Dating in College

<p>I won’t be 17 until after my winter break first semester in college. But I’ll still be social and hang with people and whatnot. It won’t be totally weird like that one kid who was like 10 and in college. No girlfriend for him. Only babysitters. lol</p>

<p>@Inconclusive- Lol yeah that’s true. Because I’ll be an “adult” lol so weird to say. And thanks. I’m such a birthday freak. I’ve always loved birthdays. </p>

<p>@Mouse- WOW. That’s crazy. But then again, I know a girl whose a sophomore and she’s 13. It’s crazy. She’s mature though.</p>

<p>I try to be mature. But at the end of the day I’m still a 17 year old guy. So my thoughts always track back to women, violence, video games, and stupid things. lol</p>

<p>HAHAHA that’s funny. That’s okay b/c by age 25, it’ll be on women and video games still haha.</p>

<p>I sure hope not. But probably. Haha. There’ll always be that one special girl on mind…</p>

<p>Awww who? who? I’m so nosy lol.</p>

<p>This girl I just met at a banquet for a scholarship we got. She’s really pretty, nice AND intelligent. I’m still trying to figure out how she doesn’t have a boyfriend.</p>

<p>hmmm … throughout high school, its been tough for me not to get involved in a relationship because i wanted to stay focused in school. but now that it’s just about over, i’m looking forward to stepping up my dating game. my school has some beautiful and intelligent black women, but only a few. now that i’m thinking about it, i’m going to be surrounded by plenty of them in college. i plan on getting into a few serious relationships and hopefully, i’ll find my future wife =D </p>

<p>but at the same time, i want to make sure that my relationships don’t take too much out of me, considering the fact that i’m going to be in college and my whole future depends on what I do within the next four years. i wouldn’t want unneeded stress to prevent me from doing what i came to do.</p>

<p>and then again, i want to have fun! being in a relationship in college seems like bondage or like when your mother tells you to stay still when you’re at an amusement park … can’t enjoy any of the rides. college is a time of experimenting and opening up thoughts in your mind that you never had before. having a girlfriend (or boyfriend) will just limit you in so many ways. </p>

<p>soo apparently, i’m all over the place lol. i’d just go along with whatever floats my boat i guess. walking into college with a specific plan just isn’t going to work (and thats for both academic and social plans)</p>

<p>btw, @mouse: turning 17 during winter break ?! CRAZINESS 1st of all thats amazing ! but yeah, the social life is going to be a drag until your senior year.</p>

<p>Hmm… I don’t know that I have anything to contribute to this thread, but I’m kinda nervous about different things. My girlfriend and I are going to the same college next year (we met after we’d decided upon the school) and I’m interested to see how that will change things, but I’m scared at the same time.</p>

<p>Im not scared about dating in college. Just excited. There are going to be so many different people there from all kinds of backgrounds. I can’t wait.</p>

<p>My bad. Typo. I’m gonna be 18 over winter break. Not as bad, but I’ll still be younger than everyone else. As for dating, I might not want a girlfriend, I just wanna meet alot of new girls, have fun, and then maybe get a girlfriend. But we’ll see what happens.</p>

<p>@Mouse: I dont understand. You are 17? So am I. You were born in 92 so how are you younger. Everyone who graduates this year unless they are skipped or left back was born in 92. My friend skipped a grade, he was born in 91, and is 16. 16 is younger than everyone else not 17. Hmmm I’m confused unless I am mistaken.</p>

<p>I turn 18 over freshman winter break in college too… :mad: Why couldn’t my parents have conceived me a little bit earlier?
Here’s to being unable to vote for the midterm elections! Huzzah!</p>

<p>@HBrown: you can turn 18 over winter break freshman year if you have a late birthday, like the day before the last day of the year. You’re not really that much younger than the rest of your peers, but a good deal of them will be 18 before you.</p>

<p>Well you guys are older than a friend of mine (he’s going to one of the Ivies, but not sure which one yet). He just turned 16 a few months ago.</p>

<p>@HBrown - I was born in late 91 (November) and I’m 18. Are you sure your friend is still 16 if he was born in 91…? Math is always my worse section (610 on the SAT), but is that even possible?</p>

<p>Yup im pretty sure…he is turning 17 in May. Wait no im wrong! I just thought about he was born in 93. But I still dont get Mouse’s case. He’s the same age as everyone in my grade. 17 going on 18.</p>

<p>@HBrown: I just turned 17 in december bro. And I’m a senior. That means when I started this year I was 16 turning 17, rather than 17 turning 18. See it now? Sorry it wasn’t clear earlier.</p>

<p>I’m 18 turning 19…next year lol.</p>

<p>“I just turned 17 in december bro.”</p>

<p>@Mouse: Umm I’m a female. lol</p>

<p>I think I see it. You were born the same year as the kids in your grade but pertaining to the school year you are considered younger. But there are a lot of kids like that. If I knew you, I wouldn’t consider you younger. Just a thought.</p>

<p>^ It’s also possible because lots of people skip grades or go to school a year early (almost anyone can do that last one).</p>