My son is in his 3rd year at a prestigious state university. He was going to fail all his classes last semester so he withdrew from the university. He failed 2 of 3 classes the semester before that.
We told him we would not pay for classes this semester because it was obvious he is not trying in school. We said he needs to get a job and if he was ready to study seriously in the fall, we would pay for classes again. He is extremely angry with us and refuses to get a job insisting that he should be in school and taking classes. This is completely delusional thinking to me. We told him we won’t help support and pay his rent at school if he doesn’t get a job. I can not believe the entitlement
I don’t know what to do or where to turn. He has been going to a therapist for a year. He was prescribed anti depressants but said they didn’t work. I go to a therapist because I am so sad and frustrated about how he acts. He says we favor his sister over him (I don’t think that is true. We love them both and have paid for everything for both of them until he wanted a car. We said he has to pay for his own car if he wants one. His sister does not have a car and they are at the same university)
I have read self help books, seen a therapist, talked to university counseling resources and Dean of students. He doesn’t seem to want to follow anyone’s advice to improve his situation. Just lashes out at me and blames me for all his problems. I don’t think he does drugs or alcohol and I think he has decent friends. Why is he like this? What can I do? It seems unreal