Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

I too was wondering why they now have a December 1 release date (I believe it was late January or February for my 2021) Do you think it’s to be consistent with other southern schools?


Do you mean 70% were test optional for the EA round or of applicants for this fall freshman class?

Anyone know how many applicants for this EA round?

I believe the new EA improves Clemson’s chances with top students. And it gives the kids more time to make decisions vs the historical bulk release in Feb. That aspect will put them in the ballpark with other southern schools. As we know with 50,000 + apps, you will never be able to reconcile Clemson’s OOS merit with Bama, UT, Aub, etc. It’s just not how they do things.

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On a visit in fall, they said 70% test optional. Assuming what they had received at that point. They concurred it was a good strategy.

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Likely. Schools track where their applicants are going through some clearinghouse. Georgia Tech 2 years ago started to do an early action release for in state students only in early December. They said when they did it they were doing it in part because UGA has done it for years and they compete for the same students. I think schools move up in preference sometimes when you are admitted and can start seeing yourself there and waiting till February seems like forever when you’ve applied everywhere EA.


I will be curious to see how that impacts decisions. My son sent his SAT, which is strong, so hoping it helps.

70 percent of applicants? That’s one of the highest percentages I’ve heard of. Particularly from a school that is so stat focused like Clemson. Did they tell you how many test optional were actually admitted? I know it can vary widely by school -particularly with state schools where the requirement is made by the legislature not by the admissions office…

Makes sense. I can tell you from experience that my 2021 got into usc (South Carolina) and Clemson. Because Clemson took so much longer to hear back, she lost interest. She was able to get excited about South Carolina because she could connect with other students and get her new portal etc…. Not saying she would have chosen Clemson had we heard sooner but I think at that point she kinda forgot about them.

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It did seem high but remember most southern schools went back to SAT for this fall. And yes, historically they are VERY stat driven. So the scores they did receive are high…making TOS a better strategy if in the bottom quartile of their data.

Curious how Clemson will handle TO during the EA cycle. I think Auburn deferred most TO applicants during EA, so wondering if Clemson will take a similar approach.


Do we know what time decisions will be posted today?

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I’m curious also. We read somewhere that Auburn only accepted 7% of test optional applicants last year, so my D decided to take her chances sending her SAT score. It was within the middle 50% for OOS applicants according to their CDS, but barely. She was accepted EA. She applied test optional to Clemson so we’ll see.


My child will hear from Florida, Virginia Tech and Illinois in mid to late February. My prediction is by then his decision will be made!

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My child will also be waiting on FL and UNC-CH(long shot). February and late January notifications. I have a feeling she will have decided before then also. She is excited to begin her search for a roommate and college friends.

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That’s what I thought about my daughter last year. Lots of really compelling admissions early on, but when she finally heard from Florida State late in the game, she was sold. You never know!

Do we think Honors College notices will come out today as well? And merit?

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This year’s Honors College notification will be February 1st.


I heard the same with one of the main reasons being that they had over 30,000 applications come in on October 15th. They just don’t have the staff to review that many applications prior to December 1 so will have no choice but to defer a lot of them.


Yup, mine has a bunch in January and February. She doesn’t seem concerned but I know I am already over it all lol I think part of the panic I’m seeing on some of the groups I am on is housing. People are wanting to commit earlier as they are afraid to not get housing.

Wow! I have been eager to learn how many applied EA. UGA was so transparent with their EA numbers. Are you speculating on the amount of deferrals which will come out today? It appears that in recent years their acceptance rate was close to 50% so I hope that does not drop considerably this year…

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