made since my deferral”

So Binghamton’s portal doesn’t accurately reflect an applicant’s status? WTG, Binghamton, you’ve figured out another way to make college applicants even more anxious then they already are.