Class of 2019 Decisions

@todman‌ congrats to your son.

I’m still waiting. I applied on 10/10, was deferred on 1/14. This wait is honestly very annoying, and I’m still waiting on Syracuse as well. I’ll probably call admissions today and just ask them what they decided.

I was told that by their admissions office. They said keep checking for emails because the status checker was not working. This was after my son wrote an email stating his interest and received an email back that was verbatim to an email that they sent to him in January. Very insulting.

@migold22, I too found the form email sent to my daughter after she sent an email stating her interest to be highly insulting. I know that Binghamton has a large pool of applicants but it doesn’t excuse the poor way they’ve handled the EA process or treated the applicants this year.

The whole process has been very insulting. How do you state that your admissions officers are swamped but yet some of them were out of the office for a week at a time visiting high schools? I called and told them that it was highly insulting that they sent the same exact email, word for word. All they did was apologize. This was originally his first choice but this whole process has really turned him off. I just hope they don’t wait to the eleventh hour and then reject everybody like they waited for the EA candidates that they deferred. That would be the ultimate insult.

This too was my daughter’s first choice but after visiting another college (alas out of state but with generous scholarship) and being treated so nicely with a personal touch she changed her mind. So we are waiting to hear just merely to close the chapter on her college admissions. If I had to bet, for those of us who haven’t heard, it is most likely a no or waitlist and yes, I believe it will go out right before/on the April 1st date.

@migold22 @nymom64 if it helps at all, I do think that they read and consider the emails, even if its not reflected in a response, as (to make a long story short) a change that my son requested with respect to his application was reflected on the status checker. I’m not even sure that he received a response to his email, though. In any case, my working hypothesis is that given that Binghamton is apparently still sending out rolling acceptances, and that a large number of statuses changed to “Decision Made” at the same time, with no acceptances being sent out, those are the rejections, wait lists and Binghamton Advantage offers. We received our FAFSA aid packages from UMass and Albany yesterday, and it looks like its between those two.

I too think they read the emails. There is a reason we all want our kids to get in to Binghamton, but we will probably be going to Albany and Stony Brook. Both my daughters are still waiting and both received the same response when asking if they could possibly get any information on their applications. There is hope that they haven’t heard yet, because they haven’t been rejected or deferred. What ever happens, all these kids are hard workers and will end up where it is best for them hopefully. Good luck everyone.

Let me just say that I’m SO happy that I’ve basically made up my mind on where I want to go. I’d be INCREDIBLY frustrated if Binghamton were my first, second, or even third choice.

I still have to get all my decisions back before depositing anywhere, though, so Bing and Cuse can afford to hurry up.

@lbad you don’t need to get back all of your acceptances before making a decision. But if Binghamton and Syracuse are genuinely out of the running, it is considered good etiquette to withdraw your application. It seems rather silly to complain about a school not responding in advance of the deadline when you wouldn’t go there anyway.Hypothetically, it could come down to you and someone else for a last slot at either school,and it could be the other person’s first choice.

@Scaffold33‌ my parents wanted me to wait until I got all my decisions before I deposit. That’s not my call.

I was accepted late yesterday evening (around 6:00pm), so don’t give up hope!

Which school were you accepted to?

@gvemeanothryr20 what was your status before you were accepted?

@gvemeanothryr20, congrats.

I’m pretty annoyed with admissions, today when I called they told me no admissions will go out before April 1st and that they will all be sent out on that day!! Yet people are getting their acceptances! Ugh, I guess I just have to wait patiently /:

@emilymcg‌ wow, ridiculous. I guess I now really know what @lostaccount‌ was saying about a lack of transparency with admissions and the administration. Really seems like they lie to current students all the time if they let down applicants this consistently.

Now being told that all decisions will be mailed on April 1. Guess they are going to send out all the rejections together on April 1.

I just spoke to a woman at the Binghamton admissions office. (1) Admissions AND REJECTIONS are still going out on a regular basis, in batches. I specifically asked her if rejections had been sent, and she said yes. I personally have not heard of any, though. (2) The status checker was turned off. (Its not broken.) It will be turned back on April 1. When it was turned off, all applications that had not been processed changed to the default of DECISION MADE. That does not reflect that a decision was made; rather, it reflects that the status checker is off. If you haven’t heard before that, check on April 1, because it will be faster than waiting for snail mail. (3) Because the remaining applications are not being processed in any particular order, including date of receipt, there will still be a large number of acceptances between now and April 1. In other words, not having heard does not necessarily mean denial. I am guessing that, notwithstanding what she said, most of the rejections, and all of the wait list and Binghamton Advantage offers will be held until April 1. Since this is substantially different from what others are reporting, I asked if she had a problem with my posting, and she did not. She also stated that people should call if they had questions.

I did call , multiple times and received multiple conflicting answers. The people answering the phones are not admissions counselors. 1) they did state that the status checker was turned off 2) they stated to me that ALL remaining decisions were going out on 4/1 (this is contradicting what they told you) 3) there will be some acceptances sent out on 4/1 but not to the SOM as that is full 4) you can get wait listed to SOM but not getting directly in as of 4/1. There will be kids that are wait listed also as of 4/1. My prediction is that any admissions at this point in time will be into Harpur (liberal arts).