Class of 2019 Decisions

I would guess there is a lot of overlap in the applicants accepted to both schools. I’m sure there have been many accepted to one and not the other. I would expect that getting into the science programs (including computer) in SB would be more competitive than Bing and maybe getting into non-STEM might be more competitive at Bing. So yes, I am sure there have been many students rejected from SB but accepted at Bing.

@lostaccount, you seem to come here to rile people up and make them think poorly of Binghamton. Why? We’re all pretty frustrated. We all want to know if our kids (or if we got in) got in, so we can make final decisions. But the final deadline is April 1, so it’s not like they’re actually late. And there have already been receptions at plenty of other schools that my son was accepted to. Are you ranting against Albany as well?

Thanks @lostaccount‌

Scaffold33, I’m simply saying that I think there is a lot of overlap in applicants to Binghamton and to Stony Brook. A student who did not get into Stony Brook may still get into BInghamton. While one may be perceived as more competitive than the other I think the reality is that they overlap and that the extent to which one is more competitive than the other is probably related more to particular majors. Some majors in Binghamton may be more competitive and some in SB. But even then, you don’t know how things will pan out. Not getting into one does not mean much about the other. Qvpo87 should not lose hope.

@qvpo87 you never really know. Sometimes, things are just random. I got into binghamton (my reach) and waitlisted at my saftey. Go figure…

I agree with @lostaccount‌. My son was accepted to SB with scholarship back in the beginning of Jan and yet here we are still waiting for Bing’s decision.

I called Binghamton and very specifically asked if there would be any further admissions, given that they have already had their admitted students open house. Turns out there’s a second admitted students open house on April 19, so if you or your child are admitted, you won’t have missed out. They also said that final decisions will be on the Status Checker late in the day on April 1 (the person I spoke to said they send out late so as not to interrupt the school day), and nothing before then (although I will still obsessively check … that’s me). I’ll confess. Binghamton is my son’s first choice, and by far our first choice for him, although it was just barely a reach school for him. He’s gotten into schools that are objectively better, but we’re observant Jews, and the other schools don’t have as much infrastructure to facilitate that lifestyle as Binghamton. So this is really, really, really nerve wracking for us. But I have to try to stand back and say that April 1 is and has always been the deadline for colleges to send out decisions, and no one was ever promised a decision before that. Since we know that some rejections have gone out, I comfort myself by saying that at least his application is still in play.

“But I have to try to stand back and say that April 1 is and has always been the deadline for colleges to send out decisions, and no one was ever promised a decision before that.”

Scaffold33, I think you’ve got it right. With rolling admissions and students and parents using the status checker to try to find out it they’ve been admitted, there’s been a lot of confusion and frustration. However, as you state many schools are announcing admission decisions shortly. Isn’t Cornell letting applicants know by e-mail tomorrow evening at 5:00? No rolling admissions, no status checker.

My guess is that Binghamton is seeing how many accepted students have put down deposits. Based on their previous experience, when the number of deposits have indicated openings, some acceptances have gone out in the past week or two. They might have taken down the status checker last week, because the number of acceptances sent out on April 1 may depend upon how many accepted students commit to Binghamton in the days leading up to April 1, especially over the Accepted Students Open Houses on Saturday and Sunday. I was there Sunday with my son, and they were certainly making it clear that they would be happy to take your deposit. We did put down a deposit. It was my son’s third visit to Binghamton and it remained his top choice by far.

I would not assume that an inabilty to put down a deposit on status checker means a rejection or waitlist. The number of acceptances that go out on April 1 may be dependent upon how many previously accepted students have committed to each school within Binghamton, but the last Accepted Students Open House on April 19 is not just for previously admitted students who couldn’t make it last weekend.

Good luck to you and your son!

Also, they said at the Open House that they had a record of nearly 31,000 freshman applications this year.

@dcalb1 I think that the other thing is that Binghamton either accepts or defers early admissions students, but does not reject them. It makes for a L O N G process for those kids. Most other schools defer only a small number of candidates, and accept or reject the others. Of course, if you assume that the deferral would have otherwise been a rejection, this is better.

Just curious how many others here are still waiting for a decision. There’s my son, who originally applied to SOM, but was asked to transfer his application to Harpur (and did so about 3 weeks ago).

There is a big (but thin) green envelope in today’s mail for my daughter from Bing. I have to wait for her to get home from school to find out if it’s an acceptance.

@violetdog, fingers crossed. What does her status checker say?

Thank you Scaffold33! I will let this forum know tonight after she tells me. Her status checker says Decision Made as it has for awhile now. Nothing has changed.

@violetdog‌ My acceptance envelope looked the same and said “You’re the 1 we want” on the front, so if it says that then I’d say she’s in!

@violetdog‌ maybe it is a mail concerning financial aid!

It doesn’t say “You’re the 1 we want” … And I can’t see inside the address window to get a clue as to what it is !

Looks like my son was wait listed. Got the envelope today in the mail. They said they want to keep him on a wait list till 6/15. Are they kidding??

Is it a big green envelope Robgal74 ?

I don’t know what the point is of waitlisting anyone until 6/15 when decisions have to be made by 5/1…unless you don’t have any other choices. They have to change this system somehow!

@Violetdog, my recollection is that the payment to hold a slot at a school is not particularly high (it’s $150 at SUMY Albany). So people pay the deposit, and if they get in off the wait list, they lose it. I remember people doing that when I was in school back in the '80s.

Congrats to your son on the waitlist, and hope he gets in. (Waitlist is rejection for us, as my son is deferring a year. I doubt you can defer off the waitlist.)