EA Admission Decisions: Its time

<p>I'm being killed to death by the waiting...</p>

<p>No answer in the admissions office, just a recording. Why on earth would they put a Sunday as the date to hear! Unbelievable...</p>

<p>i got accepted w/ a 3.2 unweighted and 4.1 weighted, 1840 SAT and 31 ACT.
thought my stats were a little on the low side but they mustve saw something good in my essay and ec's as well. congrats to everyone else who got accepted!</p>

<p>and for the scholarships, was there a certain time you had to turn in your fafsa or something? I'm hearing everyone getting scholarships with their acceptance but I got nothing. Is there still a chance I will?</p>

<p>Scholarships are based entirely upon merit (grades, ECs, SATs), and your stats are a little low for them.</p>

<p>Scholarships are based entirely upon merit (grades, ECs, SATs), and your stats are a little low for them.</p>

<p>He's in! My son's packet was mailed out on Wednesday and it still took three days to get to us. We live in Central Florida. I'm guessing a lot of you will hear early this week. Good luck!!</p>

<p>I will go crazy if it is not delivered tomorrow...</p>

<p>Did they not splurge for the first class mail or something Priorityk?</p>

<p>its amazing how there so strict about deadlines for applications but they cant meet their own</p>

<p>I completely agree Steve.</p>

<p>And they should have at least released the pop-ups when they knew that not everyone would get their letter before today...</p>

<p>I just don't get it....so ridiculous....especially after reading the topic named "Pop-ups"...whereas many of the posters on there did get a pop up...what is up with all of this?!</p>

<p>I'm telling you, the admissions people were partying at The Rat and realized on Wednesday that it was almost Feb 1st. So that's the day they started looking at all of the applications...</p>

<p>hooray! congratulations, hrw!</p>

<p>if theres nothin in the mail tomorrow im most def calling up the admissions place and bit***** them out... without telling them who i am of course lol</p>

<p>^ Haha. Tell us how it goes. I'm getting a little irritated too, but I'm trying my best to be patient. I'll give them another two days before I start raising h***. lol!</p>

<p>It is irritating although I am sure they are working very hard to get them out ASAP. Was there a huge rise in applicants? </p>

<p>Oh, and we did pay their salaries with that $55. I'll let nycexsteve point that out to them...hehe.</p>

<p>if there is nothing tomorrow, they get the phone call</p>

<p>I agree. Maybe the deluge of phone calls will show them how we feel.</p>

<p>how bout a compensatory scholarship</p>

<p>D got a big orange and green envelope today, but she is not home and i will not open it without her permission. Will post back later when I know what's in it!</p>