Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

@3collegegals April! That is so far away. So will you need to have a 2nd choice back up plan ready to go or will you actually wait and decide April 1st on them all after tryouts and Penn decision? I love her attitude about being happy at any of them. That is a relief for you both!

I got 22k for UP and 25k for SU. Heard that Seattle is more expensive to live in though so it probably balances out. Not sure though, anyone know if the cost of living is a lot more in Seattle than Portland, or is it around the same? Thanks!

DD’s ultimate goal down the road is to 1st work for a while in the ER/ICU of a major hospital, then attain a DNP and take it from there.

Starting to narrow the field down based on UG program and total COA (after scholarship $s)

Accepted (considering):
Drexel - Direct 5 yr BSN w/3 semester Co-Op Hospital residencies
Scranton - Direct 4 yr BSN
Miami U (Oxford) - Direct 4yrs BSN
CWRU - Direct 4yr BSN
Quinnapiac - Direct 4yr BSN with option 5th yr MSN

Waiting to hear (considering):
UConn - Direct 4 yr BSN
PSU - Direct 4 yr UP/Hershey - EA Jan 1st
UDell - - Direct 4 yr BSN - Waitlisted

Big believer in good Karma
 wants to free her spot up so other applicants can get an offer.
Withdrawing from:
JMU - 2 yr Pre Nursing + 2 yr Upper Nursing BSN - accepted
U of SC - 2 yr Pre Nursing + 2 yr Upper Nursing BSNN - accepted
Alalbama - - 2 yr Pre Nursing + 2 yr Upper Nursing BSN - accepted
OSU - 2 yr Pre Nursing + 2 yr Upper Nursing BSN - deferred to RD
UMass Amherst - Direct 4yr - deferred to RD
Fairfield - Direct 4yr BSN - deferred to RD
URI - - 2 yr Pre Nursing + 2 yr Upper Nursing BSN - EA - accepted

State Residency: NJ
ACT: High 20s
SAT: n/a
GPA: Above 3.5 (UW)
Rank: HS does not rank
Gender: Female (white)
Extras (Scjool): many APs & HRs, no SAT IIs. HS Peer Counselor, Varsity Athletics (Soccer , Track).
Extras (non Scjool): past 2 years volunteer work in Hospital ER & Orthopedics unit, and also with town EMS response group. Has a couple of certifications as well.

Wow @GmanCC Great work to your daughter with nine acceptances! I love that she wants to free spots for others, that is so kind. She has a lot of great choices. What kind of merit did she get or are you considering financial aid and outside scholarships? Best of Luck on her remaining three she is waiting to hear on. Please keep us posted

Hi! I am a HS senior applying for nursing
and just wanted to share some of my stats since this forum has been really helpful in applying to schools (college counselors don’t really know much about nursing majors/nursing schools).

31 ACT 4.2 GPA
Attend FL private school

UW Madison (Pre-Nursing, apply sophomore year to major)
Northeastern (4yr direct admit)
Purdue (4yr direct admit)
Penn State (4yr direct admit)
Indiana University (Pre-Nursing, apply freshman/sophomore year to major)

Villanova (4yr direct admit)
UMich (4yr direct admit)
Boston College (4yr direct admit)

UVA (reach), UNC (reach), UConn (safety- visited & pretty much guaranteed admission) , FSU (instate safety), UF (in state but reach for almost everyone who applies lol), NYU (target-ish, but very $$$ for nursing)

None so far

Going to visit some schools during spring break to narrow down my list! But so far leaning towards mainly direct admit programs (I only applied to like 3 that weren’t). UF and FSU are my in state schools that I would attend but they’re not direct admit.

I also really loved Wisconsin but was turned off by the idea of competing with my classsmates for spots in the nursing major. Especially since the over admit sometimes.

Congratulations. You have some wonderful choices.

@floridagirl17 Way to go! You have lots to select from. Please keep us in the loop on the others

@readthetealeaves ty!

DD despite not being in the 30s with her ACT has received $s everywhere except Alabama (not sure why).
The range of Merit scholarships has been from $8k to $32k putting all but CWRU in the $40k to $45k total COA range. CWAU’s COA is unfortunately above $60k hence not a clear top choice
We have already planned 5 school revisits in the next 4 weeks and I plan to see if additional $s are available.
Fin Aid, yes. As a starter the guaranteed student loan, she needs some skin in the game. We will look into perhaps another small to medium parent co-signed loan, again some skin in the game. We do not qualify for need based so that will also exclude work study (for the most part).
Outside scholarships & grants, we have filled out / applied to a fair amount of them, so far nada :frowning: Perhaps I need to get involved more in the process.

HI everyone. My daughter does not have the best stats and may not get into direct entry - we expected that. She has gotten into Towson – nursing intent (2 year pre nursing)-- will need to prove herself and then apply as a sophomore. Still waiting to hear from other schools but do not expect to get into direct entry. Any thoughts or experience with towson and other schools that operate in a similar way with regard to nursing? still waiting to hear from SUNY Plattsburgh, SUNY Buffalo, URI. She is the kind of kid who needs to explore in college - not 100% committed to nursing. could end up as a health sciences or exercise science major and pursue a different path. Has been admitted to 4 schools so far, and none are direct entry nursing.

@minnesotaman123 Are you attending University of Minnesota Twin Cities? Please update us

Hi @bmcmom If your daughter is not 100% nursing I would suggest letting her choose a school based on campus
life, back up majors, and other factors in case she wants to switch once there. That way she will still be happy at college no matter which way it goes

So if you live in N.J. why in the world are you not focusing on tcnj, Ramapo and Stockton direct admit nursing?? All 3 are highly regarded nursing programs whose graduates are in high demand at N.J. and NY hospitals, particularly Ramapo and TCNJ, and are substantially less expensive then all of the schools you’ve applied to. Everything on you list is an extraordinarily expensive private or out of state public Now, tcnj, Ramapo and Stockton are highly competitive and selective for nursing with few slots available. But why would you overlook them?

@njdadjets. We are in NJ as well and my daughter applied to all the schools you mention above, plus a few others. Waiting on TCNJ, Rutgers NB and Ramapo. She was accepted into nursing at Stockton and we put our deposit down 2 weeks ago (they only have 36 spots and there were only two left at that time).

Congratulations. Stockton is great. I would hold out for Ramapo though still. Great campus, beautiful dorms, great price—- most importantly a great program with a high nclex pass rate and the advantage of multiple great hospital clinical partners all within 20 miles of campus—- something that TCNJ and Stockton can’t match. Bottom line, go the instate public route ( but avoid Rutgers because the major is so demanding you don’t want your daughter riding the buses around New Brunswick). You’ll save incredible money, and your kid will be making the same right out of school as graduates from any of the private nursing schools including the ivies. Nursing is one area where going private (unless you have money to burn) makes little sense. If you speak to nurses and doctors who work in NJ or NY you’ll find that TCNJ, Ramapo, Stockton, Rutgers nursing grads are all in demand as much if not more than the private schools. At Ramapo, for instance, students will have clinical at Hackensack Medical center a level one trauma center and magnet hospital in addition to St Joseph’s in Paterson, Valley Hospital, englewood hosp and holy name. That’s a clinical rotation that outside of NYC is hard to match. All the best to you!

Stockton is wonderful if that’s where she ends up. That’s as top notch a nursing degree as going to Villanova or UConn or other private at a bargain cost!

Thanks @njdadjets! Hoping to hear from the rest soon!

I had a question. Can a deposit be made and still put down another deposit after getting a late acceptance at a preferred school. I know you would lose the first deposit but is that acceptable?

@charliesch and @Banker1 Do either of you have the answer for Regretful?

@debbdowner Congrats on her decision to deposit at Stockton and good luck on her upcoming decisions

@njdadjets. If your “why not NJ” was directed this way, the answer is plain and simple: DD wants to spread her wings, live far (but bot to far) from home, interact with students from all over the US and be part of big time college with some classic rah-rah (Greek life, Athletics, etc).
She is laser focused on her Nursing career, demonstrated by the years of volunteer work at Hackensack & Valley hospitals so now that she can, we welcome her desire as a young adult to make her own decisions and to explore and expand her horizons. :slight_smile: