Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

@vamom4: would you call undergrad admissions or the nursing programs to find out if there are minimums? Good project for my DD, once she actually has an ACT score.

Pitt is an excellent school well known and admired for its Health Sciences.

If you graduate with a Nursing Degree you will get a job.

You will not earn more because you attended NEU or Pitt or any school for that matter. Most RN generally start around the same range.

Go with the Less expensive option and have more $$ in your bank account.

Pittsburgh is a really nice town and their campus is nice.

Boston is a great town, but Northeastern campus is cramped and after your Sophomore year everyone is leaving/competing for co ops so not your typically college experience.

Go with PITT

Thank you!! This is super, super helpful.

@TimeFlies2 I’m not sure how much having a ‘minimum’ ACT from the school will help. Either they won’t share one, or if they do, it’s not guaranteed. They are just saying: "You must have an ACT score of at LEAST ‘X’. I’m not following how that is helpful. That doesn’t mean you will get in if your student gets ‘X’. I would spend time on this site digging in the nursing threads and seeing what stats kids had that DID get in, and what stats kids had that DID NOT get in. Short of that, maybe you can ask what the Average SAT was? Or you can ask for the BSN Class Profile for last year’s new admits to the program. Anything but minimums

We also asked admissions the percentage of kids who applied, and who were admitted. That didn’t always tell the tale of stats, of course, but it gave an indication of how competitive the nursing college was. And you can always assume nursing is very competitive, right up there with engineering.

At the close up presentation by my daughter’s school, they were very forthcoming about average scores and the class profile from the year before. You could hear the air go out of the room when they mentioned some of the numbers. Someone has those numbers, and it’s completely fair that they put them out there. If they don’t, ask at the nursing college. Admissions might be able to help, also.

@bigmacbeth It is very helpful to know if a school has a minimum SAT/ACT score requirement, because if you don’t meet that requirement, you then won’t waste time doing the application and essays, and paying the application fee. You can then focus on schools that will actually consider you

Yes, this is what I was thinking above ^

@vamom4 Sure. I am a data guy. If I saw several this year who were rejected with an ACT of 28, but the minimum requirement given is 25, then I would use that information to make my decision. If my kid had a 25, I would probably look elsewhere.

Sometimes a “minimum” test score is designed more to establish who is likely to be able to the courseload than who is likely to be admitted.

Denied at both TCU and Clemson for their nursing programs

1480 SAT
4.0 gpa
TX resident

@ricesw sorry to heat that. Have you applied anywhere else? Good luck to you if you have

Denied from Clemson with 1480 SAT!!! I’m shocked. So sorry.

UVa publishes the percentage admitted for each first year college. Nursing has the lowest admittance rate.

2018 stats: “At 34 percent, the School of Architecture had the highest offer rate, followed by the School of Engineering and Applied Science (30 percent), the College of Arts & Sciences (26 percent), the Curry School of Education (19 percent) and the School of Nursing (12 percent)”. The percentage admission rate for out of state students would be lower than these numbers.

The number of total applicants to UVa has gone up substantially in recent years. .

My daughter didn’t apply to UVa because the odds were so low, even though she would have had a legacy advantage.

I was deferred from cwru early action in december and was just accepted with 22.5k in merit but I am 99% sure I will be attending boston college in the fall

Hi @yukiharu sounds like you are close to making a final decision. Congrats on CWRU! Earlier you liked the campus at UMNTC , what made you take off Minnesota from your list?

@readthetealeaves ultimately it came down to cost, as bc is cheaper than minnesota and since both are great programs, graduating with minimal debt seems to make the most sense. also, boston hospitals are unbeatable, bc is much easier to travel to/from where I live, clinicals start earlier, and nursing majors are able to study abroad for an entire semester

@yukiharu I can see why you chose it. Boston is a great city and BC a great school. Congrats again on the 99% decision!

@readthetealeaves thank you!! I’m excited and relieved to have made a decision

sdsu nursing accepted on 3/5! most likely will attend as hopes for uci nursing are low and i still can’t believe i got accepted. i feel v lucky.
act: 33/36
csu/uc gpa: 4.08
ca resident

**if you plan on attending sdsu as well HMU i would like to be friends

@honeytuts Congratulations on SDSU Nursing! You should be proud. I love your attitude of feeling “v lucky” Good luck on UCI as well