Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

Last years thread showed they came out around March 23rd. So I’m guessing around then maybe.

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Son just texted. He got in!


Waitlisted? That’s unbelievable. This whole admissions thing is just full-blown Kafka-esque absurdity at this point.


Summer start option. Can someone tell me why they offer summer start? Is it they think you are a couple classes behind? What makes them think that is a good option versus accepted or declined?


Both of my OOS sons were offered Summer Start last year. My DH called admissions. Supposedly it’s just random but it seemed that a lot of the kids who got it were OOS. One son went to a different school but the other choose Clemson/Summer Start. He was originally not happy about it but ended up having a great summer and met a lot of people. He started the fall semester with 6 credit hours under his belt, a lay of the land and good friends.

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Totally agree. My son was waitlisted but we are OOS and he had a bumpy ride over the years. But I’m reading all of these stats post about WL kids and I want you to know- your kids are amazing! I think this process is off the rails.


Its a crazy, crazy cycle for these kids for sure. I guess with the common app and increased apps, its just way too many kids for too few spots. I don’t envy the admission folks.


Waitlisted with those stats? that is shocking. Will be interesting to see what the CDS reveals for this year. My guess is Clemson is protecting their yield but what do I know. Good luck to you.


Thanks. Disappointed for him as Clemson was in his top 3 and he has worked hard but he will be fine. Best of luck to you and yours as well.


Totally agree. Son is waiting on all his hard core reach schools. I just hope he can take what is inevitably coming his way.

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It’s just a way to spread out the freshman class. Nothing to do with being behind or anything like that.


Do you know if the summer start cost per credit hour is the same as the full year? I am trying to figure out how much is extra cost vs paying early for 6-8 credits

Same here! We are wondering.

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Ask this on the 2026 thread. Lots of people on there have kids that did summer start and they can probably help you a lot!

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Well, denied…but it is what it is and we will trust the process. Congrats to all and always a Tiger at heart. He spent the last two summers in Clemson Summer Scholar and fell in love. UGH, this was a tough one to read. blessings to all!

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Waitlisted - Health Sciences
Weighted GPA 4.20, unweighted 3.9
9 IB classes, 1 DE, 5 Honors
Lots of EC’s, leadership, honor societies, varsity sports 4 years, founded a club

Congrats to those who got in and hugs to those waitlisted and declined admission .

accepted to 2nd choice major - general engineering (CS was first)
1530 SAT
3.8 GPA (4.5 jr and sr year)
stem-heavy rigorous classes

This is from their website:

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does anyone have an idea of what the overall acceptance rate was? and I mean pure acceptance to first major, no catch. seems like people with crazy high stats for clemson are all getting waitlisted or second major.

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Daughter waitlisted :weary:. OOS 3.75 gpa, test optional. It was a reach, so not shocked, but still disappointed. She wants to accept a place on the waitlist, but I’m pushing her to “love the school that loves her back.” Admitted to UofSC, attended admitted student day already, and loves it.