Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

It is quiet on this board and it is unusual. Are you all making decisions? Visiting? Comparing programs? If so please share what you are feeling or learning! Thank you

@readthetealeaves Accepted into UCI honors, SDSU, CSULB, & Northeastern for nursing. Still waiting on several other schools! I visited UCI earlier this month (loved it!) & plan on visiting Northeastern as well.

Waiting on final decisions to come in.

Hi-- first time poster. Reading all your posts has been very helpful! Daughter’s info below

SAT: 1260
ACT: n/a.
GPA: 3.75 weighted
Rank: 76/464*
State Residency: NJ
Ethnicity: W
Gender: F

8 APs, remaining core classes were honors. EC include NHS, FCA, Track & Field,
Completion of rigorous Allied Health Academy including 120 hr internship last summer.
Extensive leadership in Girl Scouts including summer camp aid/staff for the last 4 yrs.

*Class rank dropped 20 positions last year. Guidance “misguided” us into which classes she needed in order to stay on the honors track of her Academy. She ended up taking more AP classes than needed. Also, school eliminated honors level Physics last year; with only CP and AP to choose from, she was “forced” to take AP in order to stay on track. 4 AP last year, including Physics and Chem, about did her in. Her GPA and rank suffered for it (among other things).

But on a positive note:
Applied to 5 schools: TCNJ, Montclair, Drexel, UDel, and West Chester.

Accepted to:
Drexel ($31k/yr in scholarship/grants)
Montclair ($5k/yr through Presidential Scholars Program)
UDel (accepted for second choice Psychology; $12/yr scholarship)
West Chester (Waitlisted for nursing; Accepted for second choice Psychology; $3k/yr) Also, the DREAM school (of course!)

Still waiting (believe it or not!): TCNJ

At this point, we’re keeping our fingers crossed for WCU and looking hard at Montclair.

Thanks for reading.

Congrats to her @sharpmom829 for her acceptances already. Good luck on the pending ones. I don’t think it will hurt your D to have taken rigorous STEM courses. Aside from a lower GPA it will probably better prepare her for the type of rigor she will have to tackle in any BSN program.

Thanks for the update! Congratulations on SDSU , UCI Honors and Northeastern since your last update with CSULB! Lots to think about and choose from

@vshleykim wrote previously( it is easier to see it all together ):

ACT 33
SAT 1470
GPA 4.61
Class Rank 2/560
I also had nearly 400 community service hours in various locations (hospitals, nursing homes, schools, recreation centers), was a student council officer for 4 years, member of CSF & NHS for 3 years, participated in choir, 3 years of competitive volleyball (school & club team), was selected for the ALA Girls State Leadership Program, & created my own club geared towards students interested in medicine/donating funds to She’s the First Charity. I also submitted 3 SAT Subject Tests (Math 2, Bio M, & Korean). My essays & statements were geared towards my activities/background instead of my scores/stats.
CA Resident
Accepted into UCI honors, SDSU, CSULB, & Northeastern for nursing. Still waiting on several other schools! I visited UCI earlier this month (loved it!) & plan on visiting Northeastern as well.

Agreed @Banker1. That’s the hope, anyway! :slight_smile:

@sharpmom829 Welcome and congratulations to your daughter on all the acceptances and merit! Any of those will be great options. She should feel proud of her rigor. Good luck with WCU waitlist! Please let us know what happens next

Hi @GreenBees waiting on decisions is difficult. You have a lot of options with where she applied. Has she found good fit and the college experience she is seeking anywhere yet?

New to CC. Daughter accepted: Gonzaga, University of Portland, Creighton, USF, Xavier, SeattleU, and Regis (all with great Merit aid).
Denied: SDSU.
UW GPA: 3.9, W GPA: 4.1. SAT 1300.
She is now looking at just UP and Gonzaga., and we have trips planned the first and second weekend of April for Weekend on the Bluff and GEL Weekend (both are for accepted students). We are very excited to be nearing the end of this very long process. This decision is quite difficult for her, as she likes both schools for different reasons. We will be asking a lot of questions about the nursing program when we are there, so hopefully after seeing the schools again and getting clarity on specifs of the programs, the decision will be easier. Very proud of her hard work.

@Teri8000 to your daughter, Kudos on all her acceptances and her merit aid you should be very proud! Please keep us updated on the pros and cons when you visit UP and Gonzaga. Agreed they are both good for different reasons so your daughter should have a successful education in nursing whichever she chooses

stats: ACT 31, WGPA 4.68, 9 APs, and is in Allied Health

Applied and accepted to:
Pitt, Scranton, Drexel, Duquesne, IUP, Bloomsburg
Will visit Bloomsburg next week
Have not decided yet but Pitt is the favorite so far

(edited to add - she got half tuition at Scranton, half tuition+ $4Kdorm at Duquesne, $2k scholarships at IUP, Bloomsburg, and Pitt (Honors))

@Teri8000 - congratulations to your daughter! My daughter is thinking of many of the same schools - except Regis since it is not direct admit. Can you tell me what she liked best about Gonzaga and UP to choose them over the others? My daughter has only visited Creighton so far, but loved the campus and their program
we have Gonzaga on our list to visit either this summer or early fall.

Son received a rejection from Emory today, not surprised.

Also received notification of additional scholarships to UNA, leadership of $2,000 per year and leadership housing of $3,780 per year(enough to cover the cheap dorms). That is in addition to the $6,500 per year GPA/ACT scholarship and honors college scholarship which is $600 per year for first 2 years and $1,200 the last 2 years. Those along with the $6,195 pell grant makes it an affordable choice. We will visit again since last time they showed us the nice dorms and we haven’t seen the cheaper ones, also had not been accepted to honors college at that time so didn’t look at honors housing or speak to a representative of the program. Also hope to speak with financial aid and possibly sit in on classes. He applied for some other scholarships, not sure if there are any more to be announced.

We are visiting Berea College next week so hopefully that will make things clearer, and they sent an email yesterday saying official award letters had been mailed so we should know the exact financials before our visit.

I think Berea might be a better opportunity but now that he has two solid options it will require some research and discussion but will ultimately be his choice. UNA is a lot closer and more familiar but has the uncertainty of having to apply for the nursing program after 2 years.

@caymusjordan I will share a bit of my daughter’s thoughts and how she narrowed her choices to UP and Gonzaga. She actually loved Creighton and the hospitality of the people and community and loved how supportive the nursing students felt, but she has been struggling with the idea of moving far from home, so she ruled it out. USF was the most expensive with tuition and housing in SF. Their clinicals can also be up to 60 miles away. She did really like SeattleU, but she learned that they do not take AP credit towards classes, though it does place you at an advantage on picking class times. She was hoping to eliminate a couple of classes using AP credits, which will be helpful during heavy science semesters. They do, however, have a state of the art Sim lab and classroom area that felt very new, and the campus was well laid out and nice. We have not visited Xavier, but ruled it out because of the distance. UP has a beautiful campus and Portland is an amazing city! She is not sure about the smaller student body, but did fall in love with the vibe of the school. Gonzaga has a wonderful sense of community and pride, and the students seem extremely happy. She is not quite sold on Spokane yet, so we will explore more of the area when we visit in April. We also need to gather some additional info about the specifics of the two nursing programs when we are there. Hopefully this was helpful. I will report back with more information when we visit, but feel free to ask me anything else about the schools and the process. Good luck to your daughter!

Final decision for my daughter
ACT: 28
GPA: 3.9
State Residency: CA
Ethnicity: White

ASU Direct - $14,500 Merit
Florida Atlantic University - Direct

Seattle University- Direct with 21K/yr Merit
Univ of Portland - Direct with 21K/yr Merit
Boise State - Pre nursing (safety school)

Gonzaga - direct
Cal State Long Beach - biology

SDSU - biology

Applied and waiting
UC Irvine - haven’t heard yet but super unlikely

Final decision: ASU direct. With the merit the cost is close to the CA schools. She is very excited for the program and weather and has already found a roommate. We attend orientation at the end of March. Glad to have the final decision made. For future students, not many talk about ASUs program but I would suggest checking it out. The nursing program is at the downtown Phoenix campus which is a smaller campus with dedicated law, journalism and nursing students. It is a new dorm and collaborative environment. The sim labs are state of the art and they have a relationship with the Mayo clinic - it is one of the clinical locations. In addition you get the college experience with the main Tempe campus not far away. They enjoy pac 12 sports (a must for my daughter) and can participate in the Greek system and all of the campus clubs - if they have time with school.

@Teri8000 Congratulations to your daughter. My DD is currently a junior with similar stats to your daughter, and she is considering the same schools. We are California residents and see the slim possibilities with direct admit publics in our state. Running the net price calculator for UP and Gonzaga, I was a little surprised by the high price. Other schools came in a little closer to “reasonable.” Were any of the schools more generous with merit aid than expected? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

@Teri8000 - thank you so much for the feedback! We are closer to Creighton, so I think it will top our list, although I don’t think Gonzaga is much further.

My daughter attends a Jesuit HS and would prefer a Jesuit University
we are not Catholic, but she loves her school and felt “at home” when we visited Creighton.

I’ll look forward to hearing more after your visits!

@readthetealeaves Thanks. I should have noted that since the time of her applications, she’s settled definitely on nursing, so UDel is off the table. She’s loved WCU from day one and since notification of the waitlist, she’s done two things: left school early to drive out and attend an MLK volunteer event at campus to make blankets for local shelters/hospitals, and sent an email confirming her interest and committing to attending if she’s accepted off the waitlist. She emailed admissions in advance of the MLK event hoping to connect with someone while on campus. Both that email and the “continuing interest” one garnered responses, but very impersonal ones that didn’t offer much hope of having improved her chances at all. Maybe we expected too much, but I definitely feel like the “love” is one-sided at this point. We’ll be attending accepted student day next Sat., 3/30 and hope to learn how the waitlist process works (they say it’s an “unranked” list) and historically, how many students each year are accepted from the list.

@caymusjordan Did I read about nursing at Creighton moving to Phoenix?