Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

@sharpmom829 in NJ also and D is also still waiting on TCNJ. She was just accepted to Drexel, but just too much $. Right now we are between Stockton & Ramapo and are going to accepted students day for both. Good luck!

What are the best nursing programs in Pa.?..

@debbdowner Congrats on Drexel! I, too, think we’re ruling it out because of cost. Fingers crossed for us both for TCNJ! We’re in So. Jersey and even tho Montclair is farther, she likes it better than TCNJ (which breaks my heart b/c that’s where I went!) Good luck to your daughter! All these kids and their achievements are just so inspiring.

Congrats everyone!

Update: acceptance to SDSU and Westminster.

SAT: 1420
GPA: 4.3
State Residency: AZ

Grand Canyon Univ
Azusa Pacific
Westminster Salt Lake

Applied and waiting

@sharpmom829 You may be able to get the Nursing-specific waitlist information at the Accepted Students Day, but the university-wide 2005-2019 data for WCU is available at:

In 2018, it looks like 535 were offered a spot on the waitlist, 120 accepted a spot on the list, and 92 were ultimately admitted. Those are unusually favorable numbers - best of luck!

@mmagnu Yes, there were some schools on her list that were more reasonably priced, however, we ruled them out mainly because they were too far from home for our daughter. She has developed a bit of cold feet about being too far from home. We live in Northern CA, so we narrowed it down to the 3 in the Northwest and USF. USF definitely came in a lot higher than the rest, especially after including off campus housing costs. At this point, UP and Gonzaga are the least expensive with Gonzaga coming in lowest. Since she did not get into SDSU, these are our two options, taking into account everything we know about each school and weighing the pros and cons. We are excited for both campus visits! I will definitely keep you posted!

@Teri8000 We are also from Northern Ca and experiencing our daughter second guessing moving too far away after applying and being accepted to Villanova, Northeastern, Duquesne, and TCU. She also did not get into SDSU So she is now focusing on the west with Gonzaga, USF, and UP. I think USF is still high because it’s in CA but its much more expensive. We have visited Gonzaga and UP but are going back in April too and hoping to have a better idea. I think they both have a similar type of student body and vibe. Im hoping for Gonzaga. In the winter I think she will enjoy a sunny day with snow on the ground over the rain. Is your daughter considering the honors college at GU?

Update for UC’s. D needs to re-visit UCI and actually take a tour, and visit APU and PLNU, her top three at this point.

SAT: 1370
ACT: 31
GPA: 4.0 / 4.36 (UC capped)
Rank: 9 of 350
State Residency: CA
Ethnicity: White
Gender: F
Other: Volunteering at local hospital, bilingual English/Spanish, 7 AP classes and lots of Honors classes, several club leadership positions, athletics and piano

UC Irvine - Direct
Point Loma - pre nursing ($15K merit)
Azusa Pacific - Direct ($20K merit + Honors college)
Sonoma State - pre nursing
CSU Long Beach - pre nursing
San Jose State - pre nursing
USF - Direct ($24K merit + Honors college)

CSU Fullerton - Direct

San Diego State - Direct
UCLA - Direct

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Congratulations on UCi @Bonchien! Your DD has wonderful choices! We live close to UCI, so my DD did not wish to apply there, but it is a great school! We are all rooting for UCI basketball in March Madness! I do know UCI often has a reputation of a commuter school, but I hear nothing but positive feedback about the education there.

My older DD’s best friend attends PLNU and loves it-the location is amazing. Plus, she is close enough to SDSU to join up with my oldest for the SDSU football games and frat parties.

As I have mentioned, my younger DD has chosen APU for her nursing program and is very excited.

Way to go @Bonchien Did you receive UCI letter in the mail? I tried to log in the admission portal, it seems my DD is also accepted, but it says major undeclared. Maybe she is accepted by the school but not nursing??

@jh914437 My D didn’t receive a letter. She checked her UCI portal last night, and it stated she was accepted to the school of nursing. I don’t think she submitted a backup major.

@jh914437: You are correct that if the applicant is not accepted into Nursing at UCI, they can be admitted into an alternate or undeclared major.

p.s. My D just got an e-mail from UCI this morning saying to check her portal.

@sirmixalot Congrats to your daughter. Those are all great schools! Sounds like my daughter isn’t the only one second guessing moving away. I do hear it is more common than we realize. Glad to hear she is headed up to accepted students weekends for UP and Gonzaga. Hopefully that will give your daughter some clarity. We just spoke with a student at UP from my daughter’s HS that is a year ahead of her. He had a lot of great things to say overall, so we are eager for our visits. In regards to the GU Honors Program, I don’t think my daughter is considering it. I think she felt like her nursing courses would be challenging enough and doesn’t want to overwhelm herself. Just FYI, you can fill out the housing app for GU, even if you have not yet committed to the school. We weren’t positive, but it sounds like housing applications are looked at in order they are received once that process begins in May, so we went ahead and did it. Keep me posted on your daughter’s decision!

The calm before the rain! SO many great opportunities for the nursing students on here!
@scholarme Congrats on D19’s acceptances and merit. PITT is a nice choice. Pittsburgh is a great location. Please let us know as she decides

Hi @HeartofDixie Sorry about Emory. Good luck with the decision-making between UNA and Berea!

@Teri8000 I enjoyed reading thoughts on UP and Gonzaga. Thanks for posting

You are done! @LollieW ! I love final decisions for that reason. ASU Direct sounds perfect!


My daughter got waitlisted to University of Virginia nursing last night. She accepted her spot on the list and we will keep our fingers crossed. She is honored to still have a tiny chance of attending, given the mere 14% acceptance rate for in-state students.

In the meantime, she has put a deposit down for Delaware and is also excited about that school.

Her third choice was Case Western Reserve, but despite their public promises of meeting 100% of need, they didn’t come close to doing so, coming in OVER our FAFSA estimated family contribution. (She needed about $10k in need-based aid to make it work.) So, sadly, she wasn’t able to consider going.

Also, can we please use fuller college names? I don’t know what some of those abbreviations are, and some schools have the same initials. :slight_smile: