Cornell Regular Decision Fall 2022 Admissions

Saw it in this screenshot. This is from 2021.

I just have Withdraw Application Instructions
Does this mean anything?

That will be fun if release in 4/1 this year

I have the entire checklist…not sure what that means

That’s all my daughter has, too. No address and no update application any more.

My son has the checklist, the upload materials section, and the withdrawal instructions bottom right, no address verification, I don’t remember seeing the address section ever.


Where is the withdraw button supposed to be

Right bottom corner

Do you have the upload materials sections?

Yes, the upload materials and withdraw link are both there. You don’t have those anymore?

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I do, was not what you meant by ’ update application’. All good, thanks.

When will Cornell release RD?

March 31 at 7pm EST.


Where do we see a financial aid checklist?

There’s probably a direct link, but I start at the applicant portal:

  • “Financial Aid Website”, two bullet points above the checklist.
  • “Prospective Students or First-time Aid Applicants”
  • “Monitor Your To-Do List” near the bottom
  • “Access Your Financial Aid Status Page” button

To get to the To Do List.

It will pass credentials/automatically log you in. I suspect you can bookmark/go directly to one of the later steps and login at some point.

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Thank you for the help, I got to the to do list. It didnt have my fafsa or css even listed anywhere on the site though.

How come we don’t have anything about FAFSA or CSS on my kids app? No to do or anything.

There is not. The dots are a result of the browser you are using.

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Are you talking about the regular to do list with recs, mid-year report etc? Ours shows nothing with financial aid or CSS.

click on financial aid website above the application checklist; then prospective students on next page and finally monitor your to do list at the bottom of the page