Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

@vamom4 is your D planning on playing sports along with nursing? My D is considering, and I think it will be a bit much. Thoughts?

@WasIDremin Since you looked at what I assume is the University of Kentucky, would you want to look at Cincinnati less than two hours away?

The University of Cincinnati, where my daughter goes, has very nice facilities and is on the medical school campus where a lot of nursing students end up studying. Xavier, just down the road, is supposedly opening a new nursing complex this fall last I heard. It will house other offices as well.

@LGmomof2 She was offered a sports-disguised-as-merit scholarship to one school but she declined because we donā€™t think itā€™s feasible to do a college sport while studying nursing, plus she wants to participate in other campus activities. She will probably do some low-key club sports just for the exercise instead.

Has anyone been accepted to the Univ of Iowa direct admit nursing program that would be willing to share their stats?

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@readthetealeaves Yes, sheā€™s going to focus on Montclair (and TCNJ if we ever hear from them!). We hadnā€™t looked at Montclair before she appliedā€¦ I suggested she apply as a last minute addition because I thought she needed another school and another state school. When we toured it in February she liked it much more than she expected too. Weā€™ll go back on 4/7 for accepted student day and learn more about the program itself. She has a great attitude about itā€¦ ā€œMom, college is only 4 years of my life and the goal is just to get the BSN; Iā€™ll be happy anywhere I go.ā€

@bearcatfan Thanks. We are located in East TN and the extra 2 hours puts it at the edge of our travel window, but doable. I will look into University of Cincinnati, and I have floated the idea of Xavier but for some reason got no traction.


My daughter
ACT: 31
GPA: 4.0 unweighted/4.6 weighted
HS Rank: 2/307
AP/Honors classes: 12 APs/almost all others Honors/all Aā€™s
NHS Officer, SGA Officer, President of Key Club, Math Team, Mock Trial Team, Captain of Varsity Field Hockey team,National Thespian Society member, over 4,000 volunteer hours, HOBY (Hugh Oā€™Brien Youth Leadership) Alumni Ambassador Team Leader, IEA Equestrian competition riding, school rep to the County School Board, started her own non-profit and provided 60 backpacks (full of school supplies) to two local Title 1 schools, part-time job for 3.5 years.

Accepted (all EA):
University of Pittsburgh (minor scholarship)
Villanova (waiting financial info)
Otterbein (1/2 tuition scholarship & honors)
Scranton (1/2 tuition scholarship)
Rutgerā€™s (still waiting financial info)
York College (scholarship & honors)
Hood College (scholarship & honors)
Alvernia (1/2 tuition scholarship & honors)

Still waiting:
(RD) University of Pennsylvania
Georgetown (was deferred EA)

Case Western Reserve (doesnā€™t want to go there because they donā€™t have an equestrian team)
Northeastern (doesnā€™t really want to go to Bostonā€¦Mom doesnā€™t want her that far either :smile:


She wants to end up with a DNP or maybe go to med school. She is interested in working critical care with a specialty in peds. She wants to work in a city/university hospital. She loves Pittsburgh, number one right now! The Oakland area is really nice and the nursing school is next to one of the 40 hospitals in the UPitt medical network. Villanova is her second choice. However, if she gets into UPenn, she will probably go there.

@tournesole I believe her unweighted gpa is in 3.7 range. She is heavily involved in sports and has some volunteer activities.

@LCO, hands down do Pitt if money isnā€™t a factor.

Are any of your kids or you yourselves have San Diego State Nursing on the short list?
@Normanfeng @readthetealeaves @mooniee2001 @momlikestorun @hidlee @gellokitty @fuzzystar @danielle
@anxiousjunior @solefruit @honeytuts @vshleykim @jh914437

@readthetealeaves Yes! At this point it is between San Diego State and UC Irvine for me, but Iā€™m really lucky of how supportive my family is for me to attend UCI even with its higher cost of attendance. Also, I have stronger connections to help me out over there rather than at SDSU, so I think I will lean towards their program. Still feel so honored to have been offered admission to both! Just wonderingā€¦ why do you ask about SDSU?

Congrats again @honeytuts. You have solid choices. I ask because my kid is considering San Diego State U (didnā€™t apply to UC Irvine) and other programs. We have been researching SDSU and wanted opinions of others on decision-making, the program, dorms, the culture, the area etc.

@readthetealeaves: Have you PMā€™d @Banker1? Daughter is currently at SDSU as a Nursing major.

Yes, Iā€™m happy to help the selection process by answering any questions. Hopefully applicants were able to take advantage of the Explore SDSU day last Sat. That full-day event last year helped my D in her decision. She is just getting started in the program but her experiences so far may be helpful for others.

@Banker1 Do you have any knowledge about the Nursing learning community at SDSU? Seems a great option but I canā€™t find too much information about anyoneā€™s experience with it. How was the first semester for your student in the nursing program? Any advice or tips?

@gocoogan My D chose not to live in the nursing LC so we donā€™t have any personal experience there. She has met several friends in it who enjoy living with other nursing students. And some of those friends are rooming next year together as well. So that could be a great route for you or your student. My D chose to live in Zura, participate in Weber honors classes and play a club sport where she travels on weekends often. She is interested in a travel abroad opportunity this summer thatā€™s not nursing related. So far she is doing a lot more than focusing on a single area. Next year when clinical rotations start that may not be the case.

As far as the prerequisite curriculum at State - the nursing students are all enrolled in larger classes with other non-nursing students. So microbio and anatomy for instance all nursing students are intermixed with other students. The benefit is that the spots in those classes are guaranteed for nursing students. So no issue at all for nursing students registering for a prerequisite class even for freshmen. Chem so far has been the only nursing-specific class. All nursing students attend in a larger hall but then the labs are broken into groups of about 25.

Anatomy as advertised has been tough but the exams are made up of both multiple choice and free response questions (worth the most). She thinks grading has been fair and they also have extra credit problems available. Getting good grades is very doable but she studies a lot more than other non-nursing students.

She said next year the nursing students would be broken into 2 (she thinks) tracks. So probably a lot more nursing-specific smaller classes on the horizon.

@grntea Congratulations on your admission. Do you mind sharing your stats? Thank you!

Congratulations @grntea On UC Irvine Nursing!

@javamama3 @readthetealeaves thank you!! iā€™m very excited :)) i had a 31 act and a 4.7 gpa. along with lots of ecā€™s (such as choir and vp of mental health awareness club) and volunteer work (a year at the red cross)

@jh914437 thank you for replying. is the csu weighted and unweighted gpa for grades 10-12? sorry im a junior and little bit confused on the process. and did your daughter get started on any nursing pre-reqs early while she was in high school like communications, stats. and psych? really trying to target sdsu but i think i heard csus donā€™t consider extra curriculars as much even though i am involving myself in those and afraid my unweighted gpa would hurt me but im aiming for a 4.3-4.5 weighted