Deferred and Still have hope!

<p>Daughter was Deferred...
Post when your status changes...</p>

<p>I’m interested in seeing the stats of those who were deferred compared to the accepted. I think it would also help other deferred students get a feel for what they should shoot for in beefing up their application:
SAT: 1260/1880
Essay: Above Average (Written about brother with special needs)
Reccomendations: Good, 2 Reccomendations
Ethnicity: White
Extra Curriculars: Fairly Strong, multiple curriculars for a year or less, 2 that are 3+ years</p>

<p>I’m curious to see what others stats are because obviously I wasn’t a guarantee by any means, but a fairly competitive applicant.</p>

Wow don’t know how you got deferred…</p>

<p>Son was deferred</p>

3.6 UW GPA
(lots of honors/AP)
white, instate</p>

1290/1950 SAT
90.5 GPA-mostly honors and AP’s (not sure on 4.0 scale)
Several EC’s
Essay was very good
2 good/decent letters of rec

<p>Son, white, NY
27 ACT
Great essay
Great EC’s - lots of leadership
Very personalized letters of rec</p>

<p>Deferred by all 3 of my top choice schools including Binghamton. Very disappointed and frustrated, did not send in my EA applications in October only to have to wait just as long as everyone else.</p>

<p>SAT: 600 CR, 650 M, 620 W, 1250/1870
ACT: 28
GPA: 3.7(W)
RANK: 30th percentile
Highly ranked high school
Decent extracurriculars
Good Essay
Awesome Letters of Recommendation
NY resident
Caucasian male (Would have probably been accepted if I were a minority)
4 AP U.S.
Currently in AP Lit and Comp, AP Calc, AP Chem</p>

<p>Son Long Island</p>

SAT 1890 (M 610 CR 640 W 640)
ACT 27
GPA 3.4</p>

<p>Should we send additional info. like mid year grades?</p>

<p>Love this thread…Thanks GCmom for starting it :)</p>

<p>ACT: 30
GPA: 95.2
Top ten percent of high school class
Currently in 5 AP classes and have previously completed 3
Good Essay
Two letters of recommendation
NY state resident
Caucasian male</p>

<p>Deferred as well.</p>

<p>Female. White. From New York.</p>

<p>3.5 GPA (90 on 100 point scale)</p>


<p>Didn’t send my ACT scores.</p>

<p>Some honors in my junior year. Taking an AP and a college-accredited class in my senior year. (My school doesn’t offer many APs and honors because it is a small, challenging private school.) Never dropped any major subjects (e.g. math, Spanish, science) upon entering my senior year.</p>

<p>Great essay. One school that accepted me complimented me for it.</p>

<p>Few, but strong ECs. I hold leadership positions on the school paper (as Editor-in-Chief this year and editor last year) and in our Video Club (as Vice President). I’ve been on the paper since sophomore year and on Video Club since freshman year. I’m also in the dramatic acting company (since soph.), National Honor Society, and Spanish Honor Society. I tutor inside of and outside of school. I also have two acceptance-only summer programs under my belt as well.</p>

<p>I had two letters sent out, and while I waived my right to see them, I feel like the letters were very good because I asked a teacher with whom I’ve spent much time (both in the classroom and in extracurriculars) and a teacher from a class I enjoyed but still struggled in.</p>

<p>I applied into Computer Science, so I was doubtful of my acceptance from the moment I sent out my application. Their program is incredibly competitive.</p>

Daughter: White, Long Island
3.8 GPA
1210…SAT…this is the issue…but her math was 680
All honors and AP’s incl…Calc Chem…AP Lit…ect
Good Essay
Good Teacher Recs
Tutors Chemistry
Works: PT and babysits
National Honor Society</p>


<p>Geez! You’re all so qualified! How did all of you get deferred? This application pool must’ve been inhumanly impressive.</p>

<p>Female white New York</p>

<p>SATs 1330/2030
95 average
Great essay
Good recommendations
Good ecs</p>

<p>hhhmmmmmmm sensing a trend…</p>

<p>How did you guys find out you were deferred? I haven’t gotten an email and my status checker doesn’t say anything either…</p>

<p>I checked the Binghamton website. There’s a portal where you can track your application’s status.</p>

<p>Check the status checker:<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Forgot to say top 15% ranked</p>

<p>To the person asking about their status checker not saying anything: look through it I almost missed it. I was expecting it to be big and bold or a letter. It’s just in the second column about half way down the chart. After it says school you applied to and entry term it says decision or admission decision and in the next column it soda deferred to reg decision</p>

<p>There is a trend…compared to here and accepted.</p>

<p>Got deferred from SOM</p>

<p>What school were you applying to?</p>