Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

I wouldn’t expect much movement. 2021-2022: 11 admitted off waitlist; 2019-2020: 6 admitted off waitlist.

Can he do that without having a Clemson email and before committing?

He does need a Clemson email, but he does not have to commit to create his email. My son is committed, but his friend is not and had to create his email prior to finding out his aid.

My son was accepted for the fall 2023, so it’s true.

Finally figured out the iroar but don’t see anything. Can’t really even tell where it would be? :woman_shrugging:t3:

It would have said in his acceptance letter if he would be receiving merit.

In Fall 2020 (admissions 2020/2021 - 798 came off the waitlist, so there is hope for those still waiting. The best advice is for the student to call admissions and follow up with an email stating that if offered a place, a commitment will be made to attend. My son came off the waitlist that year and did exactly that, contacted them several times via phone and email. There is no rank for their waitlist, they are eager to hear from those who want to attend and show a continued interest.


OOS-CA D23 4.0/4.7 TO
Accepted to honors college
Received $6500/year Scholarship and Grant

We are declining acceptance today as she won the lottery for a couple of instate (CA) great options and has a DA to another OOS school (T10 for business) that is on her radar now with university and college honor acceptances.

Good luck to all and hope our declining helps someone on the waitlist.

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The 2020 year was the Covid year which was an outlier for most schools where they took hundreds off waitlist because so many kids deferred or just didn’t accept. I’d look to other years for a more representative example of kids coming off the waitlist.


so the fact that his high school doesn’t do class ranking killed his chance for merit scholarship? that seems odd-

No, it doesn’t hurt their chances for scholarship. Our HS doesn’t rank and both Clemson and our GC said they have a way of ranking you by using other applications, past and present, to Clemson from your HS by using your GPA. That’s how it was explained to me. My son got a merit scholarship and we are OOS.

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We are OOS, my daughter got a merit scholarship, no official class ranking (she found out she was 10th), according to Naviance she is the 12th person from our high school who applied to Clemson, and the first one attending.

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Portal says OOS spots filled for summer and fall start…does this mean no hope for waitlist if OOS?

Where does it say that on the portal?

Can’t find it again because automatically logs her in now but DD swears it said that

Maybe it said the application is closed? Meaning you can’t still apply. it does say the application for spring summer and Fall 2024 will open on 8/1/23


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I honestly don’t understand how Clemson attracts as many students from Georgia as it does. Georgia has tremendous scholarships for students who stay in-state (covers full tuition), and Clemson offers very little in terms of aid to OOS students. It’s mind blowing to me that a Georgia resident would pick Clemson over UGA or GT when looking at the financial piece. My DD got nearly $20K in merit aid from Clemson last year (highest auto merit, a named scholarship, NMF, and Lyceum Scholars), but Clemson was still $25K-$20K higher than our GA flagships.

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Legacy, tradition and fit play a huge role for all of the GA students/families we know.


Yep, I imagine that Clemson isn’t drawing as heavily from GA and FL as one might expect since they’re contiguous, highly populated states because they have favorable tuition for strong, in-state students. Anecdotally, last year the rather wealthy Bolles School in Tallahassee sent one to Clemson and four to USC (merit?) and none to Georgia.

Clemson University Interactive Factbook | Clemson University, South Carolina

From 2013 to 2022, total OOS students grew by 3527. Of that, 1723 more in business and 852 more in Beh, SS and Health.

From 2013 to 2022, total SC students grew by 2108. Of that, 773 more in business and 467 more in Beh, SS and Health. OOS business students now outnumber SC residents by 2955 to 2645. Ten years ago, SC residents outnumbered OOS students by 640 (i.e., 1872 to 1232).

White OOS students grew by 2322. In many universities, white students are declining. White grew 3300 out of total growth of 5630 in those ten years (59% of total) so white in total is likely declining. Hispanic and Asian are also growing quite a bit. Asian is off a low base and far more are in-state.

This said, Clemson seems to be a particularly strong draw for academically minded upper middle class kids that want a Southern education.