Do we really have to wait to April 1???

<p>Ugh…DS was accepted today to Univ Illinois - Urbana Champaign. Only have a small window of time to visit one additional school (April is completely booked). ggrrr…hate this!</p>

<p>Will it display my decision in the application summary page? If not, where?</p>

<p>By the way, just because there isn’t a decision up yet for you isn’t a bad thing. I got my decision later than a lot of people (although it was ED and a couple years ago) but I had stats that should have gotten me in pretty easily. I think it’s sort of random what order they notify you in.</p>

<p>Decision is shown on the application summary under application data (3rd line - Decision)</p>

<p>^^^ Thanks. No “3rd line” yet - so I guess no decision yet. :(</p>

<p>My son got his VT acceptance today as well. He applied Regular Decision. Possibly, given the number of applicants, the admissions office admits on a rolling basis.</p>

<p>Based on the info from another thread, those got accepted probably are University Honors eligible. My S was invited to apply to Honors and his acceptance was posted yesterday for the regular admission".</p>

<p>Grcxx3: Did your S qualified for University Honors? If not, keep your fingers crossed. Regular admission is not finished.</p>

<p>Here is a summary:</p>

<p>"Early notification of admissions offers will be mailed February 18 (note: this date was for last year) to those students who are admissible and statistically eligible to apply to University Honors and whose applications were completed and evaluated prior to this date. </p>

<p>If you are not one of the honors-eligible applicants to find out your decision in the early mailing, your application is still under review by the Admissions Committee and you will have your decision by April 1. The early notification offers represent only about 20 percent of total offers of admission that will be made this year."</p>

<p>“Remember: Students who are not honors-eligible, or whose files were not completed until after the honors offers went to committee, are still under consideration for regular decision admission.”</p>

<p>davh01 - I have no idea if DS checked that he was qualified for Univ Honors. Something tells me he just missed it, so probably not. Oh well…back to waiting…</p>

<p>“Based on the info from another thread, those got accepted probably are University Honors eligible.”</p>

<p>That’s what I thought. The students who have been accepted have much higher statistics than those who have not heard their admission decision yet.</p>

<p>Grcxx3- If your son was Honors eligible he would have been invited to apply for honors, you do not choose at VT if you want to be considered for honors.</p>

<p>yeah -just checked. He was invited to other honors colleges, but missed VT’s requirements by just a bit on the SAT.</p>

<p>Grcxx3, I would’t get too hung up on the honors thing…it isn’t like at some other schools where there are tons of perks (fancy dorms, small class sizes, etc.) that accompany the designation. </p>

<p>Several upperclassmen told my guy (and their words have proven to be true) that he wouldn’t have a problem registering for great classes with great profs regardless. The dorm at Hillcrest is great for some, but he didn’t want to be isolated and felt he just wanted to “hang” with everyone else. VT is a pretty challenging school overall academically; you don’t need to be in the honors program to be considered smart. Just my two cents.</p>

<p>Oh - I’m not worried about the honors college! I’m just trying to figure out what we’re going to do at spring break…visit VT…visit Illinois…or go on a cruise!!! ;)</p>


<p>Go on a cruise. Visit Tech later if accepted.</p>

<p>davh01 - trust me - I’m all for the cruise! The problem is DS’s schedule is so convoluted in April that if he doesn’t visit VT at spring break…it’s not happening!!!</p>

<p>Weird. Website still shows no decision, but we just got an email that says “We are looking forward to welcoming you to campus this fall!” Almost sounds like he’s admitted…but not quite.</p>

<p>Did anyone else get this email (with info on scholarships, financial aid, general news)?</p>

<p>never mind…</p>

<p>I just talked to the VA Tech admissions office and they said the wording in the email was poor and another email will be sent out shortly. She said that some admissions decisions were sent out this week, but the majority will be available on the website on the evening of March 26.</p>

<p>That cruise is looking really good…</p>

<p>I posted this on another thread, but maybe someone on this thread might have some info . . . I received my online acceptance and am very interested in Tech, but I worry that it’s too big for me. I think the honors residential program would be perfect, since it’s described as a small college environment within a large university. Assuming I make honors, when would I find out whether I will be able to live in honors housing (i.e. would I find out before the enrollment deadline)?</p>

<p>ok - just got an email that DS was accepted - but still nothing on the website. The email says that an official letter will be sent out soon.</p>

<p>Dang…just as I was getting used to the idea of a cruise…</p>

<p>My son got an email saying he was admitted, but he’s not honor eligible. Sounds like they are doing rolling admissions. I think everyone will know pretty soon.</p>