Class Rings

<p>Are class rings a big deal at Alabama? I know that at some colleges they are, and some colleges they are not. I was just curious and thinking ahead.</p>

<p>Not sure about them being a big deal or not but it looks like you need to have at least 60 hours completed to order one and the ring reps were on campus last week :)</p>


<p>[url=&lt;a href=“]The”&gt;]The</a> University Of Alabama | Tuscaloosa, AL](<a href=“]Balfour[/url”></p>

<p>[url=&lt;a href=“]Balfour[/url”&gt;]Balfour[/url</a>] An explanation of the meaning of the different symbols on the ring</p>

<p>Some college rings are so beautiful. I’ve seen Texas A&M and Emory. Gorgeous.</p>

<p>We got the post cards for the rings this year, as son is a rising senior, but classified as a senior. He won’t graduate until next May, so we didn’t order a ring yet.</p>

<p>I must say, the girls rings are absolutely gorgeous!</p>

<p>Son did also get a post card about a ring ceremony, too, but again, ignored, because he won’t graduate for another year.</p>

<p>I’m sure upperclassmen, like mom2ck and momreads, can chime in more about this.</p>

<p>You don’t have to wait till you are a fourth year student or even classified as a senior to buy a ring. You can order one if you have sixty credits or more. Just put the correct graduation year on the ring. Balfour will even change that if necessary.</p>

<p>The very large men’s rings are impressive and expensive, well, they are all expensive in gold. Some students don’t like the full glitz and go for the more subtle styled rings, it is just a personal preference. There are various styles and metals and stones. If you want there is a ring ceremony in April if you order by a certain date, otherwise the ring is mailed to you, Yep, mailed. I don’t know how many students opt to get their ring via the ceremony. I know students who just order and skip the ceremony. Again it depends on when you want to start wearing your ring.</p>

<p>If you can order from a rep when they are on campus, you can set up a payment plan.</p>

<p>We got a postcard about the rings this year, too. I asked DD about it, but she thinks it’s too early to think about. I was excited to look at them, but I doubt she will want one. She inherited my short, stubby fingers, and rings seem to draw attention to our one and only flaw.</p>

<p>Thanks. Some colleges have rather bog traditions around their class rings, others do not. I was just wondering where Alabama fell in the class ring tradition category!</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>My son has gotten postcards the past couple of years but has not ordered a ring for one reason. The expense. It will cost more than $500 for a ring, and truthfully, I’m not sure he wants to spend that kind of money. He could shop around and get one through another company. The gentleman who sold him his high school ring still remembers him – I just got my younger son’s ring from this particular company. Perhaps my son may order through him.</p>

<p>We asked S if he wanted a school ring but, being practical, he said he couldn’t justify the expense since he didn’t think he would wear it much. He doesn’t like wearing jewelry, except for a watch. H and I wanted to order one as his keepsake, but if it will only sit in a drawer, it’s too much money just sitting around. He may yet change his mind.</p>

<p>every kid at texas a&m wants one. that is a fact.</p>

<p>idk about alabama, but my student doesn’t want one. it may be a bigger deal if you are from or want to continue to live in alabama.</p>

<p>I bought a class ring, as did many of my friends who could afford the price of a ring. Alabama has a very traditional ring culture, but rings are nowhere near as popular as they are at Texas A&M.</p>

<p>I bought my ring in August before prices increased for the first time in a couple years. My ring was $605 before tax and shipping, but is now $925 due to the higher gold prices. For $5 extra, one can have a second line of inscription, which most students use to engrave ROLL TIDE inside their rings. I see now that UA/Balfour is offering a silver ring due to the high cost of gold. Personally, I chose 14 karat yellow gold (the 14K is as strong as the 10K; the 18K is softer) and preferred the traditional finish over the antique finish, though the 10K yellow gold rings, with either finish, seem to be the most popular.</p>

<p>If you can afford the cost and your student likes the ring, it’s a great graduation present that can be worn before graduation, albeit with the degree and graduation year facing inward rather than outward. I didn’t wear jewellery before I received my ring and don’t wear my ring on a daily basis, but enjoy wearing it for special occasions.</p>

<p>Did you get the large or medium sized one, Sea Tide?</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>What year do kids get their rings? I know there is a minimum credit requirement. Does this include AP credits? Just trying to plan ahead.</p>

<p>Any credits over sixty and your student can order a ring. Some students like to get it to wear their entire junior and senior years, others wait till they start their fourth year and still others go sans ring. It is purely a personal choice. Will the ring be worn, can the student afford the ring? It is up to your student and you (if you are footing the bill).</p>

<p>Men’s rings come in large or extra large. I was told that I could wear either one (I’m 6’1" and have a larger body type,) but I chose the large one and like that it’s not huge on me. While I was originally going to purchase a class ring in time for the ring ceremony at the end of my junior year, I was unsure of which ring I wanted and so I waited until the start of my senior year and ordered just before the price increase. My ring ended up arriving 2-4 weeks early, which was just in time for Family Weekend.</p>

<p>One consideration is if people in your family wear a lot of jewellery, particularly rings. Mine do and my parents had promised to buy me a ring since my junior year of high school. Class rings aren’t very common at schools in the Pacific Northwest, but they are popular among those of military backgrounds and those who went to school in other regions of the US.</p>

<p>It is something to be wearing ones class ring and notice adults of all ages wearing their UA class rings. I’ve seen people wearing UA class rings with graduation dates from every decade starting with the 1950s.</p>

<p>Seatide, will you or did you any type of ring ceremony?</p>

<p>My son has a large HS ring, and I think it is almost too large in him. I am wondering if he will want an Alabama ring. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Sorry for the mistype.</p>

<p>Seatide, did you or will you attend any type of ring ceremony?</p>

<p>I didn’t attend a ring ceremony as there is only one per year.</p>

<p>Seatide, can you not attend the one in the spring, since it will be held before you graduate?</p>

<p>I thought we got a notice that there is one to be held in the coming months or weeks.</p>

<p>Having gone to Catholic schools, our ring ceremonies were always held in conjunction with a Mass. A very big deal, and a very special day for all of us. The boys usually take a large group picture and small group pictures of special friends. These are cherished memories, as the boys go off to different colleges, or in this case, new careers around the country. It’s a smaller gathering than graduation, usually held at the school, and not so rushed, where the families and faculty have time to celebrate together.</p>

<p>I could probably attend the ring ceremony this year, but as all my friends who wanted rings already have their rings, I doubt I will attend this year’s ring ceremony. This year’s ring ceremony is likely scheduled for April.</p>