Class of 2019 Decisions

Ah…thank you @Scaffold33 ! Are you waiting for a decision, or did your child get accepted to Binghamton?

@Violetdog, my son hasn’t heard yet. Then again, we haven’t picked up the mail. I’m trying to be calm, but I can barely work, I’m so nervous and obsessed.

Oh you’re not alone @Scaffold33 ! I work at home and haven’t been able to, and I have friends texting me left and right who are in the same position. And I’m sitting here with this green envelope wondering what it is… I don’t even know how my daughter feels about Bing at this point, but since we’re in-state, I want it to happen!

Lots of luck to your son!

The reason the wait list works like that is because the point of the wait list is to make sure all of their spots are filled. So hypothetically, they may have enough spots for 2,500 freshmen and accept 4,000 knowing that not all will enroll. So let’s say only 2,450 people enroll, then they still have 50 spots left, so they will take 50 students off of the wait list. It’s definitely a frustrating process for the students, but it’s just the way it works.

Thanks @lavalamp97 ! I know…this whole process is just so crazy-making, and it seems like it could be refined to be less painful for all invovled. Oh well…

@violetdog‌ I completely agree.

Wait-listed. I’m honestly not surprised, since Bing admits students on a rolling basis and I submitted my app literally on the night it was due. As you can tell, I wasn’t very keen on applying since I had other colleges in mind, but yeah. Good luck to everyone else. No idea what the point of wait-listing until 6/15 is… Deposits are due May 1st.

If someone wait-listed who really wanted to go to Bing ends up being accepted on 6/15, does this mean they don’t have to go to the college they made a deposit to? Of course, I know it’s nonrefundable, but if you just found out that your dream school now wants you, I’m sure you wouldn’t care about the wasted deposit if it meant going to your dream school.

@violetdog it was just a regular white envelope with their return address on it and it was postmarked the 27th. We are abt 2.5 hrs away from Bing. I noticed the status portal still doesn’t have a decision on it. We will not be on the wait list because my son had decided awhile ago that he really liked Buffalo(UB) and we did put a deposit down which is refundable up till May 1. His father really liked Binghamton but I think this whole process turned him off. He is the type that wants to make a decision and get it over with. The whole waiting months for a decision is not for him. Good luck to everyone else who is waiting.

Offered admission for spring semester!!!

@Rogal74 My daughter is also extremely frustrated and disappointed by this whole process and I’m not even sure how she feels about Binghamton at this point. It’s not what it was back when I went to school, that’s for sure.

Congrats @Scaffold33‌ How does that work? Do you go to a community college for a semester then transfer in?

@Robgal74 we have to figure this out. He’s doing a gap year out of the country, so he won’t be starting college until Fall 2016 in any case. Maybe he’ll start then. If not, he’ll go to community college for a semester, and transfer the credits.

Best of luck to the rest of you.

Finally heard back today after applying in October… I was waitlisted and offered a spot in the spring semester in January if I do not get a place off the waitlist.

@kjp1616. that’s not waitlist, its acceptance. Big congrats to you.

I applied to Binghamton’s Decker School of Nursing November 17th. I am still waiting to hear back or even see a change on my application. It reads “Complete and Ready to Review.” Can anyone give me insight towards Decker or if any transfers have been accepted??? I am dying to hear back

I am a transfer student by the way!! ^^^

ACCEPTED FROM THE MAIL! (sadly for the spring 2016 semester though :/) I swear i thought i was denied because of that deposit trick that didn’t work.

Congratulations @scaffold33 ! My daughter got the same so maybe we’ll see you there!

@Pancakey‌ Yeah, you would just lose your deposit, but I agree, it’s totally worth it to go to your dream school.