Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

I agree. What a pain to log into IRoar…

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Hope there is an error. In state. 1390 SAT, 4.71 weighted, 3.8 unweighted… $0

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While public universities tend to have higher acceptance rates for in state students, merit offers tend to go to OOS students to bring costs down closer to their in state options. Merit is a bribe, my sophomore applied to 20 colleges in 2021, the only one that didn’t offer a dime was our instate flagship, since she would’ve been paying in state tuition (even with merit from Clemson tuition is still $10,000+ more a year than if she had stayed in state).


Are you all able to log in? Or no because of the duo-factor to the kids phones for security?

I had her log in.

Calling financial aid office, it sounds like merit for in state only go to Palmetto Fellows (which she missed by 3 people by class rank and 10 points on the SAT).

No where had I heard that in state merit from Clemson was limited to Palmetto Fellows, so that is a huge surprise.

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That’s tough, did her acceptance letter say she would get merit?

That’s hard to believe. Rank doesn’t not make sense . She has a great SAT score. Hard to believe.

My son is not at Clemson, but he applied last year. We are OOS. He was class valedictorian with a very high SAT. They gave him a rather pathetic OOS merit award…Nothing to even remotely entice him. :confused: He went elsewhere. :woman_shrugging:t2:

No, her acceptance letter didn’t mention merit aid.

Class rank is how the state determines Palmetto Fellow. Have to be in the top 6% of the class OR have a 1400 SAT. (She scored 1380 and 1390)

It is a tough pill to swallow, but looks like it is pay up or choose other schools that use a different system. She has a few really great offers on the table from other schools, but Clemson has been her #1 choice.

If it’s any consolation, my son is Palmetto Fellow and got $1500 additional merit. I realize every little bit helps but she didn’t really miss out on a high merit award.

Doesn’t she qualify for the Life scholarship then? Also, is there still a Late Palmetto which is based on class rank at end of senior year or SAT taken in June?

That said, my son who is a current Clemson senior only received an extra $1500 / year for being a Palmetto Fellow and $1500 / year for being salutatorian of his high school class. And no additional for having a 4.0 at Clemson.

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Yes, Life, but that is from the state (thus it is good at many schools and OOS often match it).

Hoping she qualifies for late Palmetto Fellow. Clemson said they couldn’t guarantee school scholarships then as they will have been dispersed.

I’m not sure where that chart of SAT and scholarship amounts came from, but it was terribly wrong.


We are Oos state and according to daughter — zero
I will need to check when she gets home but argghhh
Very disappointing as this was the school she was excited about


The above scholarship chart was for OOS academic recruiting scholarship levels (circa 2020), not in state.


Z E R O $
I don’t understand 4.3 gpa

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Test score? Unweighted gpa? (Because I think that’s what it’s based on)

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Uw 3.9 no test

Did others find the merit aid info tonight? We don’t see anything in IROAR.

NJ- 1510 SAT
$22,000 total
11k per semester


That sounds like a lot. My son got $11,000 per YEAR and he’s got a 4.0 unweighted and a 35 ACT.