EA Admission Decisions: Its time

<p>Nothing today as well...</p>

<p>yeah, I guess we're gonna have to wait until Monday........</p>

<p>Is it monday yet?</p>

<p>GOSH! The wait is killing me! Does anybody else find themselves checking my UM multiple times a day?</p>

<p>Any ideas what time on monday they will release the decisions?</p>

<p>So, after doing some research in past threads, I've compiled some data. According to last year's posters, UM started sending out decisions through the mail on January 22, students first started receiving the pop-up on my UM on January 24, and people first started to receive decision letters on January 26. Well, tomorrow is January 26. Let's just hope that we receive both the pop up and the letter. <em>crosses fingers</em> Good Luck Everybody!</p>

<p>But doesn't it say on the website that decisions will be out early February?</p>

<p>Copied from their website:</p>

February 1</p>



<p>It's MOOOOONNNNNNDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAYYYYY! Never been so happy for a monday! Good luck</p>

<p>Nothing as of 6:57 am EST.</p>

<p>OMG...how do you know schindlr88??</p>

<p>Nothing in the mail here in CT.</p>

<p>nope...nothing in Tampa Florida either</p>

<p>The latest news from Admissions is: the letters start to go out today....you MAY get a pop-up - but only after your letter has gone out.</p>

<p>So it looks like most people will know by the end of the week.</p>

<p>Good Luck Everyone!!!!!!</p>

<p>My CAP counselor said UM e-mailed her saying they already started sending early action decisions but so far I haven't received anything here in Miami</p>

<p>no pop up 4 me</p>

<p>Still no pop-up or letter. Guess I just gotta keep waiting...</p>

<p>Whoever finds that they have a pop-up, please say so ASAP so the rest of us know that they've at least BEGUN to release them online.</p>

<p>Those in Florida will probably receive their package tomorrow and the rest of us starting Wednesday.</p>

<p>Ah..I checked mine today at noon, and it took sooooo long (2 mins+ and i have a fast computer) and I got so excited for a pop up. (It didn't come, btw)</p>

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<p>le sigh...</p>