Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

Summer, but it says decision ready tomorrow

Portal has:
No withdraw application option anymore
No change major option anymore

Still has Update button for the personal information, and still has "Starting at Clemson in Fall 2023"which has been there all along. Applied for Fall and checked yes box for summer option.


Looks like my kids except he didn’t check summer option.

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Did you check summer start as an option or was there a way to apply directly to summer start?

my daughter checked yes for summer start by applied for fall 2023. her portal still says “starting in fall 2023.”

I applied for Fall 2023 but checked the option to start in the summer if needed. My portal says, starting in Fall 2023. No withdrawal or change major option is showing. I can still update contact info. Not sure what all this means
 we will know tomorrow :crossed_fingers:t2:

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I don’t know if my daughter checked summer start. Can you see on the portal?

I think there was an option to apply for Summer and also a box to check to be considered for summer. I really wanted my son to check the box but he didn’t.

If you checked to be considered for summer does it show on portal?

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I’m not sure. I think the options were: Fall Start (check box for summer option) or Summer Start.

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We clicked for Summer only. It shows on my portal Summer session if the option.

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my daughter doesn’t have the withdraw button anymore but isn’t this the first year of EA? That may be why.

Many schools make their withdrawal button disappear for all applicants before decisions come out just for recordkeeping purposes. I wouldn’t read anything in to that going missing.


Is this the first time that Clemson is using early action? Saw somewhere that the school might defer a substantial number of EA applicants to RD given the considerable jump in applications at this time. Curious if anyone else saw that?

Considering they’re not giving out summer start and bridge EA, which they did in the last priority, makes me think they’re deferring a lot this year.

Yes, my daughter’s college advisor said to expect many deferrals in the EA round. She expects most EA admits to be in-state high stat kids (we are OOS). We’ll see!

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It’s tough to tell. My DD last year OOS test optional, nursing found out before Thanksgiving.

I believe they’re extending more acceptances to this type of cohort vs waiting until Feb.

net, net, deferrals will likely just happen earlier which isn’t a bad thing vs getting deferral in Feb and waiting until April/may to get a final answer.

This year 70% of CU apps were test optional. Another plug for the common data set and using that info to submit when you’re comfortably in the top 1/3 of scores (assuming other stats are good).

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Clemson’s charter is to the students of SC first so they will always get priority. However it’s not to the extent of UNC-CH which must have 80% instate kids.

On a lesser note For housing, application date absolutely matters unless you want to live in those communities. We found a lot of kids prefer the high rises and other dorms. Your application date establishes your selection priority for those.

We used Clemson app and applied at 12:15am once it opened.


Does anyone know if admissions takes into consideration when you applied (not for housing but for acceptance)? We applied at midnight on 8/1

Who knows? Clemson has so many out-of-state kids they probably have a very good handle on the yield for both in-state and out-of-state. Agree admits will be conservative for EA if there was a jump in applications. Although this is the first time they’ve done EA, their rolling admission for high stats kids was basically EA. Clemson admissions are almost entirely stat-based so likely higher stats get in for EA.

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