Class of 2019 Decisions

Anyone else not hear anything at all yet? Nothing in the mail today for me. Status still “decision made”. Seems like a lot of waitlist and spring admit heard today. Kind of confused here. I guess I’ll see soon enough

My daughter was offered spring admission/waitlist for fall last year at this time and was offered a fall seat around 3 weeks later.

Admitted Spring 2016; snail mail; large green envelope (thin) arrived today.

Any transfers hear anything??

@emamazing‌ mine still says complete under review :confused:

We’re you guys deferred in January for freshmen??
I was deferred, still waiting, no mail today. Kind of scared for tomorrow.
Applied for nursing

I applied in October for Psychology, was deferred in January. Still waiting so anxiously. I just want to know, this has been my dream school for almost 2 years now. It’s not looking good… :frowning:

@anonye my son applied in October, was deferred in January.

How does the deposit and financial aid work then o_o and graduation

@GabekingSG‌ ugh I just want to know! I heard back from both Stony Brook and NYIT about 2-3 weeks ago. What school did you apply to in Binghamton?

@emamazing‌ SOM, and I’m aware it’s tough as hell to get in but I just want to know already… and yeah I just got accepted last night into stony brook’s business school but i haven’t heard many great things about that program lol. I’ve got 8 more schools to hear from, ugh this is stressful

@GabekingSG‌ Congrats on Stony Brook!! Thats great. I also got into Stony Brook as a bio major. Don’t get discouraged, it’s just the anxiety building from the lack of news…I’m sure you’ll get in! I applied to Decker School of Nursing, also hard to get into…I’m SO scared and stressed lol is Binghamton your number 1?

@anonye my son applied EA to the SOM. Deferred in January. About 3 weeks ago, admissions counselor at Binghamton asked his college counselor is he would be willing to transfer his application to Harpur, where there might be a spot for him, as SOM was extremely selective this year. He agreed, and was admitted to Harpur for spring 2016.

@emamazing‌ yeah it’s up there with unc and u of florida, I’ll probably attend if I get into the SOM. Not 100% sure yet tho

@GabekingSG‌ Nice thats awesome! I hope we both get in, I have no idea when were supposed to hear back…

@emamazing‌ yeah I mean I doubt we’re gonna hear by the deadline tomorrow… But hopefully soon enough

@GabekingSG‌ Yeah I don’t think so, but I’m really hoping for mid-April because I want to decide by then lol

For those that were waitlisted or offered a spot in the spring semester, did your status checker say anything under “current program”?

Admissions said that all decisions will be posted on the status checker mid-late afternoon on the first. They have to tell you by the deadline…

@nj1818‌ don’t know if that applies for trsnsfers though :confused: