<p>Post your stats and chance people here.</p>
<p>My stats:</p>
<p>CA community college student
Fall 2010 transfer, will have junior standing</p>
<p>3.55 college GPA, all classes transferable to UCs
Applied Math major (4.0 in math and science classes)
Upward trend (2.8 first semester)
Will have pre-reqs, IGETC, and 80 semester units complete.</p>
<p>ECs: 4 years of church group, including chaplain training, leadership, and organizing a 55-person conference w/ people from 3 states; 4 months of paid tutoring, 6 months of volunteer tutoring; bookkeeping for a small biotech company, 1 year of cross-country, 1 semester of INTERACT club, 1 semester of sustainability club, hopefully an internship with a small political consulting firm next semester</p>
<p>Essays: Decent, I'm not that great a writer but I have a good writing center at my school to check them.</p>
<p>Applying to: Berkeley, LA, SD, Davis</p>
<p>bump, this is the Official 2010 “Chance Me!” Thread.</p>
<p>Transferring from SD to Cal.</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 (Physics major)
A+'s in all physics classes (rank 1 actually), A+'s in all but one math class.
EC’s: None really, aside from a few clubs.
Essays: Let’s say they’ll be average.</p>
<p>to LogicWarrior, you’ll probably get in to Cal and LA, 3.55 is already solid. Math has one of the higher acceptance rates. Cal and LA really only care about how well you’re prepared for your major, so your 4.0 in math and science will get you pretty far. You have a lot of EC’s, but since they’re not related to your major (except maybe tutoring), they don’t add too much to your application. You can count on getting into SD and Davis.</p>
<p>I’m not sure I’ll go to SD, too close to home.</p>
<p>whoshuu, you’re probably in as a 4.0 physics major even with few ECs. My transfer counselor says that Berkeley cares about ECs a lot more than LA though.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.54
From SFSU to UCD UCI UCSD UCSB USC UPenn MIT UM Ann Arbor NYU UNC Chapel Hill U texas U Virginia USC Cornell
EC: None
Essay: 8/10
Major: Business Admin or Economics
First Generation Student
Worried that all my units wont transfer.</p>
<p>whoshuu, you should be a shuu in. Logicwarrior, you will definitely get into UCSD and Davis. I will venture to say you will definitely get into at least one of the other two.</p>
<p>My Stats</p>
<p>Current School: San Diego Mesa College (CA)
Major: Econ
College GPA: 4.0 (44 units)
IGETC/Major Preps: Both done by Spring
ECs: Active duty military memeber for 5 years, receiving numerous medals and awards, tutor at local library, Coach for SPORTS for exceptional athletes (similar to special olympics), hurricane disaster relief in Florida, environmental clean-ups, and a few others
Essays: Feel I have a strong hook and a solid editor</p>
<p>I will be applying to these schools:</p>
<p>-UPenn (CAS not LPS)
-UC Berkeley
-UC Davis</p>
<p>UChopeful, I’d say in at LA, SD, Davis, and 3 out of the top 5.</p>
<p>Applying: UCLA, UCB, UCD, UCI, UCSD
Major: Biz-Econ, Econ
GPA: 3.81
IGETC/Pre-Reqs: Done & Will finish Calculus 2 by spring
Transfer Programs: TAP(finished last spring)
School: CA community college
Essay: -
Units: 70 by spring
EC’s: Poli sci/econ club, honors society,ABG ,Deans list, volunteering (blood drives, etc) I also volunteer as assistant at pre-school,plus other stuff.
Work: 3 years as a waiter,Summer internship at a mortgage company, Distribution and Design of advertisements for a pre-school,Computer repairer for small company’s/individuals .
Other: First Generation Student, upward grade trend</p>
<p>UChopeful, you’re in at Berkeley as well. That’s a great application. Maybe even one of those Ivies and Northwestern.</p>
<p>Logic: I think you’ll get into one of the top 2.
UC Hopeful: I think you should get into the top 2 as well, dunno about the others though.
Dam Its Johnny: Its tough to say for UCLA and Cal, because Biz Econ and Econ are both difficult to get into. You’re a shoe in for all others IMO.</p>
<p>Here are some of my stats
Current School: UC Irvine
Applying to: UCLA, UC Berkeley</p>
<p>Current Major: Q. Economics
Applying: Statistics
GPA: 3.7</p>
<p>ECs: Math Tutor (K-12)
Internship at a law firm that does a lot of Mergers and Acquisition stuff. Essentially I’m compiling a lot of data (Stats, but not really) for the marketing team, which I think I can spin into a good essay.
Treasurer/Assistant Coach for UCI Hockey.</p>
<p>I’ll have all the pre-reqs completed except for Differential Equations, which I will finish in the Winter Quarter </p>
<p>Kind of sucks that I’ll have the one class absent from my application, but it was either that or having the 2nd multivariable calc class, and both schools seem to emphasize Calc more in their Stats curriculum.</p>
<p>I know UC Berkeley asks for a specific reason as to why you’re transferring (if you go UC-UC), and I think that the fact that UC Irvine doesn’t have a stats major should be a good enough reason. Maybe?</p>
<p>My only concern is I will not complete Calc 2 until spring. I know it says all major preps need to be completed by Spring; however, when I talked to the head of the EEP major at Berkeley, she said that students with the preps already completed would have priority because they have already have a grade for those classes.</p>
<p>^ I would be worried then about UCLA since a lot of people were rejected because they were missing Calc2. I would assume the same about Cal, but you never know. You should be fine though a 4.0 is still a 4.0.</p>
<p>dennisho- You should get into most UC’s, not sure about the privates as I think most of them required SAT scores(not sure).
Logic- You should be fine as math has an high acceptance.
hockeydemon05- You should be in I don’t think Statistics is impacted.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.94
From: UCR
To: UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCD (also Brown, Rice, and maybe Cornell)
EC: Leader of a local band (well-known in the area), calculus tutor
Essay: Not sure yet. My essays in my english classes usually got about a 91% average
Major: Computer Science B.S. (except at Berkeley, where I’m applying for the B.A.)
Pre-reqs: should be all done except Berkeley’s, because they’re way different. However, I’m applying to Berkeley’s “College of Letters and Sciences” so I don’t think the pre-reqs are as important there
Units: About 96 quarter units after next year</p>
<p>Current School: Pasadena City College
UC’s applying to: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCI, UCR</p>
<p>Applying: Business/Economics
GPA: 3.6
Upward Grade Trend and I’m a non-traditional student (1 year gap dedicated to full-time employment and to self finance education)</p>
<p>EC’s After HS: Escrow Assistant, Manager of a Store, AGS Honor Society, Circkle K International, SIFE</p>
<p>Current School: Santa Monica College
Applying to: </p>
<p>Cornell University
Sarah Lawrence
University of Texas-Austin
<p>Current Major: Film Studies
Applying: Film for all schools except USC and UCR, where I will apply as an English major and a Creative Writing major, respectively.
GPA: 4.0 (will have 47 units done by time of application)</p>
Internship directly under a legitimate Hollywood movie producer; I read scripts, provide coverage, research project ideas, cover newspapers and magazines, and pitch new material. This probably provided me with the most experience in my field and allowed me to decide on my major. </p>
<p>I also have several other non-school related EC’s, such as: All-Conference three-sport athlete in high school, Scholars Program, Coach/player on a men’s basketball league, founded an annual school toy drive, and volunteering at the hospital, among others.</p>
<p>MartinSMC: I’d say you’re in at all of the UC’s, as for the other schools I’m not sure but with stats like those I think you’ll do just fine :D</p>
<p>I wish I had stats like you guys.</p>
<p>Current School: Santa Rosa Junior College
Major: Computer Engineering
GPA: 3.778 (36 units)
IGETC: Completed by Spring
Major Preps: about 60% by spring 
Major GPA(so far): 4.0
Essays: I have 5-6 people lined up to proof them, hopefully they will be good</p>
<p>Applying to:
UCLA (wishful thinking/longshot): Computer Science and Engineering B.S.
UCSD: CSE Computer Engineering B.S.
UCSB: Pre - Computer Engineering B.S.
UCSC: Computer Engineering</p>
<p>UCeric, only having 60% of pre-reqs done puts you in a crappy position for engineering majors. UCLA’s college of engineering says something like “ALL prereqs must be done and we’ll only consider you if you have like 1 missing.” UCSB says something similar (though their website says the average accepted student has at least 75% of pre-reqs done). I’m not sure about UCSD and UCSC though. If you don’t get accepted where you want to go it might be a good idea to wait another year and finish your pre-requisites because then you’ll have a great shot everywhere.</p>
<p>Well the reason I’m hopeful about UCSB (which is really my first choice) is that they admit CE majors as pre-majors. When I visited the school I talked to a counselor and they said I should get in and I would be able to finish up any missing pre-reqs while I’m a pre-major and finishing the pre-req classes they don’t offer at my JC.</p>
<p>UCLA is just a dream haha, but I for sure won’t get in if I don’t apply.</p>
<p>Still nothing is for sure, but worst comes to worst I have to stick around at JC for another year but if I keep my GPA up I should be able to go almost anywhere. Ugh why couldn’t I just be interested in an easy major haha. I’ll have my fingers crossed.</p>
<p>Looking good everyone.</p>