EA Admission Decisions: Its time

<p>thanks, wrestler, for bringing it closer to earth!</p>

<p>Thanks guys!</p>

<p>D got in with University scholarship and Singer invite! She is veryyy excited!</p>

<p>LOL never mind, my acceptance package was actually delivered to my neighbor's house and they just dropped it off!</p>

<p>ACCEPTED- dean's scholarship</p>

<p>1430/1600 and 2160/2400
3.9 gpa
2 varsity sports</p>

<p>Congrats to all those who finally (!) got the news! I'm glad we didn't have that long of a wait in our house.
notan4me will you and your daughter be attending the Singer scholarship weekend?</p>

<p>congrats to all!
i just got in and was wondering if it said on the letter if you received any scholarship?
it doesnt say on mine and im bummin about that.
3.6 uw gpa
1310 SAt
mb not enough for anythin?</p>


<p>I also received the "Zippo Brand Lighters" Endowed Scholarship. (key word: zippo :()</p>

<p>3.42 GPA
1960 (1310) SAT</p>

<p>jason-- did you read all of the letters in the package. I think my son's scholarship was mentioned in a separate letter.</p>

<p>There was a certificate that came with my scholarship, so that's how I knew about it.</p>

<p>Congrats! Maybe one day I'll get my letter in the mail. Maybe next year</p>

<p>Hooray my letter finally came!</p>

<p>no letter again today...they say it was mailed the 28th...hmmm</p>

<p>I think they too are getting seniorits lol</p>

<p>Where do you live DinDune? Mine was mailed on the 29th and arrived here in CT today.</p>

<p>They said that they are still sending them out. I mean, what don't they get about Feb. 1? Honestly, the lady said I would get it by the end of the week.</p>

<p>Maybe like the application deadlines, Feb1 is a postmark date
Mine says Jan 30 and I got it today in NJ</p>

<p>At this rate, I'll get my Florida letter (Feb. 13) before my Miami one. lol</p>

<p>I live about 5 hours from Miami...I spoke to a very rude woman at the Office of Adm. who confirmed that many letters have still not gone out, but mine was mailed on the 28th. I told her that it was obviously lost...it does not take 5 days to get a letter from Miami. She said she could not tell me the decision and that the Feb. 1 date was just an "about Feb.1" not really a firm date...that it is somewhere around Feb. 1 that the letters go out.
She was not going to reveal the "secret" to me...probably ever...perhaps the letter will come tomorrow...perhaps it is on the floor in the post office....or on the bottom of a folded mailbag in the post office...or at a neighbors house who picks up their mail after their 6 month cruise...I'll never find out at this rate. Sigh...</p>

<p>Ah, I'm very sorry DinDune.</p>