Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

Accepted with terms - not into first or secon d major, must pick other

SAT 1410 ACT 28
4.7 weighted 3.7 unweighted
7 APs
Great ECs, part time job and 150+ volunteering hours
Palmetto Fellows
Major: first nursing, second health science admin

Could be worse.

My son got off the waitlist in 2020. I remember he found out the day before his 18th birthday in April and it was the best gift ever.




In for Summer Start, which even though he isn’t 100 percent sold on, I think will be best.
1510 SAT
4.35 weighted
Legacy (parents and sibling)

When do we think the acceptance rate for this years class will release now that RD has come out?

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wow what major?

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are decisions in waves? Still no decision on portal. :unamused:


My older son is currently a sophomore and did summer start. He was so upset to get summer start… but it ended up being such a great experience. He is now in a fraternity and all of his summer friends split into other frats, but they all still keep a tight bond and are very close. They see each other all the time and it’s great. His summer buddies are usually the first I get the update on when we chat. Summer start was a huge blessing and a great way to ease into college life. I know it doesn’t always seem like that on day 1… but for my kid, we’d choose it all over again, every time!!


Son accepted
Instate 1410 sat 3.78 unweighted gpa 4.6 weighted.

Accepted OOS
Test Optional
3 yr Varsity Athlete, Travelball, Piano Player

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Yes, I have heard nothing but positives about the summer start program. I have a current sophomore who knows lots of kids that did it and had the best experience. Thank you for sharing about your son!

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Waitlisted, OOS, 4.0 gpa, 10 APs - rest all honors, 33 ACT


UW: 3.8; W: 4.3
ACT: 31
Major: nursing
200 hours volunteering at hospital in Nursing dept
Leadership roles at school
She will not go on waitlist because she’s gotten into another few schools she preferred

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Daughter got accepted! She is super happy!
OOS, Florida
4.27 w GPA
Full IB program, 1 AP, 1 DE, 2 GSCE, 6 Honors
Principal Honor Roll, Honor Roll, Varsity Volleyball Award, Varsity Volleyball/Soccer, FBLA president, 3 Marketing Internships, 9 Honor Societies, 245 community service hours. Lived in different countries/speaks multiple languages.
Major: Econ
Congratulations to everyone!


This is a joke. So sorry.


My son got Summer start as well after being deferred EA. 1420, 4.33, Eagle Scout and lots of other EC’s, Dad, two Aunts are graduates and Grandfather was professor there for almost two decades. Not for him. Heading to UF in the Fall. I agree with you thought. I don’t think the Summer start is a bad thing!


4.4 weighted
33 ACT
All AP’s, IB, Honors
NHS, National Merit Scholar Commendation, AP Scholar, AP Capstone Advisory, 107 Volunteer hours
Leadership in 6 clubs, President of 1
FBLA district champion 3 years running, state finalist last year as well as National competitor last year
Part time job for 2 years, executive internship
Accepted to Florida and appointed to West Point.

As Ed Bassmaster would say… “Psh”

Congrats to all that got in and best of luck to those on the waitlist.


Any word on when scholarships come out? Son was accepted EA with a scholarship but no amount given.

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Wow! That’s nuts! My son was denied at UF with a 4.0 weighted and unweighted, 35 ACT, Editor In Chief of the Yearbook, VP Communications of the Band, National Merit commended, Young Men Service League for 4 years with over 100 volunteer hours, high school character award, etc. He’s still at school working on a yearbook deadline so I don’t know what’s going on with Clemson. After reading some of these posts I’m not reassured!