Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

They take two classes and stay on campus. If OOS it’s around $12k and $6k for in state.

Yes - just hard to tell what classes are offered and what social aspects are for kids on campus, like if activities are set up, rec center open for use, etc…if anyone has any information on it or past experience we’d greatly appreciate all info! Thanks in advance!

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The classes are Gen Ed not major. There is a Facebook group for summer start that might help you out.

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I’m sure that you’ll get more info from people with more current knowledge, but in general campus doesn’t shut down over the summer. There are camps (sports and academic) in the dorms and, while many students are gone for the summer, there are others living in dorms and attending classes. Some of the facilities may have shorter summer hours or limited weekend hours, but there are dining halls and rec facilities that are open.

Years ago, I spent 2 summers on campus working at camps - it gave me a free place to live and a meal plan while I took a class or worked in one of the research labs while the kids were in their classes. I just checked the website, and although the schedule and names of programs has changed, there are still science and sports programs scattered through the summer. There are also people doing orientation. I have no idea if they still do it, but AP test graders used to come and stay for a week at a time to process tests. Even though it wasn’t full of students, I always loved being on campus during the summer.

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I am looking to see if anyone knows about AP credits transferring into the business school? Do they all have to be 3 or above? Or is just taking the AP class satisfactory. I have heard conflicting opinions so am hoping some of you veteran Clemson parents can offer advice??

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Definitely need scores, I believe just 4/5 transfer. Oops, looks like they do take 3’s.

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Clemson is generous with 3’s and above. This page link below lists the scores needed and the courses they count as.

Some scores will knock out gen ed classes or pre-recs, and others just give you credit for a course you may not need for anything, but can help down the road to have more credits.

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My D18 went in with 36-38 AP credits and was able to graduate in 3 years. She was a BS Econ major and had 5’s in AP Micro and Macro so she did not have to take the first level Micro or Micro classes her freshman year.


Is the grant need based or does it have a need component? Perhaps that is the difference.

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Any further action from the waitlist? Really tough here in Virginia and the Clemson campus feel was so good the OOS tuition full price might be the right choice for DD. NHS and EMT certification and 4.2 GPA but lord knows what they are looking at.

This is my take on the Georgia schools as well. Getting into GA Tech or UGA is like winning the lottery these days, especially for in-state students. Our DD was accepted early decision to UGA (in-state) and offered a spot in the Clemson Bridge program which surprised us (3.9UW/4.6W, 30ACT, NHS, 2x State Champ Soccer etc). My wife’s side of the family has had multiple generations of Clemson grads, but we went to Vandy and have only a slightly nostalgic connection to the school. If Clemson had offered in-state and matched UGA’s merit-based aid, it might have been a top three school for consideration, but offering admission to Tri-County Tech with no financial incentive seems almost absurd for any student of this caliber. I understand the interest from some of the surrounding states (including GA), but given all of Clemson’s tangibles compared to other state schools (ranking, endowment, endowed chairs, research dollars etc.) it surprises me that there are so many highly qualified kids pounding at the door of this institution.

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I just noticed my students portal only has the original deferral letter from December. The waitlist letter from March isn’t there. The top of the portal does still have the “thanks for joining the waitlist…”. Anyone else? I have no idea how long it has been missing.

Clemson is becoming quite a popular school for CA kids becuase of how hard it is for them to get into UC and some state schools. My DS will be an entering Freshman in the fall. 4.2 GPA, varsity athlete, 31 ACT… , He wanted a school with big-time football, mild climate, not too big (and not too small) with a good business program in a college town. Clemson fit the bill perfectly. I imagine the popularity will continue to increase until CA finds a better way to accomodate their own.


It seems to be very popular with students from the northeast, our publics are relatively high with very few incentives for top students (Clemson gave my daughter $10,000 a year in 2021, in state Rutgers $0, she was 10th in her class of over 300, only B was freshman year).

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Similar here: Clemson is popular among those who don’t get into UVa or W&Mary. Occasionally some pick it over those places, but that is not the most common reason for the choice. UGA is also popular for the same reason: the top flagships are difficult to get into, so out-of-state even though it costs a lot more is seen as advantageous to a “lesser” in-state school, even though empirically it doesnt appear to offer any obvious advantages over an in-state school.

Same here and glad my son left CA for a more welcoming experience at Clemson. UC going test blind will continue to make it more unfairly competitive for most in state kids.


Hi!!! Anyone with any advice on Explore your IMPACT at Clemson? It is being offered, and my son is an incoming freshman, and he is looking to find out any details/ time commitment. Thank you!

My daughter is OOS as is planning to apply to direct nursing this year. -she has 4.0 unweighted GPA, 1500 SAT, will have a total of 15 AP classes. I wanted to know what type of extra curricular activities do your do? I feel our daughters have similar stats, but not sure what her chances are. I wanted see what you think stood out in her application.

Anyone who moved their kid into Clemson last year have any advice? I hear it is a nightmare!!! Looking for anything you wish you had know ahead of move in day!!! Thanks

When my daughter moved into Douthit 2 years ago it was very smooth, picked up keys, parked right there, moved it, no issues. She’d had the 9 am slot (I pushed for 8 and was overruled). By noon she was done with us.